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(REVISED) "DMT Interaction" Questions - 1st Series:

Migrated topic.


"You going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?
Here are 3 questions out of a series of 9 total. If you do not wish to answer these questions, do not like them, they make you angry or you feel that they are irrelevant to DMT then please do not respond to this thread at all. People have previously provided solid answers to these questions so there is no basis in arguing against their merit. If you respond with anything unrelated to directly answering these questions, then you are openly making it harder for the ones who do wish to answer these questions. -- I will not respond to you, your post will be reported and I will ask that your reply be deleted by the DMT Nexus Moderators.

NOTE: There is no hidden agenda, there is no judging your responses and your information is extremely valuable to me. I want to know your answers as truthfully as you can possibly articulate.

Here are three questions:

(1) "Obtaining data unknown by the User" Have any of you brought back data from the DMT universe that can be verified that you didn't know this data prior to using DMT?

Example: This might be in the form of obtaining a prediction of a future event, being provided the location of something in space (or on Earth) that has has never been documented or being provided an answer to a question that someone else has provided you to which you could not possibly know the answer.

(2) "An experience related to your own personality" Do the experiences you have during your DMT experience directly correspond to your personality?

Example: I am a spiritual, yet very analytical artist. I am serious, but also have a great sense of humor. I am messy and disorganized in my home life, yet meticulous in my art and my work. I long to know the truth and worry that we may become nothing after we die. ...So if my DMT experience consists of my pulling structure out of chaos, discovering intricate beauty amidst clutter and mess, funny looking and playful entities and the presence of angelic beings who provide me assurance that there is a God, then this would directly correspond with my own specific personality.

(3) "Challenging an entity or revelation" Have you ever argued or questioned any of the entities you encounter as to the information they are providing you, or do you accept what they present as being the truth?

Example: The DMT world attempts to pull you in one direction but you resist and move in a different direction - a direction that you choose to go. Entities attempt to examine you and you tell them to stop and not to touch you regardless of their intentions. A perceptual truth is seemingly revealed to you, yet you challenge its truthfulness anyway.

Thanks in advance!
So, if we actually gave you any answers you deemed worthy, you won't fly off the handle again?
Or as Jees said:

Jees said:
Thank god you ran out of tears, I hope everyone complies 200% to your standards or you go nuclear again I'm afraid.


It is pretty silly to delete every single one of your responses in your other thread only to start the exact same one somewhere else.

Edit: Looks like the entire original thread is gone now. Poof!
I pulled the last thread after all the OP content was deleted.

I know you asked only for answers to the questions and not for comments and critiques but I have a couple pertinent questions of my own I need to see addressed before I can give my blessing to allow you to use this forum for your data collection effort.

Namely, Why is this data being collected? For what purposes will this data be used? What makes the answers to these, and only these, questions so valuable to you?

Informed consent is an extremely important part of any professional data collection process, and given the highly personal nature of the questions, I do feel there needs to be moar disclosure on the researcher's intentions for this information.
DMT Nexus Members:

I had to message Dreamer042 with my explanation as to why I seek this information and he has verified that my reasons are legitimate. Since the DMT Nexus was down for four days I assumed this was not an April Fools prank as most websites restrict their 04/01 shenanigans to only that one day. With my Nexus membership apparently nullified and the website crashed I could no longer post anything even on my own thread... so I simply gave up!

I went ahead and attempted four DMT experiments with varying degrees of success. I experienced problems with burned crystals and liquefied crystals which seeped way down into my Vapor Genie pipe. I can now see what appear to be tiny snowflakes lining the interior of the pipe. On my last attempt I used slightly over 100mgs to compensate for the loss of material. This produced by far the best results, but not what people have often described as a breakthrough, so I'm sure that it probably wasn't. That's the beauty of GAINING INPUT from others prior to experimenting with any drug!

I will formulate my experience in an appropriate DMT review after this post. In the mean time, here is how I would answer my own questions based on my own experiences:

BirdmanDMT said:
(1) "Obtaining data unknown by the User"
Example: This might be in the form of obtaining a prediction of a future event, being provided the location of something in space (or on Earth) that has has never been documented or being provided an answer to a question that someone else has provided you to which you could not possibly know the answer.
...No. Nothing at all. This is the same answer as the other four answers I received to this question. There was no verifiable piece of unknown information that I gleaned from my DMT experience. So this is 5 out of 5 answers that do not provide any empirical evidence of anything deemed as "previously unknown" being pulled from a DMT experience. Anyone who feels that they are communicating with living beings in their DMT experience should probably take this into consideration.

BirdmanDMT said:
(2) "An experience related to your own personality" Do the experiences you have during your DMT experience directly correspond to your personality?
Example: I am a spiritual, yet very analytical artist. I am serious, but also have a great sense of humor. I am messy and disorganized in my home life, yet meticulous in my art and my work. I long to know the truth and worry that we may become nothing after we die. ...So if my DMT experience consists of my pulling structure out of chaos, discovering intricate beauty amidst clutter and mess, funny looking and playful entities and the presence of angelic beings who provide me assurance that there is a God, then this would directly correspond with my own specific personality.
...Although I must say it was an utterly amazing experience, I did notice a great deal of my own personality being exposed in the process (more like amplified). I consider it valid when people state that DMT is seemingly indescribable, but even so I was still able to categorize certain personality traits within my experience.

I have always held a deep longing for love, understanding and to know what lies on the other side of mortal life (if anything at all). I noticed an exponentially large amplification of these desires and an equally higher susceptibility to thinking I was "receiving answers."

As an artist, I was overwhelmed by the imagery, colors and layers of motion all of which seemingly formed from what appeared to be chaos. Random fields of colors and shapes intersected with millions of prismatic "laser beam" type colors which assembled themselves into unified patterns. These then formed even more complex structures which then descended back into chaos. This was surprisingly similar to what I outlined in my "example personality" that I added within my (2) question.

BirdmanDMT said:
(3) "Challenging an entity or revelation" Have you ever argued or questioned any of the entities you encounter as to the information they are providing you, or do you accept what they present as being the truth?
Example: The DMT world attempts to pull you in one direction but you resist and move in a different direction - a direction that you choose to go. Entities attempt to examine you and you tell them to stop and not to touch you regardless of their intentions. A perceptual truth is seemingly revealed to you, yet you challenge its truthfulness anyway.
...Yes! I absolutely did challenge what was presented to me within my experience! After getting over the initial shock of being bombarded with unimaginable amounts of data I began to settle into the experience. Although I was completely out of my "normal self" mindset I could still feel myself juxtaposing what I was experiencing with past experiences I have had with other psychotropic compounds.

Each time I reached a point of being overwhelmed I remember mentally inquiring, "Is there more?" Often times I would move to a different area (like a "room" ) where different emotions and visuals were present and think to myself, "I am not satisfied." I always maintained a mental condition throughout my best experience that I was able to handle more than what was being offered to me. I was tantamount to Rocky Balboa taunting Apollo Creed with his hand gesture as to say, "C'mon man, bring it! ...Is that all you've got?"

At one point I voiced a complaint to the DMT world and asked to hear from anyone or anything that can answer. After becoming frustrated and quasi-depressed at the deafening silence I finally heard a voice which seemingly came from way back behind my left shoulder (like a father guiding his son). Many have reported this similar "over the shoulder" effect and now I understand exactly what they mean by this. Again, this is exactly why you should always ask questions FIRST!

I will elaborate more on what the voice said to me in my DMT review. What is important within the scope of this answer is that I challenged this voice and reached a conclusion that the voice was not of an external origin. It's a little complicated how I was able to determined this and I don't want to make this post too long of a read, so I'll hold that for my DMT review.

My previous thread received 1800 views before it was destroyed via angry Nexus member trolling. Out of those 1800 views I only received four answers total. I hope now that others will answer these three questions without fear (and without the trolling). You can now rest assured that I am not some secret NSA covert drug spy, a heartless internet troll or wish to rudely trample all over your personal DMT experience.

I don't think anyone was thinking that you are a "secret NSA covert drug spy, a heartless internet troll or wish to rudely trample all over your personal DMT experience." I think the reason why people didn't answer is because it is an exercise in futility. I count myself among this group. You will keep on going back to the same questions, endlessly beating around the bush, never getting any real answer to any question, and dancing with frustration and insanity. A dangerous duo. It is what it is.

These questions you're asking, it's not like other people haven't asked this question before. The more one goes to that realm, the more questions it leaves one with. At a certain point, you realise that there's no point in trying to explain it. Just accept the teachings, and move on with life.

The entities don't give you hard facts. Sure, i've had moments when entities have told me something, and i felt like i've never heard it before. But upon thinking about it while sober, i realised what they said is so vague and generic, that the thoughts they imparted upon me already existed within my mind. Being told things like "Love is literally everything", or something along those lines. While in that psychedelic mindstate, it is easy to accept anything and everything as gospel. There have been many MANY experiences where i reverted to a child-state, complete with maturity levels and thinking patterns. It truly feels like being an ignorant, naive child. And then DMT hits you with pretty simple pearls of wisdom, which have a much greater effect than hearing those exact same words in the normal adult state. Everything is fascinating, amazing and wonderful as a child.

Have they ever told me the 972nd Bernoulli number? No. Have they ever told me the value of pi to 375 decimal places? No. Have they ever given me a frighteningly accurate prediction, one which no amount of guesswork or random chance could formulate? No. DMT doesn't give you hard facts. It uses the knowledge one already possesses, and stretches it further. Hence why Dennis McKenna experienced photosynthesis on his aya trip, he knew what photosynthesis was already. Even if one doesn't know photosynthesis, they may still feel that sensation, but not be able to ascribe words to that feeling.

Is DMT affected by your personality? Of course. It's common sense. DMT causes neurons to fire crazily, aspects of the self are still present. Except in moments of total breakthrough, where it actually feels like you've completely and utterly broken through to a different reality, and start to question which reality is more real. You lose all sense of self, as you become enraptured by the crystalline beauty of a place far removed from words or conventional imagination.

Your third question is dependent on multiple factors. How much the person trusts these entities, how trusting a person is in general, how much useful information/wisdom they impart, etc. Also, not all entities are benevolent or pass wisdom/information. Many of them are tricksters! Poking fun at you, pulling faces, pulling pranks etc. Accepting anything and everything they say is foolish. They provide food for rumination, that's all.

And to reiterate what was said before: SMOALK MOAR! Shatter all notions of trying to explain the experience, and be a watchful observer. You may learn more that way.
BirdmanDMT said:
...That's the beauty of GAINING INPUT from others prior to experimenting with any drug!...
Sorry to hear you wasted so much spice, all you had to do was read it, GVG is a classic here, it needs a little learning/knowing curve.

I am not going to answer your questions here again once more, what are you actually thinking? I did that before, I putted a piece of my soul in that thread and you killed it own handed, thank you very much, you took that thread down and out where many people came to a great length explaining very important aspects around your inquiry.

Psilosopher? said:
I think the reason why people didn't answer is because it is an exercise in futility. I count myself among this group.
...That's obviously not true based on my own experiences and how others have already responded. Did you not read them? I clearly stated at the beginning of my thread to not offer any commentary to my questions. If you wished to answer them, then please do so and if you don't then just pass them by. It was that simple. They may seem "futile" to you, so if they are, then why even bother adding your comments? Why didn't you simply move onto the next thread that actually interests you instead of clusttering up my thread with your opinions?

Psilosopher? said:
You will keep on going back to the same questions, endlessly beating around the bush, never getting any real answer to any question, and dancing with frustration and insanity. A dangerous duo. It is what it is.
...I'm actually understanding a hell of a lot more now (after 4 responses and my own experiences) so again what you state is not true at all! You have no say whatsoever on whether I will be "dancing with frustration" and suffering any insanity at all. That is just your own bias opinion and an opinion that shouldn't even be posted in this thread.

The only "dancing with frustration" I'm suffering so far is trying to get people to stop criticizing my questions and cluttering up my thread with their "opinions."

Psilosopher? said:
These questions you're asking, it's not like other people haven't asked this question before. The more one goes to that realm, the more questions it leaves one with. At a certain point, you realise that there's no point in trying to explain it. Just accept the teachings, and move on with life.
...Again that's all just flat out BS. I can already scratch a few things off my list regarding DMT and others who have PM'd me have done the same. I don't need a "life coach" in this regard and I'll research it as long as I deem it suitable to do so. All I asked for was answers to three basic DMT questions (along with no "commentary posts" ). ...So why did you even reply?

Psilosopher? said:
The entities don't give you hard facts. Sure, i've had moments when entities have told me something, and i felt like i've never heard it before. But upon thinking about it while sober, i realised what they said is so vague and generic, that the thoughts they imparted upon me already existed within my mind. Being told things like "Love is literally everything", or something along those lines. While in that psychedelic mindstate, it is easy to accept anything and everything as gospel. There have been many MANY experiences where i reverted to a child-state, complete with maturity levels and thinking patterns. It truly feels like being an ignorant, naive child. And then DMT hits you with pretty simple pearls of wisdom, which have a much greater effect than hearing those exact same words in the normal adult state. Everything is fascinating, amazing and wonderful as a child.
...Now that's a very interesting take on DMT! I like your "ambiguous meanings" perspective! You could have easily used this in answering my Question (2). All you had to do was associate what you just wrote with your own personality and see if there was a correlation. If there is, there is. If there isn't, then there isn't. It's not that hard! But instead you have used this "DMT summation" to show that my question is irrelevant (which really makes no logical sense at all).

And what about all of the people who claim that living sentient entities are conveying "new information" to them and they keep doing DMT to hear more of their entitie's "wisdom?" They end up desiring this so much that the "DMT world" becomes their new reality? I have made no claims, but aren't you technically contradicting what they claim to be true?

"The entities don't give you hard facts."
"what they said is so vague and generic."
"the thoughts they imparted upon me already existed within my mind."

Why do you feel you get to "boldly claim" what the DMT experience actually represents whereas I can't even ask basic simple questions about DMT which make no claims at all within the questions? Why shouldn't others be able to answer in their own way? Maybe they don't feel the same way as you do at all?

Psilosopher? said:
Have they ever told me the 972nd Bernoulli number? No. Have they ever told me the value of pi to 375 decimal places? No. Have they ever given me a frighteningly accurate prediction, one which no amount of guesswork or random chance could formulate? No. DMT doesn't give you hard facts. It uses the knowledge one already possesses, and stretches it further. Hence why Dennis McKenna experienced photosynthesis on his aya trip, he knew what photosynthesis was already. Even if one doesn't know photosynthesis, they may still feel that sensation, but not be able to ascribe words to that feeling.
...Then you could have easily answered my Question (1) as five other people already have done. Instead you use a "direct answer to the question" as a reason for not answering the question - which again makes no sense at all.

Psilosopher? said:
Is DMT affected by your personality? Of course. It's common sense. DMT causes neurons to fire crazily, aspects of the self are still present. Except in moments of total breakthrough, where it actually feels like you've completely and utterly broken through to a different reality, and start to question which reality is more real. You lose all sense of self, as you become enraptured by the crystalline beauty of a place far removed from words or conventional imagination.
...Are you now speaking for everyone who has used DMT? Are you the official spokesperson for what DMT actually is? Are the ones who believe that DMT operates "beyond one's own consciousness" and represents a "parallel universe" or "new dimension" now considered totally wrong? Are the ones who consider DMT tantamount to opening a door to the afterlife also "totally wrong" because it's really just a manifestation of one's own personality - and Psilosopher has just issued this incontrovertible decree?

Psilosopher? said:
Your third question is dependent on multiple factors. How much the person trusts these entities, how trusting a person is in general, how much useful information/wisdom they impart, etc. Also, not all entities are benevolent or pass wisdom/information. Many of them are tricksters! Poking fun at you, pulling faces, pulling pranks etc. Accepting anything and everything they say is foolish. They provide food for rumination, that's all.
...Based on your previous paragraph, are they "living entities" pulling pranks and poking fun at you, or is this merely part of your personality psychologically anthropomorphized into easily recognizable beings because you've ingested a drug called DMT? How is it on one hand you claim they are just manifestations of your own personality and on the other hand consider them independently-thinking beings that have an agenda - and one must exercise caution when dealing with such?

Psilosopher? said:
And to reiterate what was said before: SMOALK MOAR! Shatter all notions of trying to explain the experience, and be a watchful observer. You may learn more that way.
...You maintain conflicting premises throughout your entire post. One of your premises is that I'll never find the information I seek within my questions about the effects of using the drug and your other premise is that I should "SMOALK MOAR!" to discover more information about the effects of using the drug. The only problem is that if I find information about the drug from my experiences with taking the drug, then this information can be used to answer my questions (as I just did earlier), right? And if I can, then so can others, correct? And if I consider my questions when using the drug and find the information I'm looking for based on my questions, then once again, ...so can many others!

Based on this, LOGIC states that one should ask these questions prior to taking the drug and likewise one should be able to answer them after taking the drug.

Having these questions made available prior to taking DMT is a good thing!

NOTE: What you have actually done is unilaterally decided for me how I should discover my own information about DMT... and that's not your call to make, my friend! These "questions" are how I choose to do my own research and I have every right to do so. I asked that you NOT make a post like you just did, and yet you made one anyway. You totally refused to honor my request and forcibly injected your "opinion" about my series of questions when no opinions were wanted or needed.

I expect this thread will devolve in the same manner as before... because people really don't want to discover the truth ... especially if the truth is something they might not want it to be.


P.S. I'd appreciate it if you would delete your post. I will likewise delete my follow-up and then people can offer their own "answers" as this without all of the clutter which is how I designed the thread to be.
BirdmanDMT said:
Since the DMT Nexus was down for four days I assumed this was not an April Fools prank as most websites restrict their 04/01 shenanigans to only that one day. With my Nexus membership apparently nullified and the website crashed I could no longer post anything even on my own thread... so I simply gave up!
FYI: a well smoalked dose of dmt can last an eternity or more, while you're in. Patience and emotional endurance can make the difference between a "WOW wtf whas that?!?" level experience and a really bad time.

Sorry if I come off as an amateur psychologist, but perhaps you need to consider if you possibly have some slight control issues. It could be so nice for you to work through these before changing the temporal with the eternal - both in the temporal and in the eternal sense.

BTW, I've seen many posts here discussing smoalking methods focussing only on the mechanics, ie. the device side. Sometimes I jump into these discussions, to make a point about the importance of the dynamics, ie. the smoalking technique. I hope that some of these older posts may be helpful to you.

As always, practice makes perfect. Paradoxically, patience can speed up the learning process.
Jees said:
BirdmanDMT said:
...That's the beauty of GAINING INPUT from others prior to experimenting with any drug!...
Sorry to hear you wasted so much spice, all you had to do was read it, GVG is a classic here, it needs a little learning/knowing curve.

I am not going to answer your questions here again once more, what are you actually thinking? I did that before, I putted a piece of my soul in that thread and you killed it own handed, thank you very much, you took that thread down and out where many people came to a great length explaining very important aspects around your inquiry.


...I already have your answers stored in a text file. I didn't kill the thread. Everyone else did! I can't respond to people's answers when there are five or six unnecessary "commentary posts" cluttering up everything in-between. I don't blame you for not-riposting it because I can tell right now that several DMT Nexus members are hell bent on repeating the same situation on this thread.

Don't get mad at me! Get mad at the ones who tainted your heartfelt responses in my thread. You gave me what I was looking for and they made it as difficult as possible for everyone else to read (or even find) what you wrote.

pitubo said:
Sorry if I come off as an amateur psychologist, but perhaps you need to consider if you possibly have some slight control issues. It could be so nice for you to work through these before changing the temporal with the eternal - both in the temporal and in the eternal sense.
...One man's "Control Issues" is another man's "Maintaining Objectivity." I wonder how many members of the "Heaven's Gate" religious group might still be alive today had they not been so "accepting" of whatever information they were being presented? In addition, if the "DMT world" doesn't function properly for those who enter it with questions, then how can one ever consider this realm to be in any way "valid?"

Also, I am aware of the "smoking technique" threads and I have also researched GVG videos and sites showing how to do this successfully. I improved upon subsequent attempts. BTW: You can read how to do something, but this does not guarantee success when you finally have to do it.

pitubo said:
As always, practice makes perfect. Paradoxically, patience can speed up the learning process.
...Apparently not when one starts asking questions!

BirdmanDMT said:
so I simply gave up!
Yes! So the extension of the April Fools fun was a blessing in disguise for you as it forced you actually find out for yourself. I am immensely pleased that you finally picked up the pipe.

As far as burning the material and having it leak through the screen, there are tons of threads exploring how to correctly use the device and material to avoid exactly these kind of incidents. This is what the community was trying to get at all along, maybe it will come across moar clearly now.

Perhaps asking questions like, how do I properly load a gvg? How do I heat the stone to get the perfect vaporization temperature? What tips can you give me to get the most out of my experience? would have been moar relevant and pertinent than can you bring back a verifiable fact? or does it reflect your personality?

To go back to the metaphor I used previously. Wouldn't you have been a moar successful driver if you had learned to check the oil and air pressure and use the clutch, rather than asking the driving instructors if the color of their car reflects their personality?

If I may be so brazen as to further pollute your thread with answers to questions you didn't ask, I'll attempt to give you not what you want, but what you need:

You can prevent the material melting through the screen by first laying down a thin bed of herbs to absorb it, or by first melting it into a liquid pad.

When heating the stone the idea is not to cook the stone, it's to just draw the heat off the flame into the stone the way you would seek to melt good hash on the top of a bowl of cannabis. Hold the flame like an inch above the stone and draw heated air through the stone and over the material, this is the concept of convection vaporization.

When you begin to see vapor, draw it in as slowly as possible. Hold your hit(s) in as long as you can. Be in a comfortable place where you can lay down as the effects overtake you.

When approaching the experience, set your expectations aside, don't worry about getting anywhere like that mythical breakthrough goal. Forget your personal agendas (and questions) and accept what you are given with humility and gratitude. You may just learn things you didn't even know you were looking for.

There now, wasn't that a whole lot moar practical than knowing if someone who isn't you has ever challenged a communication they've received in a dream? ;)

Looking forward to reading your experience report and seeing your ongoing progress as you further engage with this magnificent molecule of mystery.

Edit: I forgot to provide the reason why the data was being used.

In the interest of informed consent, the data is being used by Birdman mostly for his own gratification in a personal truth finding mission. However, he is writing a book on his truth finding method, and while none of the member's content will be reproduced in the book, it will informing a chapter on spirituality.

Only share your answers if you are comfortable with your information being used for this purpose.
dreamer042 said:
BirdmanDMT said:
so I simply gave up!
Yes! So the extension of the April Fools fun was a blessing in disguise for you as it forced you actually find out for yourself. I am immensely pleased that you finally picked up the pipe.
...Yes! One should always count on deception to be used by those who seek specific action out of the skeptical. That is the basic, fundamental rule of a what we call a "belessing", right? I'm sure many of the prisoners held in Auschwitz thought they were merely taking a shower as well.

dreamer042 said:
As far as burning the material and having it leak through the screen, there are tons of threads exploring how to correctly use the device and material to avoid exactly these kind of incidents. This is what the community was trying to get at all along, maybe it will come across moar clearly now.
...The community never "volunteered" anything about how I should use a GVG or take in DMT. I had to go search for it all on my own. Had I specifically asked how to do so, I'm sure someone would have chimed in. However, that information was already available - so there was no need. You "assume" that I have not researched your links and I really don't know why you would ever think that? Reading a TEK link certainly does not guarantee one's success.

I have researched enough DMT Nexus threads to conclude that several others have also had no success at all with a GVG and prefer to use other tools (as do I right now). Are they just as "uneducated" as I - or is a GVG just a little too awkward for certain people? I tried the porcelain filter. liquid pads and also tried using the six screens method in another attempt to no avail. Others have failed in a similar fashion. Do you want links to their posts? ...Do you want pictures of these peripheral items as proof?

And I am absolutely NOT going to make a "sandwich" out of DMT with tobacco, ash or some other psychogenic compound as this would be so blatantly unscientific it's ridiculous! I'm not here to get "high" my friend!

dreamer042 said:
Perhaps asking questions like, how do I properly load a gvg? How do I heat the stone to get the perfect vaporization temperature? What tips can you give me to get the most out of my experience? would have been moar relevant and pertinent than can you bring back a verifiable fact? or does it reflect your personality?
...Do you not see the hypocrisy in your statement? On one hand you claim "questions are good!' and on the other hand, "Don't ask questions!" Tell me, Dreame042, why are questions that clarify how a GVG functions considered relevant - but inquiring as to how the DMT functions that's loaded into that very same pipe is somehow considered irrelevant?

dreamer042 said:
You can prevent the material melting through the screen by first laying down a thin bed of herbs to absorb it, or by first melting it into a liquid pad.
...I have already been all over the VG website. I don't want anything other than my DMT to be used and the pads didn'twork. I'm sorry, but that's the way I roll. There are better "tools" out there that allow for the way I wish to experiment and I've already taken action in this regard.

dreamer042 said:
There now, wasn't that a whole lot moar practical than knowing if someone who isn't you has ever challenged a communication they've received in a dream? ;)
...That is a false dichotomy, Dreamer. Both can be "equally practical" and you know it!

dreamer042 said:
Looking forward to reading your experience report and seeing your ongoing progress as you further engage with this magnificent molecule of mystery. Edit: I forgot to provide the reason why the data was being used. In the interest of informed consent, the data is being used by Birdman mostly for his own gratification in a personal truth finding mission. However, he is writing a book on his truth finding method, and while none of the member's content will be reproduced in the book, it will informing a chapter on spirituality. Only share your answers if you are comfortable with your information being used for this purpose.
...That is absolutely correct! A chapter in my book is designated exclusively to DMT - which is a sub-chapter of an even larger discussion over the existence of God. Nobody's personal information is ever used and I generalize what people have stated already. I do not need to "quote you" or use your Nexus name as this is not my goal at all.

I'm looking for "patterns" as patterns that form serve as one particular basis for how my logical process works.

This is all part of the logical process my book uses for discovering "truth." All answers provided here help me in perfecting my process, shedding light as to the true nature of DMT and also the existence of God. Whether you believe this is even possible or not is of no consequence. If you don't believe so, then don't bother wit my questions. However, if you want your experience to be a part of the "quest for truth" then by all means offer your answers!

-I have been given information that seemed to be unknown to me at the time. I have had predictive dreams, as well as predictive 'visions' during DMT experiences.
However, i cannot completely guarantee that the information provided wasn't already communicated to me before, subcounsciously. It was mostly information about other people, so i could have picked up signals on a subcounscious level that was being communicated through body language, subtext, pheromones, etc.
-The second question is hard for me to answer. The experiences i have had always did have an 'alien' sort of dimension, but at the same time felt very familiar as well. They probably had to do with parts of myself that i am normally not that much aware of, but that are not completely unknown to me still.
-I have always questioned my own experiences. It just felt risky to me, not to.
BirdmanDMT said:
...One man's "Control Issues" is another man's "Maintaining Objectivity."
I don't see how one can reasonably confuse these two entirely different concepts. Nor do I see the relevance of your reference to that cult. Nobody here is forcing anything upon you.

Your mention of Auschwitz is completely irrelevant and tasteless. Are you sure that you want people to take you seriously? IMHO the grotesque invocation of disproportionately revolting hyperboles is not the way to go about when you want to be taken seriously here.

BirdmanDMT said:
In addition, if the "DMT world" doesn't function properly for those who enter it with questions, then how can one ever consider this realm to be in any way "valid?"
What do you mean with "proper functioning of the DMT world"? AFAICS there is no objective "DMT world". And even if it were, what is there to say about its "proper functioning?" What would be the "proper functioning" of the "normal" world? Are you sure that the terms and concepts that you use are actually valid in any objective sense?

BirdmanDMT said:
pitubo said:
As always, practice makes perfect. Paradoxically, patience can speed up the learning process.
...Apparently not when one starts asking questions!
Why not? One does not need to become impatient when the answers do not match one's expectations.

Question everything. Question the questions. Question your own authority.
pitubo said:
I don't see how one can reasonably confuse these two entirely different concepts. Nor do I see the relevance of your reference to that cult. Nobody here is forcing anything upon you.
...Who said they were confusing? I certainly didn't? In fact, I pointed out how they are similar depending on one's perspective. How could you think that was "confusing?" But hey, that doesn't matter to you anyway, does it? You just want to "win!" There's nothing I can possibly post that you will ever agree with anyway because you have a personal agenda. It's clear as day! And if you can't understand the relevance in my Heaven's gate cult analogy, then I can't help ya, bud.

pitubo said:
Your mention of Auschwitz is completely irrelevant and tasteless. Are you sure that you want people to take you seriously? IMHO the grotesque invocation of disproportionately revolting hyperboles is not the way to go about when you want to be taken seriously here.
...Taken seriously? ...Me? Nobody has taken "me" or this thread seriously at all (not even Dreamer042 - a DMT Nexus "Moderator!" ) There has been only one mission by most of you regarding my "three questions" and that has been to "convince me that I am wrong" for even asking them. If YOU took "ME" seriously, you would not have posted your first comment as the disclaimer in my original post specifically ASKED you not to do so!

I don't care at all if you think my Auschwitz reference is "disproportionately revolting." Not one bit! I don't need a "hyperbole nanny" either. The TRUTH is that I shouldn't have to be responding to ANY of your opinionated comments or anyone else's - because you shouldn't be posting them anyway. I didn't ask for any "smoking advice" from you or Dreamer042 either. All you had to do was "move right along" to the next thread as I asked... but you didn't do that, did ya pitubo? Nope! You're just going to do whatever the hell you want, aren't you?

pitubo said:
What do you mean with "proper functioning of the DMT world"? AFAICS there is no objective "DMT world". And even if it were, what is there to say about its "proper functioning?" What would be the "proper functioning" of the "normal" world? Are you sure that the terms and concepts that you use are actually valid in any objective sense?
...You don't understand because you are only focused on "winning!" You want to WIN!! What I stated makes perfect sense if you actually took the time to explore its context. I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you. Go back and do your own research or maybe someone else can explain it to you in a PM?

BirdmanDMT said:
pitubo said:
As always, practice makes perfect. Paradoxically, patience can speed up the learning process.
...Apparently not when one starts asking questions!
Why not? One does not need to become impatient when the answers do not match one's expectations. [/quote]
...You are totally lost. You have no idea what I am referring to. This is what happens when people pile onto a thread and seek to destroy it. You all did it before and now you're doing it again! You can't help it! It's in all of your blood! I even told Dreamer042 that you all would do it again. However I was very surprised to see Dreamer042 contributing to this downward spiral after all we've discussed in our private messages.

pitubo said:
Question everything. Question the questions. Question your own authority.
...Sure! Just don't do it here. And whatever you do, don't ask questions about DMT in the "DMT Discussion" forum.

dreamer042 said:
Your mention of Auschwitz is completely irrelevant and tasteless.
^ That

You clearly come here only to argue, not to learn. I really wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but at this point I'm done feeding the troll.

...Dreamer, go back and read this at the beginning of my post:

BirdmanDMT said:
Here are 3 questions out of a series of 9 total. If you do not wish to answer these questions, do not like them, they make you angry or you feel that they are irrelevant to DMT then please do not respond to this thread at all. People have previously provided solid answers to these questions so there is no basis in arguing against their merit. If you respond with anything unrelated to directly answering these questions, then you are openly making it harder for the ones who do wish to answer these questions. -- I will not respond to you, your post will be reported and I will ask that your reply be deleted by the DMT Nexus Moderators.

You even AGREED with me! We discussed this in our PM's, so why did you actively participate in EXACTLY what I've sought all along to avoid? I'm not here to "argue" and you KNOW that! I tried to AVOID these arguments! So why did you inject your "smoking technique" comments when you knew this is not what my thread was about and make matters even worse?

And now you have the audacity to label me as a troll?


P.S. What you should have done was delete any post that wasn't an answer to the questions. THAT would have been "appropriate" after all of the hoops you made me jump though. It's not too late. You should remove every unrelated comment except for Dragonrider's.
So, i provided answers to your questions in my own idiosyncratic way, and you choose to reject them? I didn't really understand the point of the questions, but i tried to answer them anyway. You asked questions of a very personal nature, so i responded with my personal views. And you call me wrong? I didn't say your questions are wrong, i am merely asking "what's the point?"

And to my answers, you respond thus.

BirdmanDMT said:
NOTE: What you have actually done is unilaterally decided for me how I should discover my own information about DMT... and that's not your call to make, my friend! These "questions" are how I choose to do my own research and I have every right to do so. I asked that you NOT make a post like you just did, and yet you made one anyway. You totally refused to honor my request and forcibly injected your "opinion" about my series of questions when no opinions were wanted or needed.

I expect this thread will devolve in the same manner as before... because people really don't want to discover the truth ... especially if the truth is something they might not want it to be.

All i am seeing from you is someone who has their fingers in their ears, and going "la la la la la la". "People don't want to discover the truth"? And what makes you think your line of questioning will get there? I have no problem with you asking questions about DMT on a DMT forum. But to expect people to conform to your way is highly presumptuous. People have offered criticisms, constructive or otherwise, and you've chosen to blatantly dismiss them, instead of engaging them. Perhaps, just perhaps, you would've won a lot of people over by engaging in dialogue. Instead of demanding answers, and not talking to people about why you want answers. "The truth". What does that even mean?
BirdmanDMT said:
...You don't understand because you are only focused on "winning!" You want to WIN!! What I stated makes perfect sense if you actually took the time to explore its context. I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you. Go back and do your own research or maybe someone else can explain it to you in a PM?
Oh I see, you are so right. You are always right. I could not possibly have pointed out or even questioned any assumptions that you made. How could I. Me and my paranoid mind. All that is left for me now is to meekly admit my total and devastating defeat to your superior and grandiose ego.

The sudden realization that all of my rantings to you and others in this and related threads were nothing but projections of my own paranoid mind leaves me in a state of emotional dispair. I guess I'll leave now, weeping and sobbing. Snif. Boohoooohooohooo. Snif.

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