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Salvia knowledge is surprisingly lacking

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am terrifically old fashioned and typically about ten years behind everyone else, more often than not. I purposely went without television for nearly two decades and so, to be honest, I completely missed Salvia Divinorum while it was being sold legally in the head shops. By the time I had ran across it, my state had banned it from being sold in any form aside from an ornamental plant so I never had the pleasure of trying out the fortified or enhanced forms of it. A trusted friend told me that I had missed a transcendental experience which I wholly regret. It got me to looking into the genus though, and apparently it's not well researched for psychoactives. Found this list and thought I'd post it, most of you guys probably already knew though lol

With nearly 1000 species in the Salvia genus, there's likely some obscure Salvinorin A containing members of the genus that haven't been discovered (westernized) yet. It never ceases to amaze me how little we still know about the plants we co-habitat this realm with.
I certainly didn't learn about salvia from the TV, but nonetheless.

As far as I know, the activity of salvia splendens is questionable. Daniel Siebert talks about a small experiment in this interview: http://www.sagewisdom.org/interview.html

Not conclusive but also not encouraging.

Anyways, this is a reference you might have missed (full text is attached): Screening of Hallucinogenic Compounds and Genomic Characterisation of 40 Anatolian Salvia Species - PubMed

There are a fair number of people growing S. recognita, myself included.


  • hatipoglu2017.pdf
    884.2 KB · Views: 1
In regions where the, "ornamental, botanical, aesthetic", allowance has been instituted, you're ok to receive live plants. This is huge. I'm in TN(USA). A few viable plants, cultivated through a season, leaves taken and dried, can allow substantial access to Ska Maria Pastora!

fathomlessness said:
RoundAbout said:
Anyways, this is a reference you might have missed (full text is attached): Screening of Hallucinogenic Compounds and Genomic Characterisation of 40 Anatolian Salvia Species - PubMed

There are a fair number of people growing S. recognita, myself included.

Indeed, even though its something like 1/20th the potency, growing in bulk and doing bulk extractions easily solves that problem.

Yes, extracts are likely the most promising route.

The article lists the concentration of salvinorin A in S. recognita as 212.86 ± 20.46 μg/g and the concentration range in S. divinorum as 0.89 to 3.70 mg/g, which some people approximate as 0.25%. So probably closer to 1/10th.
I have two recognita growing currently but have not had time to assay nor a large amount of material to test but I will say they like dry dry soils almost like a cacti I lost three to overwatering till I recalled they are from barren areas of turkey
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