Rising Star
Apologies if this has already been posted before I did do a search first but I couldn't find this specific issue, but I was wondering if a salvia tincture could be made using relatively cheap Isopropyl Alcohol at 99.9% purity and how this could be achieved, or is this a very toxic stupid idea that definitely should never be done?
What I am basically trying to achieve is the same gentle but deep vision meditation of quidding a fairly high dose, I don't really want the high octane experience of smoking extracts or the volumes of smoke required with plain leaf, and if the unpleasantness of quidding can be removed but keep the oral ROA and ability to accurately dose that would be great.
I tried rehydrating and quidding 5 medium sized leaves last night to check my sensitivity to it and potency of leaves etc, but after 10 minutes of swilling bitter mush around my mouth I couldn't help but wonder if there isn't a better way to get the same effects without smoking (which I didn't get last night almost certainly due to my own poor, inexperienced technique and not enough leaf matter or time chewing). grain alcohol such as everclear or spyritus rectified spirit are difficult to source and comparatively very expensive, is there an effective way to do this or is it a case of tough luck, quid/smoke/pay high prices for imported grain alcohol?
For me the perfect method would be a small vial of liquid with a dropper that each dropper held in the mouth until absorbed that would give a predictable dose each time and scale up in intensity of experience with each additional dropper, is this fanciful wishful thinking?
I have my own Salvia Divinorum plants so getting leaf material isn't currently a problem but I would like to find a more pleasant way to work with what I hope to be a wonderful teacher plant.
What I am basically trying to achieve is the same gentle but deep vision meditation of quidding a fairly high dose, I don't really want the high octane experience of smoking extracts or the volumes of smoke required with plain leaf, and if the unpleasantness of quidding can be removed but keep the oral ROA and ability to accurately dose that would be great.
I tried rehydrating and quidding 5 medium sized leaves last night to check my sensitivity to it and potency of leaves etc, but after 10 minutes of swilling bitter mush around my mouth I couldn't help but wonder if there isn't a better way to get the same effects without smoking (which I didn't get last night almost certainly due to my own poor, inexperienced technique and not enough leaf matter or time chewing). grain alcohol such as everclear or spyritus rectified spirit are difficult to source and comparatively very expensive, is there an effective way to do this or is it a case of tough luck, quid/smoke/pay high prices for imported grain alcohol?
For me the perfect method would be a small vial of liquid with a dropper that each dropper held in the mouth until absorbed that would give a predictable dose each time and scale up in intensity of experience with each additional dropper, is this fanciful wishful thinking?
I have my own Salvia Divinorum plants so getting leaf material isn't currently a problem but I would like to find a more pleasant way to work with what I hope to be a wonderful teacher plant.