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Salvia Divinorum: first time dreams.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Okay so I tried a low dose of SD last night with no results. No pyschedelic experience. No illuminations. No inner lights or visions, and certainly no teleporting to quantum realities.

But I did have lucid dreams around 5am this morning, but that could be the cheese I ate after I got the munches before bed.

Well they were vivid but I didn't feel I was in control. I was just an observer.

The first scenario was fishes in a fish tank alongside little white luminous squids that strecthed a bit. I put my hand in to take a squid and it was a bit stretchy. The other fish seemed like those orange and black loaches or Botia that you can buy from the pet store. They were huddled together near a submerged floating log wood.

But these could have been snakes, but I am sure they were fishes as they had fins and seemed to flutter much like fish do upon an under water log.

This was vivid but brief.

I had another dream which I remembered upon waking but by the time I came to write this I could not remember it. It was mundane though because it wasn't as memorable as the first dream.

I usually have lucid dreams at least once a fornight anyway so it may not have anything to do with SD.

I'll be trying a higher dose in a few days time.
Welcome sir. Post an intro essay and grapple with the "questionnaire", if you're so inclined. Can be mutually informative.

Salvia can be a bit of an enigma. A rather potent ally if given a bit of practice, which it sounds like you're ready and willing to approach.

You surely have the "quidding" concept firmly grasped. Fresh and dried(rehydrated) plain leaves will work well for most once a "relationship" is established. No mumbo-jumbo, SD at low doses(quids and sublingual) typically delivers an underwhelming trip until one has been well familiarized with "salvia space".

My suggestion is to smoke SMALL bits of a known reliable salvia extract. 10-20X is typically QUITE sufficient for your introduction to the extreme oddity of this mind frame. No craziness is requisite, do this SAFELY, a few times over a short time frame, two weeks or less. Be careful with respect to timing, set and setting. Some folks(minority), wander dangerously in a deep trance that can be physically RISKY.

Once "familiar" with the salvia trance, the shallow, yet profound alterations delivered by quids and sublingual are undeniable. Remember, deep salvia trances are @10mins, shallow trances last @20mins. The shallow trance state is easily disturbed by external or internal influences. This is really very ergonomic and practically useful for typical lifestyles!

Super herb, can be a magically real ally for the average guy/gal seeking plant teaching!

Thank you for replying.

I am new to Salvia so I was sure to treat it with respect, and I believe I had the right approach: setting, frame of mind, questions in advance, low red lighting, peppermint tea, soft OM chanting music in the background, and Dragon's Blood burning on a jostick. I may or may not have connected with this plant, but my intentions were spiritual.

In this first attempt with Salvia I drank its dark green juice (which I made the night before) and chewed the leaves which were grinded in a pestle and mortar. After one or two slurps of unsweetned peppermint tea, I let salvia sit in my mouth, under the tongue, and then down the back of the throat. I think next time I will keep it in my mouth for longer.

After the juices were gone I took some of the soggy leaves and chewed them. I did get some discomfort in the back teeth but nothing major. It was no unplesant. Just bitter.

I didn't feel anything pulling me. There were no visionary distortions.

After I could no longer chew the soggy salvia, I spat it out and felt the urge to eat something - this was probably the result of the 12 hour fast. And that was it.

Smoke you say? Well I was advised not to as it is not smoked traditionally, but then neither is Salvia traditionally used sublingually from dried leaves. Presumably Salvinorin A, the active substance, is still present in these dried leaves?

The extract is something I may try the next time if I get nothing from the dried leaves - it is too early to tell, and I have 7grms left of the stuff to use up.

I think I will try the essay and questionnaire thing later when I try out a larger dose of Salvia this Saturday coming up. I am hoping that the plant can reveal itself to me and meet me half way at least...or perhaps it already has and I am consiously unaware of it?
You'll get there. You have the quidding tek down. A small minority are "immune", salvia hard heads. That is likely NOT your issue. Try smoking until you've felt the "pull/twist". Indeed plain leaves are harsh, extracts are much more practical for "learning" the "feel" of salvia space. Once acquainted, even very shallow trances(quid, smoked plain) will bring the deja vu, so characteristic of many psychedelics.

You can even make your own extract. 5 grams plain leaf, crushed well and soaked in 190 proof ethanol for a week. Add the tincture back to 1 gram crushed plain leaf, mix well and allow ethanol to evaporate THOROUGHLY. Now you've 5X enhanced leaf.

Once you get the hang, you'll be amazed how little plain leaf quidded is needed.
I can get obvious, yet subtle, effect from 3 rehydrated leaves. Incidentally, these are home grown leaves stored in a shoe box(cool dark) since 2012!!

Legarto Rey said:
You'll get there. You have the quidding tek down. A small minority are "immune", salvia hard heads. That is likely NOT your issue. Try smoking until you've felt the "pull/twist". Indeed plain leaves are harsh, extracts are much more practical for "learning" the "feel" of salvia space. Once acquainted, even very shallow trances(quid, smoked plain) will bring the deja vu, so characteristic of many psychedelics.

You can even make your own extract. 5 grams plain leaf, crushed well and soaked in 190 proof ethanol for a week. Add the tincture back to 1 gram crushed plain leaf, mix well and allow ethanol to evaporate THOROUGHLY. Now you've 5X enhanced leaf.

Once you get the hang, you'll be amazed how little plain leaf quidded is needed.
I can get obvious, yet subtle, effect from 3 rehydrated leaves. Incidentally, these are home grown leaves stored in a shoe box(cool dark) since 2012!!


I'm just weary of smoking the stuff. I don't want Salvia to give me a bad experience.
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