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Root bark identification

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi all this is my first post here... I've been reading the Nexus for a while it recently decided to jump in. My first question is how do you know what you're getting as far as root bark goes is actually what it supposed to be ? It's easy for someone to label something and give it to you as mhrb or whatever you're trying to buy but really it could be anything ? Due to current laws not like there's a lot of oversight seems like website pop-up here and there for a little while and then disappear. Let's just say for example you bought something online you thought was mhrb and you did a basic A/B extraction how would the average person know if the product that got was what they were looking for ? If some unscrupulous supplier gave you some random ground-up bark is it possible that what you're extracting could be harmful ? Is there anything that looks similar to spice that could be extracted from different kinds of bark that you wouldn't want or are the types of extractions listed here specifically targeting certain types of alkaloids meaning that if you have the wrong bark you wouldn't get anything for my pull ?
I doubt you will be able to indentify tryptamine in the bark powder with this. It is rather meant to identify it in (almost) pure powder. There is only about 1-3% of dmt in the bark. I never tried it though.

How to know whether the bark is MHRB? If you know how it is supposed to look and smell, you will know it when it comes. But you never know how good it is until you proceed with extraction.

If it is for the first time, use verified source.
Hypothetically speaking if you didn't go with a verified source for your first time and you assumed you got mhrb and went ahead with extraction and got product what are the chances it could be something other then what you were expecting ? Will other types of plants give you crystals that are not dmt if you do an extraction on them ?
Some one I know did this and when they tried the spice it gave them a weird feeling similar to huffing glue or nitrous oxide. This makes me nervous because who knows what it was exactly ?
Well, if you have end product (let's say it is >80% purity), you might be able to use the reagents for verification.
What was the yield? What extraction method? What consistency/color? What ROA? Any tryptamine effects?
Some one I know did this and when they tried the spice it gave them a weird feeling similar to huffing glue or nitrous oxide. This makes me nervous because who knows what it was exactly ?
pete666 said:
Well, if you have end product (let's say it is >80% purity), you might be able to use the reagents for verification.
What was the yield? What extraction method? What consistency/color? What ROA? Any tryptamine effects?

Cybs Tek followed to the letter using vm&p naptha... Initial yields were white crystals on top of a very thin layer of a slightly sticky oil very very thin but you could smudge it with your finger. When scraping was attempted The Fluffy crystals would stick to it and turn yellow so after everything was scraped it was a sticky yellow crumble wich Smelled similar to a new pair of shoes. This was described as extremely harsh with little to no effect however this could have been do to technique. They then decided to recrystallize the product using fresh naptha which cleaned up the product a lot and got rid of most of that sticky oily layer. They were left with about .75 gr of very fluffly yellow crystals after recrystallization with little to no smell. The effects when vaped were explained to me as similar to nitrous and only lasted about 60 seconds.. again this could have been the way it was being used ?
What you are describing seems to be dmt.
There is a possibility you buy something other than MHRB, follow the TEK, successfully re-x, get expected yield and it is still some another alkaloid, but I would say it is highly unlikely, almost impossible. I bet your product is OK.

Anyway, again, with pure white stuff you are good to go with reagent tests, for the sake of better journey.
What you described sounds exactly like a very good description of a dmt extraction yield,

The effects the person you know experienced that seemed like huffing, that too sounds as if it may have been spice, at a sub psychedelic dose, and if they were unfamiliar with psychs or especially dmt, that assumption could be a reasonable reaction.

What does your productsmell like? If there is a flowery tortilla smell, you're good most likely.

You're caution is commendable but there haven't been reports of suspicious yields from materialrepresented as mhrb.
null24 said:
You're caution is commendable but there haven't been reports of suspicious yields from materialrepresented as mhrb.

If someone was sold Mimosa Verrucosa or Mimosa Pudica bark I think it would appear similar when ground up. If you extracted from that and tried the spice would you breakthrough like normal?
I read that Mimosa Pudica contains mimosine which would be very bad to smoke.
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