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Salting stage in Cyb's Max-Ion Tek

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Why does the salting stage in the Max Ion Tek involves such a large amount of saline solution (1 liter) vs the 100ml used in the classic and famous Cyb's ATB salt tek???
Interesting question. Unfortunately, Cyb does not elaborate it the answers section.

The Max Ion Tek is written for 50-100 grams of MHRB/ACRB while the ATB Tek is for 50 grams. This may explain the extra water.

Also the Max Ion Tek uses filtered water, which already has some ionic strength by itself (so dillute rather than saturated saline solution is added because of that :? ).

Some people simply sprinkle some salt in the tea before basifying. For example, I just added like 20-30 grams of salt in a litre of tea, basified, did three naphtha pulls and then one DCM pull just to check whether anything has been left out.

The DCM pull contained just a few milligrams of DMT, hence not worth doing more than three naphtha pulls.
chaostatic said:
Why does the salting stage in the Max Ion Tek involves such a large amount of saline solution (1 liter) vs the 100ml used in the classic and famous Cyb's ATB salt tek???
The (approx) amount is to add enough aqueous solution so the bark/water mix is loose and not viscous. To bring the solution up to the neck of the bottle/container.
pH is then altered with lye to create the transformation (freebase).
Then the non polar solvent is added to allow the 'pulling' of freebase molecules out of the solution. 😉

Less bark requires less solution.
I read some were on nexus you want at least 2% solution. Wat i mean is you extract 100G youd want at least 200ml. Ive never done an extraction smaller than 334G tho. Most my extractions are 500 to 1000G of bark.
chaostatic said:
Another question>
Would it be ok to reduce the amount of saline solution, from 1 Liter to, let's say, 400ml, keeping the same amount of salt?
I think its based on salt concentration per liter. So if you reduce and keep same amount of salt your increasing concentration by 60%. Not sure if higher concentation is good or detremental at least when it comes to emulsions. Ive used as high as 90G per liter with no ill effect.
chaostatic said:
Another question>
Would it be ok to reduce the amount of saline solution, from 1 Liter to, let's say, 400ml, keeping the same amount of salt?
Yes you can.
If you are trying to squeeze it all into a 1 litre bottle just reduce the water content BUT make sure the mix isn't too sludgy.
cyb said:
chaostatic said:
The (approx) amount is to add enough aqueous solution so the bark/water mix is loose and not viscous. To bring the solution up to the neck of the bottle/container.

My initial freeze/thaw container is a 1 qt glass Ball brand canning jar. I'm planning on using one of the glass containers below (1/2 gal size, 1.9L) for my extraction vessel. It should fit nicely in my small crock pot, which I plan to use for the heated portion.

Will it be a problem that my neck is square, and not tapered at the top? I have a glass turkey baster for extraction, as well as a much more fine 250ml glass pipette dropper. I'm under the impression that the purpose of the tapered neck is just to make extraction easier.

moto4295 said:
Will it be a problem that my neck is square, and not tapered at the top?
You're going to find it difficult to suck out the thin layer of solvent.
What you can do is suck out the solvent along with some of the dark base liquid and squirt it into a tall thin glass, then let it settle and separate.
Then you can siphon out the solvent easier.
... Best thing is to get a better jar or bottle (a 1 litre booze bottle is great) 😉
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