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Sacred space preparation/ space clearing, Looking for all input on dark entity protection

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello fellow friends, I'm looking for help and information on preparing my sacred space for my.next dmt experience. Also simply looking for input in general for all future mushroom and cacti and entheogenic experiences. Crystal grids come to mind? Sage/palosanto? Harmala? changa?

I take this extremely seriously, so please do not post if you do not believe this is needed to ward off dark entities while in the mind altered state and having your body open. It's a very real thing, and I do not want to allow anything to attach itself when the goal here is enlightenment. Seems counter productive.

Please be open and share all thoughts unless you don't share the openness to the concept. I am.willing to listen to any and all thoughts except for those who do not believe in this of course.

Thank you so much, love and light to you all
Additionally, I have come across information saying thathat with fungi, one should use sound for space clearing. And with plants one should use sage or Palo Santo or cedar ect?

Perhaprs someone has a good reccomnedation on a book that would have lots of information on these topics?

Thank you
Read this. Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand - Psychedelic Frontier

It is all you need as a basic guide although there is more. Nick Sand's writings got me past a lot of fear and anxiety and helped me with preparing to journey. The biggest set and setting to make is the one between my ears. Intention is everything.

One of the surest things for me is to steer clear of cannabis before launching. Others disagree but for me it muddies me up and increases the fear factor. Doing some yoga kriyas to work off the adrenaline and a meditation where i state my intentions aloud at the end seems to do a lot to set the tone. I don't bother with crystals or elaborate altars, just a clean, comfortable safe space with all distractions minimized.

I have been getting into low doses of changa in my favorite lawn chair in my garden. The plants and environment seem to serve as enough of an altar. Especially when they begin to speak in that ineffable language 😁 Just be sure if you are outside you are in a safe spot where you will not have to deal with random people approach you.
Thank you very much for your reply, it spoke to me loudly and connected dots for me. A great read
In the title topic of your thread, you mention space clearing, and this is the primary thing that I do when preparing my space....is to make space. I've had an amazing experience in the closest of quarters, but in general, I find it to be more pleasant when I have my space. In my observations, clutter in the room tends to interfere with DMT-matter/energy, which many may find somewhat counterintuitive that these ethereal things seem to interact with the physical environment.

In event of a dark entity encounter, there are a number of approaches that I have found to be useful to varying degrees, but ultimately, I feel you want to have some kind of disrupting noise available on hand. I find DMT entities/objects to be intrinsically affected by sound. There are certain vocalizations you can do that tend to keep them at bay such as throat singing. It's a very visceral sound, and I've used it to rearrange the geometries of threatening entities to unravel, and make them whimsical and benign. I haven't tested this personally, but I imagine it could be equally effective to have something like a cymbal on hand or something that you could loudly crash in case of an encounter. Any really loud, abrupt noise would probably do. I don't know that I would necessarily trust a music track to protect me in such a case, though maybe you could find the perfect song with a loud, disorienting intro or something. You want to be able to grow your toolkit for interacting with these things, and being able to take control if possible. There are times to let go, and IMO times to stand your ground if you know how.
raven44 said:
Additionally, I have come across information saying thathat with fungi, one should use sound for space clearing. And with plants one should use sage or Palo Santo or cedar ect?


Thank you
Yes. It has always worked for me, to make the space smell nice. Works for fungi, too.
I use proffesional hand made wind chimes and palo santo, wind chimes comes in different tunings (water,air,fire,earth) so you can play them for different purposes and to deal with different entities. I preffer water, very gentle and femine sound, vibration of love. I usually also visualise some protection around me, talk to entities to go away(by mouth or by taughts) sometimes i just make some sounds to "scare" them.
This is great information everyone thank you

I like the input on using sound to clear space and to expell dark entities. I'm a firm believer in the power of certain sound frequency having the ability to clear space

Wind chimes seem interesting

How do you guys feel about leaving the body without your merkaba activated? It seems like a rather risky thing to do?
I usually meditate with my crystals, usually something like Black Tourmaline for protection but whatever stone feels right at the time will be good. There is pretty much always a crystal grid setup in my room or in the house so I'll usually connect with the grid too. And I always play my Tibetan healing bowl in my preparations as the sound vibrations have an undeniable impact on the energies in the room and in your body. Sometimes if it feels right I will play the bowl immediately after coming back too. I might also add that there is a difference between a cheap machine made singing bowl and a proper handmade healing bowl which will be quite a bit more expensive.
raven44 said:
Hello fellow friends, I'm looking for help and information on preparing my sacred space for my.next dmt experience.

Use frankincense or myrrh to clear the room.

Also, Orgonites might help, don't buy, make them yourself.

Or a closed string of copper around your bed/chair may help; poor man's faraday cage.

This might be interesting:

And this music might help:
raven44 said:
I take this extremely seriously, so please do not post if you do not believe this is needed to ward off dark entities while in the mind altered state and having your body open. It's a very real thing, and I do not want to allow anything to attach itself when the goal here is enlightenment.
I'm not sure if I'm violating your wishes here, but open yourself to the possibility that these "dark entities" are within you to begin with, along with the loving ones. So you are right to take it extremely seriously, and that it's a very real thing, but you should reconsider your model of the world if you believe that there are "spooks" which float from house to house, and smudge-sticks are a repellent to them. I think that's superstitious.

That being said, the way to "cleanse your setting" is to cleanse your mind. I prefer to meditate prior to doing DMT. If for some reason I am so stressed or off-center that I find it very difficult to meditate, I call off the DMT journey.

I don't want to get into the specifics of mediation methods because that's way beyond the scope of this comment—but for me it's as simple as following my breath while repeating a mantra of "acceptance and praise" within my mind. I accept each breath as a gift and give thanks/praises with each exhale. 1000 other methods work for different people.

But if I can find my center while in meditation, I try to exude love in all directions, like there is a little Buddha within me that shines light throughout the entire universe. That's what really repels the "dark entities" — not the right kind of incense.

Once I can rest in that space of love for even a few minutes, torch up the pipe.

Blessings and best of luck.
Zilsk said:
I usually meditate with my crystals, usually something like Black Tourmaline for protection but whatever stone feels right at the time will be good. There is pretty much always a crystal grid setup in my room or in the house so I'll usually connect with the grid too. And I always play my Tibetan healing bowl in my preparations as the sound vibrations have an undeniable impact on the energies in the room and in your body. Sometimes if it feels right I will play the bowl immediately after coming back too. I might also add that there is a difference between a cheap machine made singing bowl and a proper handmade healing bowl which will be quite a bit more expensive.

This info is refreshing, thank you so much.

Do you by chance have any info/links on crystals grid set up its something I've looked into a bit but sources of information on how to grid were conflicting so I became confused.

The song bowls we have really been wanting to get one... might break down and buy one finally due to this post partially haha. They're are diff frequencies/diff sizes of song bowls and bowls with diff symbols in the bottom of them... what might you say on this topic my friend?

Ty ❤
Erik said:
raven44 said:
Hello fellow friends, I'm looking for help and information on preparing my sacred space for my.next dmt experience.

Use frankincense or myrrh to clear the room.

Also, Orgonites might help, don't buy, make them yourself.

Or a closed string of copper around your bed/chair may help; poor man's faraday cage.

This might be interesting:

And this music might help:

Ty, I will need to research Faraday cages I'm entirely unaware of the concept seems interesting tho ty
Glossolalia said:
raven44 said:
I take this extremely seriously, so please do not post if you do not believe this is needed to ward off dark entities while in the mind altered state and having your body open. It's a very real thing, and I do not want to allow anything to attach itself when the goal here is enlightenment.
I'm not sure if I'm violating your wishes here, but open yourself to the possibility that these "dark entities" are within you to begin with, along with the loving ones. So you are right to take it extremely seriously, and that it's a very real thing, but you should reconsider your model of the world if you believe that there are "spooks" which float from house to house, and smudge-sticks are a repellent to them. I think that's superstitious.

That being said, the way to "cleanse your setting" is to cleanse your mind. I prefer to meditate prior to doing DMT. If for some reason I am so stressed or off-center that I find it very difficult to meditate, I call off the DMT journey.

I don't want to get into the specifics of mediation methods because that's way beyond the scope of this comment—but for me it's as simple as following my breath while repeating a mantra of "acceptance and praise" within my mind. I accept each breath as a gift and give thanks/praises with each exhale. 1000 other methods work for different people.

But if I can find my center while in meditation, I try to exude love in all directions, like there is a little Buddha within me that shines light throughout the entire universe. That's what really repels the "dark entities" — not the right kind of incense.

Once I can rest in that space of love for even a few minutes, torch up the pipe.

Blessings and best of luck.

Interesting comments, no offense taken I don't want to go too far into my perceptions of your comments becuase I respect them. However I might simply say that if these dark entities are within to begin, how did they get there? Born with them? No doubt we all have dark entities attached already due to being raised the way we have been or at least I would imagine so myself. I merely focused on preventing ant negative impact on the experience and bringing the most out of the experience as possibly while conducting the experiment in a safe manner.

I very much like your comments I'm jusy clarifying my perceptions. I agree that meditation and thanking the universe and loving it back with each breath is awesome. And emitting your purest light, I hear you. This can be a way to clear ones space I might imagine

I'm not thinking burning sage ect is a cure all or anything like you portrayed. It's not a fear based search for this information that I am on. I simply want to treat the experience with the most respected I can manage and be as serious as possible about it. I do happen to know from speaking with humans that have had personal experience with these types of things that there basically is "spooks" as you say that do float around if you will and are a very real concern to hold lol as funny as it may seem. But that is besides my topic of concern here imo

Thank you for your input it is very much appreciated :) I love to second guess myself all the time with everything
Don't kid yourself for one second. Dark forces and entities do exist independently from us.

Some are just mindless chaotic destructive energy, while others are self aware entities.

My technique is to set up a nice altar, with a candle of a certain color (depending on the intention) burning in he center in front of the candle is the censor where insence is burned. Frankincense is a go to and has great cleansing qualities, you could burn nothing but frankincense and it would likely do the trick. Of course place objects of spiritual significance on your altar as well. Place any tools you will be using ( like your dmt and pipe) on the left side of the altar. I have heard an altar offers the most positive results if it faces north, the direction of the earth. I usually burn many herbs in addition to frankincense. Look up a list of herbs with protective qualities. Burning sweet grass attracts positive spirits

Saging the room is essential. I take it a step further and visualize a protective bubble around my space and define the walls of this bubble by saging them. Vocalizing really helps, these spirits and forces can hear you. Don't be shy, pray to the spirits for protection during the journey vocalize that you wish to keep out dark entities and forces.

Not to be overlooked is the magical protective power of certain herbs. You could easily google a list of herbs with protective qualities that grow in your locality. I would recommend making a satchel or like a medicine pouch containing a selection of these herbs and wear it in ceremony or whenever you need protection. An Amazonian version of herbal protective magic is the cama lunga arcana, a selection of herbs kept in a bottle that protects you and your space.

There are many more protective techniques this is just the tip.

Magic works, what we don't understand is why and how, conciousness is a tricky subject. But it's important to know you create your reality. You can be as open or closed as you wish. But if you open, there are many forces we don't understand at work.

Glossolalia said:
raven44 said:
I take this extremely seriously, so please do not post if you do not believe this is needed to ward off dark entities while in the mind altered state and having your body open. It's a very real thing, and I do not want to allow anything to attach itself when the goal here is enlightenment.
I'm not sure if I'm violating your wishes here, but open yourself to the possibility that these "dark entities" are within you to begin with, along with the loving ones. So you are right to take it extremely seriously, and that it's a very real thing, but you should reconsider your model of the world if you believe that there are "spooks" which float from house to house, and smudge-sticks are a repellent to them. I think that's superstitious.

That being said, the way to "cleanse your setting" is to cleanse your mind. I prefer to meditate prior to doing DMT. If for some reason I am so stressed or off-center that I find it very difficult to meditate, I call off the DMT journey.

I don't want to get into the specifics of mediation methods because that's way beyond the scope of this comment—but for me it's as simple as following my breath while repeating a mantra of "acceptance and praise" within my mind. I accept each breath as a gift and give thanks/praises with each exhale. 1000 other methods work for different people.

But if I can find my center while in meditation, I try to exude love in all directions, like there is a little Buddha within me that shines light throughout the entire universe. That's what really repels the "dark entities" — not the right kind of incense.

Once I can rest in that space of love for even a few minutes, torch up the pipe.

Blessings and best of luck.

Thank you. I will use this advice to help with my anxiety, pre-trip. A moment of mediation on the breath reminded me of the calm state it can bring.
In my own shamanic journeys I have metitated long and hard on this, and I know it might be a bit off base but hear me out. I think a nice cannabis hotboxing is much like smudging a room.
There is a mindset that involves freeing oneself from
human cultural constructs such as good and evil .
The dark entities I've encountered are more in the realm of parasitic in nature. Nature is neither good nor evil it just is.
Ocean waves are not deliberately setting out to kill us .
If we are killed by natural process that's just natural process .
Belief systems are our worst enemies. In my years of journeying and encounters with many kinds of entities judgement based on cultural conditioning is the most difficult thing to overcome. What we choose to believe about what we experience is the trickiest part of all of this.
On a more nuts and bolts level, yes singing chanting and physical movement when possible can mediate aggressive entity encounters . I'm telling you that mindset is a huge part of all of this going in . That being said in the past I've had the best mindset and setting humanly possible and still have gotten slammed by nasty things. I guess a takeaway from this would be if your going to play in the ocean just know that once in a while a wave will come along and wipe you out regardless.
The good news is that it won't kill you and hopefully it will make you stronger to go deeper next time .
Luno37 said:
In my own shamanic journeys I have metitated long and hard on this, and I know it might be a bit off base but hear me out. I think a nice cannabis hotboxing is much like smudging a room.

Well.... I'm not gonna disagree with you. Imo however it may be more appropriate to smudge with some cannabis flowers rather than hotbox to achieve the same effects
Smudge your body with white sage

Smudging Prayer
May your hands be cleansed, that they create beautiful things.
May your feet be cleansed, that they might take you to where you need to be.
May your heart be cleansed, that you might hear it's messages clearly.
May your throat be cleansed, that you might speak rightly when words are needed.
May your eyes be cleansed, that you might see the signs and wonders of this world.
May this person and space be washed clean by the smoke of this fragrant plant.
And may that same smoke carry our prayers spiraling towards the heavens.

Continue to create a sacred space with the following prayers....

The Preamble
I am asking that all the most benevolent energies that are available for me be all around me and all about me.


Living Prayer
I am asking that I be insulated and protected now in the most benevolent way for me from all those beings who may be attempting, intentionally or otherwise, to harm me and that those who are attempting to harm me also be insulated and protected up to, including and beyond their point of re-education, transformation, arrest, capture, incarceration or other.

If you believe in this process and these words you will find that you are protected. It has power if you allow it! I do this everytime I ingest psychedelics or anytime a sacred space is needed for me.

If interested I have more prayers for invocation of a scared space.
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