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Salvia trip report - Strange once again, better luck next time

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I couldn't find a better section for this, as the experiences section is DMT only I do believe? Anywho...

A good friend of mine who doesn't live in the US sent me this in an email today:

"Hey there again,

Well, I have done much reading today on many subjects, and found myself in a very receptive state. DMT crystals are drying, so I decided to try Lady Salvia once again. I loaded a tiny fragment of a bud of MJ to catch particulates, then added another small fragment of MJ and a pinch of salvia.

It amazes me how it even began as reasoning of some sort - the hit, the attempt for a second (bowl was cashed-ish, just left a weirder taste in mouth, wished I hadn't) was followed by closed eyes. I was facing my computer, a small wall in front of me. To the beat of Omar Rodriguez Lopez's Jacob Van Lennepkade II about a fourth of the way into it:

The thought took a form much like the top half portion of the frame of a school bus surrounding the windows along its sides - just the metal portion. It was mixed with this that the wall and desk and myself began to pull - a frightening sensation rising around me each pull, which was almost like a budging, and the thoughts formed a conversation with the beat - each line an entire beat, with the thought and the budge simultaneously, then a pause until the next beat - now that I think about it it was similar to Milkdrop or some other music visualization software, or like a short attack with a medium sustain and no decay sound, but with the amplitude of the sound directly equal to the force of the push. The exact wording is lost but this is close to how it went - it was a discussion between myself, I just started thinking it as I am wont to do in states like this, the discussion was playful, almost as if it wasn't really happening until the end of the conversation came, from whence it was just me again, being pulled in a very uncomfortable way:

It won't do that. *budge*
Yeah it will. *budge*
It won't do that. *budge*
It already is! *budge*
No, it it *budge*
it *budge*

I've been in this point before, and I chose to open my eyes and look to the left, trying to at least CHANGE the dragging of the moment - it felt like I was a large plane running through what would be the x axis if I was facing you, or look to your left and right, the plane that makes up those directions for you.

I felt as though if I only had somebody to talk to, if I could just feel another's presence then it would be alright the stuttering wall collapse would stop. I stared out, even in the brief glimpse, lost out in the strange conversation that was constructing itself out of an old feeling that repulsed and pulled me like a fly stuck to flypaper being stretched flat out like a sheet of cellophane, with full consciousness of it happening.

I looked back to the left quickly, as the feelings didn't stop, and altered, but didn't alter at the same time. When I swung my focus to the left, the entire world wooshed, as the plane rotated maybe 10 degrees leeway, feeling just as tight and uncomfortable.

I then thought and felt cheated, where were my dominoes - I was prepared damnit. I wasn't angry though, as it was then that I realized I could push my chair away from the desk and rotate it freely. This sort of but didn't help, as the pressure began to let up and I was down soon.

I sat in thought for a while, once the realization that the pulling was over, in meditation on it all. I moved to my bed, and immediately noticed that my pants were COLD and had slight dew from what must have been sweating - or perhaps they ceased sweating for a moment and were now being reintroduced to what they WERE doing - I am unsure, but it felt very odd and filled my head with some interesting thoughts and analogies which now escape me about some of the virtues of Salvia. I concluded that next time I should just give in, and if that is all there is then so be it, but going by the core beliefs that I have known to be true deep in my heart all my life, then by doing so it should break away and allow me to become one and learn freely from the misunderstood lady.

I continue to respect her, and although we don't get along just yet - I am sure that combining her with more MJ and a slight bit of DMT, who have both always treated me ever so kindly, then it may help break my habit of fighting her tender tug. It's strange how I can equate it to such things, or even how I can still respect her, as I most definitely do not like in any way the pull. I know I must keep giving her chances, when the lesson is finally learned, it will be more than worth it. I also wonder still if I should simply smoke more of her, so she can go on and push me through that harsh transition of a breaking point instead of playfully but constantly neutrally torturing me and dragging me through it."

My friend apologizes as well for any bouts of confusion in there, it was the best she could do. I wish her luck next time and wish that I lived in a region where I could partake in such marvelous events!
my sister...i feel you deeply in this one. i have had the most interesting relationship with the queen....even now i would definitely not say i have a "good"relationship with her....i always feel like i just barely avoided a catastrophe every time i work with her. :shock: my brain will ache for the rest of the day almost like i just had a mental/spiritual workout...

the queen demands loyalty. i definitely have a better relationship with her every time i visit....but it ain't nuthin' like DMT or MJ. the interesting thing about salvia to me is the phsycial effects. whereas DMT and MJ are so calming and soothing you can actually FORGET you have a body, salvia is not soothing at all. i feel that same pull you describe every time. it twists me, torques me, makes me feel the need to move about, makes we sweat, makes my face and ears hot...i'm very much aware of my body and that, in turn, keeps me too aware of HERE....
it's difficult when i'm so used to letting go of everything INCLUDING HERE with spice and spiced weed...

that salvia....she certainly puts her suitors to the test...that's fo sho!

keep the posts coming sister! love to read them!! :d


as for the mighty trio of salvia, dmt and mj.....trust me on this one...it is far beyond anything i've done to date...extremely powerful....i recommend it highly but with humility and respect on a scale beyond description.
yeah just let go..it gets wayyy better! I find again and again that the "edge" sometimes present with salvia, that causes the discomfort, is alwasy really just me clinging. Once I get past that stage I experience the most beautiful opening into some great expanse.. oh man!..I could go on and on about salvia all day! The whole experience is so poetic..
Oh I love you guys!

Just finished reading the Antrocles Chronicles =) I agree entirely with the need to let go aspect of it - I always feel that at the end and it makes me feel even worse, because DURING THE TRIP I REALIZE IT! As I'm being contorted I tell myself, "If I could only think of something else!" and strangely I can't, but I know it's just the yin to the spice's yang and that when I manage to let go, all will be revealed.

Sometimes I wonder though if I'm just not taking enough? Does the zippering ever overpower you or if you wanted to endure the fright, would you be able to stay in that transition point? Just curious, as I'm very interesting in tincture form after reading the chronicles - and oh so envious of having access to a place like that to go to!!

Amazing how we are most definitely all experiencing that same feeling - mayhaps some of your words and descriptions will have me better prepared to relax through them - I really like the zipper analogy!!
Last time SWIM smoked the lady he too had a discussion with himself, only to realize his inner dialogue was constituted out of three voices, one belonging to a little girl that had appeared. Was it she? Swim doesn't know, but he felt as though he had always had had this little girl inside himself and felt exalted at this insight. After he came down he felt a little unsettled at the same insight, what does it mean to have a little girl among his inner dialogue? Salvia is great but requires thought and deep self reflection SWIM finds.
..if you dose higher it usually pushes you right past the whole zipper thing and through hyperspace, into parallel existances and such..at least in my experience. The "in between" stage is the rough part..on salvia breakthroughs its hard for me to even remember "this" life..or this place isn't real anymore..at least not in the way we percieve it to be. Its like "reality" becomes flat in comparison to the true depth that surrounds us, and if I have taken enough I am pushed off into 5th..6th??7th, 8th who knows what dimensional space..and feel I have litterally shattered the old dimensional modality and there is no hope of going back..like I broke reality..

I get CONVINCED that reality is actually the way salvia presents it..usually with the salvia beings there with they're playful pestering, assuring me of the "aritficialness" of my reality..There is also definatily the "lady" present in mnay of my trips, and she seems to be the actual construsctor of reality while besaged..it's so strange..so out there. The whole trip is alive really, and I am a part of it,it is a part of me. NOTHING seems to dissolve boundries the way salvia does..

If you pass that stage, at least for me, than I get absorded in completly other existances..this part is just too random to really explain..anything seems possible. I never experience fear at this stage because I dont seem to have access to my "awake" memory bank. I have spoken with wizards in outer space telepathically, while being shown portals leading to countless parallel dimensions...gone to strange 1950'ish suburban lands with mexican shaman farmer people who live in rows of houses with white picket fences..I have popped up unintentionally in they'er garden on a few occasions and once materialized out of the wall into they're kitchen while they were having dinner...I dont know what to make of these high dose experiences really..sooo strange. parallel dimensions is all I can come up with..The self goes deep..
Pebble on the Beach said:
Last time SWIM smoked the lady he too had a discussion with himself, only to realize his inner dialogue was constituted out of three voices, one belonging to a little girl that had appeared. Was it she? Swim doesn't know, but he felt as though he had always had had this little girl inside himself and felt exalted at this insight. After he came down he felt a little unsettled at the same insight, what does it mean to have a little girl among his inner dialogue? Salvia is great but requires thought and deep self reflection SWIM finds.

I have had a little girl on occasion appear as well..as does a membor over at edot quite frequently as a quide he has told me..

I had an experience a while ago where I materialized in a dead-end sort of residentail area in the suburbs..the vision was sort of dim, but i was immersed in it, and there was a littel girl riding around me on a bike talking directly to me, very aware of me, and there were what I can only call spirits flying all around us in the air..it was sort of creepy..than the vision faded..but I have seen her twice on here bike on this street speaking to me.
^^just read that book about a month ago..and its VERY good..not like the old repeated stuff about salvia and its traditional use..lots of first hand trip reports by the author, and covers his relationshiop with the plant over a few years..
SpiceGirl said:
and thank you SO MUCH for confirming higher doses will knock me past the zippers - I really believe that I am just underdosing and getting stuck in that level, it even feels like she doesn't want me to stuck there. I could only dream of where some of you got such powerful tinctures from! ;P

..not saying fear cant manifest at those higher levels though!..if anything for me it's more awe than anything else..fear needs a reference point.
fractal enchantment said:
dead-end sort of residentail area in the suburbs..the vision was sort of dim, but i was immersed in it, and there was a littel girl ... talking directly to me, very aware of me,

That's freaky man, SWIM saw her in a dead end street ally with asqew dimensions, she was focusing his attention to a subway venting grid. But also with the dinstinct idea of being on a dead end.

It was all in a clear dream like state wich quickly cleared out of the minds eye when the realization kicked in that he was not actually sleeping, only she stayed manifested for a few minutes, maybe just one, as a background presence.
I can also say that is a great book. I don't know how many of you have had good success with the tinctures but in my opinion they aren't worth it. The alcohol burns bad and you will probably have to dilute by half with water than hold it in your mouth. I got minimal effects from it.
I've been exploring salvia for a while now, just finished the last of it a few days ago. I've never smoked it, just used bottles of the tincture. What I find so attractive, and so intresting with salvia, is that it's so diverse. I've had so many different kind of experiences from it. It's funny, because I was just getting kinda bored from it, and have been gravitating towards dmt again, but my last experience really brought out a huge sense of curiousity for it again. Just, I don't want to smoke it, or use tincture again -I don't smoke, and the tincture Really burns when I go for a high dose of it. So I need to find another way of using salvia.
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