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Salvia glutinosa (glutinous sage, sticky sage, Jupiter's sage, Jupiter's distaff)

Migrated topic.

Prima Materia

The Calcinator
wikipedia link for basic reference:

inspirational threads:


I've been to the local woods today with the idea of also finding Salvia glutionsa (glutinous sage, sticky sage, Jupiter's sage, Jupiter's distaff) plant.

There was a lot of this material growing at this forest. Those were mostly flowering plants with yellow flowers.

The interesting thing is that the flowers are really sticky and it turns out that it has nice trichomes which are rich in compounds giving a distinct smell and giving plants the stickines.

There is the idea that I would gather sufficient amounts of this plant for an extraction that would show us how the amount and diversity of compounds and their changes in the plant throught the growing season.

According to the uploaded study this species of Salvia should contain 38.92 ± 3.74 μg/g of salvinorin A. However the study was conducted in turkey which is not my location. I'm located in the temperate zone compared to turkey which is located in the subtropical zone.

calculation for salvinorin A: 35 mcg * 100g = 3,500 mcg --> 3,5mg/100g (dry)

The doses for pure salvinorin A are: 200 - 500 mcg (erowid)


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Nice. I recently planted one of these in my garden, also with the intention of comparing results. There have been lots of seeds to collect already.

A Japanese study failed to detect any salvinorin A in this plant but I haven't checked what the resolution of their method was:

Tsujikawa K, Kuwayama K, Miyaguchi H, Kanamori T, Iwata YT, Yoshida T,
Inoue H. 2008. Determination of salvinorin A and salvinorin B in Salvia
divinorum-related products circulated in Japan. Forensic Sci Int 180:


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It is 27th May in the year 2020.

I went to a hike today and observed the Salvia glutinosa plants that are abundantly growing. What I've found out is that at this stage the plants have almost no aroma and are not sticky at all - compared to a latter stage when they flower. My initial idea was to pick some leaves and dry them - however I aborted this when I saw the leaves are not aromatic and sticky.

I think it makes much more sense to first test the plant for Salvinorin A when they're sticky - I could be wrong of course.

I will be observing the plant in the future weeks and months and keep you updated on the situation.
There could well be a seasonal dependency on the leaves' chemical content.

Smoking plain dried leaf a while ago quite unsurprisingly produced no effect beyond that which could be ascribed to inhaling fumes from burning vegetation.
A few months back (May?) I chewed a few pairs of leaves from this plant and there was a noticeable threshold effect. Definitely worthy of further experimentation.
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