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Rue Tea Anyone ?

Migrated topic.
Does anyone here just boil bigger batches of seeds and then just take from that brew portion wise? I am wondering what the shelf life would be of such a brew?

Somewhat relatedly - if doing cold soaks, for how long can you safely let the seeds soak? I am a bit concerned that pathogens can form.

And to answer the OP: I do the same as Dragonrider, I just cover some seeds with boiling water, let it sit a 12-24h and then drink the water. I don't even bother to pulverise the seeds. Works pretty well, although I probably lose some potency when compared to doing a 'proper' brew.
MuteUSO said:
Does anyone here just boil bigger batches of seeds and then just take from that brew portion wise? I am wondering what the shelf life would be of such a brew?

I'm starting to just brew big batches now. It's convenient for daily dosing. My current dose is between 3g-4g. Based on how much I reduced it to, I only need to drink 40ml-50ml.

I roast and then boil my seeds. For this batch, I did so with 100g of seeds. I added a lot of honey to the jar that it sits in in my fridge.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
MuteUSO said:
Does anyone here just boil bigger batches of seeds and then just take from that brew portion wise? I am wondering what the shelf life would be of such a brew?

I'm starting to just brew big batches now. It's convenient for daily dosing. My current dose is between 3g-4g. Based on how much I reduced it to, I only need to drink 40ml-50ml.

I roast and then boil my seeds. For this batch, I did so with 100g of seeds. I added a lot of honey to the jar that it sits in in my fridge.

One love

Thanks for explaining. I think that makes sense, also ecologically. :thumb_up: So that means that you keep your brew in the fridge for 25+ days without having it going bad - that's good to know. I wonder whether prolonged periods of cold soaking the seeds are also possible.

Just for clarification - you do take the seeds out of the brew after you boiled them, right?
MuteUSO said:
Voidmatrix said:
MuteUSO said:
Does anyone here just boil bigger batches of seeds and then just take from that brew portion wise? I am wondering what the shelf life would be of such a brew?

I'm starting to just brew big batches now. It's convenient for daily dosing. My current dose is between 3g-4g. Based on how much I reduced it to, I only need to drink 40ml-50ml.

I roast and then boil my seeds. For this batch, I did so with 100g of seeds. I added a lot of honey to the jar that it sits in in my fridge.

One love

Thanks for explaining. I think that makes sense, also ecologically. :thumb_up: So that means that you keep your brew in the fridge for 25+ days without having it going bad - that's good to know. I wonder whether prolonged periods of cold soaking the seeds are also possible.

Just for clarification - you do take the seeds out of the brew after you boiled them, right?

Well, because I have a bad habit of not doing my best for myself :p yes, it should be good after 25 days in the fridge since I made mine and let it sit in the fridge for over a month...

As for cold soaking, perhaps you can do an experiment and then share the results with us :)

And yes, I filter the seeds out with a strainer as I pour the brew into its storage jar.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
As for cold soaking, perhaps you can do an experiment and then share the results with us :)

One love

Aye, captain. Will try that. IME experience short cold soaks (like 12-16 hours) reduce a little the potential for nausea, but make for a less 'full' experience than boiled (or eating the seeds). For me, in terms of effect 'spectrum' it's: swallowing seeds>boil>cold soak. Actually, I think my favourite is holding crushed seeds sublingual for 25 minutes and then swallowing; although I have ever done that with lower doses like less than 2g.
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