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Remembrance of a different time line???

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
With my last DMT trip I hade a strange experience.

I remembered events from my past, but they weren't from my past. As I can remember these events and they didn't happen, as I remembered them...Hmm..OK...maybe I have to explain it differently.

I remembered events but knew that it didn't happen like that. Kinda strange.
But the strange thing was, that it wasn't that I imagined them, it really was, that I remembered them. I know sounds strange, but from a personal POV that's a big difference.

Anyone experienced something similar?

Lol still coming down, I asked myself if these were memories from another timeline?

As said before. A few times before after an Ego-Death I was there, where past, present and future were all at once. And one could jump in time as one wished. But overall this "thing" transcended all the time, meaning it changed (a kinda super time).

Therefore probably my thought later on was: Maybe these memories are such, that they were once true and now changed???

LOL...any similar experiences?
I think about this all the time.

In the case of what you are discussing I think I know what you are trying to articulate, correct me if I'm off on this one...

Every time you make a choice you potentially create an alternate time-line in which you made the opposite choice, since we make thousands of choices every day there could potentially be thousands of alternate lines.

At times it feels as though information from an alternate line seeps into your consciousness in your present line.

Believe it or not, this is more physics and mathematics than it is spurituality...

I wonder how often people have these same ideas, but since they never share them, you never know who else is thinking or has thought about this...

Admit it. You aren’t like them. You’re not even close. You may occasionally dress yourself up as one of them, watch the same mindless television shows as they do, maybe even eat the same fast food sometimes. But it seems that the more you try to fit in, the more you feel like an outsider, watching the “normal people” as they go about their automatic existences. For every time you say club passwords like “Have a nice day” and “Weather’s awful today, eh?”, you yearn inside to say forbidden things like “Tell me something that makes you cry” or “What do you think deja vu is for?”. Face it, you even want to talk to that girl in the elevator. But what if that girl in the elevator (and the balding man who walks past your cubicle at work) are thinking the same thing? Who knows what you might learn from taking a chance on conversation with a stranger? Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others

How many of these seemingly strange phenomena are actually common to a good deal of people? And if these phenomena are in fact shared by a large number of people, then why have the taken such a peripheral position in the mass consciousness? science is based on phenomena which are shared, verifiable, and repeatable, who knows how many of these strange phenomena actually fit all three of those prerequisites, but are never discussed...

Every time I come out of a DMT flash I'm generally a stuttering mess when trying to explain what happened or what I learned...

Being monkeys, when we encounter a translinguistic object, a kind of cognitive dissonance is set up in our hindbrain. We try to pour language over it and it sheds it like water off a duck's back. We try again and fail again, and this cognitive dissonance, this "wow" or "flutter" that is building off this object causes wonder, astonishment, and awe at the brink of terror -terence McKenna

Metaphorically, DMT is like an intellectual black hole in that once one knows about it, it is very hard for others to understand what one is talking about. One cannot be heard. The more one is able to articulate what it is, the less others are able to understand. This is why I think people who attain enlightenment, if we may for a moment comap these two, are silent. They are silent because we cannot understand them. Why the phenomenon of tryptamine ecstasy has not been looked at by scientists, thrill seekers, or anyone else, I am not sure, but I recommend it to your attention.

~ Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelics, Mushrooms, the Amazon,
Virtual Reality, UFO’s, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, & the End of History. (1991).

Ok, I'm going off topic now so I'll stop.

I totally agree with eg on this one. I like to think of it in terms of dimensions, which are higher and lower levels of reality.

We live in the four dimensions of space-time. When we ingest a psychedelic, we transcend these dimensions into higher dimensions where phenomena such as parallel universes, alternate timelines, past(and future) lives etc can be experienced.

This is how I like to think of it. It is purely my personal opinion.

How many of these seemingly strange phenomena are actually common to a good deal of people? And if these phenomena are in fact shared by a large number of people, then why have the taken such a peripheral position in the mass consciousness? science is based on phenomena which are shared, verifiable, and repeatable, who knows how many of these strange phenomena actually fit all three of those prerequisites, but are never discussed...

This. I feel that a lot of what is called "woo-woo" in today's society are actually phenomena that science just hasn't gotten to grips yet. It actually frustrates me that the scientific community in general just dismisses these phenomena out of hand. However, there are scientists looking into this stuff with an open mind, so that is encouraging.
JustAnotherHuman said:
...It actually frustrates me that the scientific community in general just dismisses these phenomena out of hand. However, there are scientists looking into this stuff with an open mind, so that is encouraging.
Don't be frustrated is my advice. It would be strange for science to accept everything without ever considering or putting to the test. Part of the science definition is to examine in reproducible circumstances which is problematic in elusive events, we could not for example ask Aum_Shanti to repeat the identical event so docs can make brain or whatever scans. Scientists have their ways and are very hard also toward each other.
Jees said:
JustAnotherHuman said:
...It actually frustrates me that the scientific community in general just dismisses these phenomena out of hand. However, there are scientists looking into this stuff with an open mind, so that is encouraging.
Don't be frustrated is my advice. It would be strange for science to accept everything without ever considering or putting to the test. Part of the science definition is to examine in reproducible circumstances which is problematic in elusive events, we could not for example ask Aum_Shanti to repeat the identical event so docs can make brain or whatever scans. Scientists have their ways and are very hard also toward each other.

Yeah, I think jees, and the below McKenna quote, may explain the scientific view on these phenomena...

I’ve paid very close attention when these experiences were happening to me, and there always seems to be loose ends that argue against whatever hypotheses seems currently most attractive, and though Jacques didn’t mention it today I recall in his book The Invisible College he stressed the absurdity that seems to attend the contact experience. That if the contactee will truly tell the unvarnished truth then there will be elements in the story which will make the contactee look like a moron, in other words, the invalidation of the experience is an inimical part of its structure, almost as though the entities were saying, well you may tell this story if you wish, but if you’ll tell it truthfully you’ll be taken for a fool. Well there’s nothing wrong with being taken for a fool except that it does peal the phenomenon rather nicely away from the very sober ladies and gentleman who are making there careers in some branch of science. They are not interested in investigating the kinky, the anecdotal, the possibly pathological. -terence McKenna

This explains the thing maybe. Take a close look at the fifth and sixth dimension.
With the feeling of the memory being real, check out this article, scale it up beyond a two or three dimensional image and... well, have fun! :)
The many-worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts the objective reality of the universal wavefunction and denies the actuality of wavefunction collapse. Many-worlds implies that all possible alternate histories and futures are real, each representing an actual "world" (or "universe"). In layman's terms, the hypothesis states there is a very large—perhaps infinite[2]—number of universes, and everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes. The theory is also referred to as MWI, the relative state formulation, the Everett interpretation, the theory of the universal wavefunction, many-universes interpretation, or just many-worlds -Wikipedia

Every time you make a choice you potentially create an alternate time-line in which you made the opposite choice, since we make thousands of choices every day, there could potentially be thousands of alternate lines. -eg

The quantum-mechanical "Schrödinger's cat" theorem according to the many-worlds interpretation. In this interpretation, every event is a branch point; the cat is both alive and dead, even before the box is opened, but the "alive" and "dead" cats are in different branches of the universe, both of which are equally real, but which do not interact with each other -wikipedia

In these contexts, parallel universes are also called "alternate universes", "quantum universes", "interpenetrating dimensions", "parallel dimensions", "parallel worlds", "alternate realities", "alternate timelines", and "dimensional planes". -Wikipedia

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