Rising Star
I am attempting to perform a rue extraction. Everything was fine through two manske's. The last manske I performed I dissolved actives in mostly pure vinegar and added salt. I then put jar directly into fridge and went to bed. In the morning instead of the crystals I had what appeared to be a tofu like consistency that completely filled my entire solution. I am not sure what happened. I had performed 2 previous mankes with everything going well. Nice long crystals, everything appeared normal and then what was to be my final mankse I suddenly have a completely different substance. I have tried dissolving into hot water and then rebasing, then the dissolving into hot vinegar and water and adding salt 2 times now but every time I seem to get this off white looking powder substance without any crystals. Could this be because I chilled the jar immediately after adding the salt? Last night I performed the last manske and let the jar cool for an hour or so and then refrigerated and this morning the same powdery looking substance. Any help would be wonderful, even if its simply to tell me what i did wrong so I don't repeat this error on my next attempt.