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Rue Extraction Question.

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Just a quick question. If I can see the florescence of the Harmala extraction (in liquid form) under normal light (Those glass light bulbs with the spring inside to make light, prolly 60Watt) does that mean that its HIGHLY POTENT?

My extraction method is 50g of Rue seeds in a jar with IPA and Vinegar for like a week.
JohnIce2 said:
Just a quick question. If I can see the florescence of the Harmala extraction (in liquid form) under normal light (Those glass light bulbs with the spring inside to make light, prolly 60Watt) does that mean that its HIGHLY POTENT?

My extraction method is 50g of Rue seeds in a jar with IPA and Vinegar for like a week.

There are always strange exceptions. If it's glowing really brightly then perhaps it is indeed really potent. IMO it's best to just finish the extraction and test it out.

Also I'm surprised that you have 147 votes and are not yet a full member. Have a vote :thumb_up:
Thank you for the vote! haha I doing another pull and if the same fluorescence in natural light occurs, I'll take a pic and show you guys! Like I know the sun can do it (Had Rue vape juice turn neon blue in my tank outside) but I never though normal light bulbs could make it happen.

I may start a Evap tonight of the stuff (mixed with another project of mine) to see what the final result is (prolly a gooey goo).😁
Actually I've noticed the fluorescence in daylight of highly dilute harmala solutions. Apparently clear water will display a green hue in sunlight. When the concentrations get higher and the liquid has a yellow or even deep red color, the fluorescence
gets drowned out by the normal color.

But that is in watery solutions. I have no experience extracting with alcohols. AFAIK this is not the best method anyway. Harmala alkaloids are much more soluble in acidified water than in acidified alcohol and I expect that fats and other impurities are more soluble in the alcohols than in water.

Consider reading the Tao of Rue in the nexus wiki.
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