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Salvinorin A Solubility in DMSO

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was wondering if anyone had information regarding Salvinorin A's solubility in DMSO. I'm thinking of starting a project in which I extract and refine Salvinorin A from Salvia leaf, and then dissolve the extracted crystalline into DMSO for a sublingual tincture. Any information would be greatly appreciated :) thank you!
I would second this.... does anyone know the chemical stuff to determine which type of extraction of salvinorin a would be best to use with DMSO...

.... seriously, I don't even know how to ask what I don't know!!! damn learning curve!!!!
A good article to read would be Lost in Jonathan Ott's footsteps. The article is primarily about sublingual application of salvinorin A dissolved in acetone, but it touches tangentially on DMSO tinctures as well. Basically, Jonathan Ott reported resounding success with sublingual tinctures of salvinorin A in acetone or DMSO (see his original article), but people have subsequently had a great deal of difficulty reproducing these results; even when effects are achieved, it is at massively larger doses than those employed by Ott (who reported it to be effective at doses as low as 100 μg of salvinorin A).

I haven't come across precise solubility data yet, but it is at least soluble at 10 mg/mL (this number comes from Ott's paper... while others have been unable to replicate the results of his psychonautical bioassays, Ott is typically a reliable source).

There is one ambiguous report of success with DMSO from an Entheogen Review reader (published 1997, volume 6, issue 2, pp. 16-17): “I tried Salvia divinorum with DMSO [as an ointment] and got a similar experience to smoking… and initial extraction, which is then mixed with DMSO might work better.”

Redgreenvines (a salvia advocate who posts on some other forums) has apparently had success with DMSO tincture though still at doses an order of magnitude higher than Ott reported...

taureanirishman said:
I would second this.... does anyone know the chemical stuff to determine which type of extraction of salvinorin a would be best to use with DMSO...

.... seriously, I don't even know how to ask what I don't know!!! damn learning curve!!!!

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking... but then I guess you're not either, so we're even :lol:. I would not recommend using DMSO to extract salvinorin A, acetone is a very cheap and effective solvent for that purpose. You'd want to extract the salvinorin A, then dissolve this product in DMSO.

In general it shouldn't matter how the salvinorin A is extracted, but you will want to make sure the product contains minimal pigments... DMSO carrying chlorophylls and other pigments across into your body doesn't sound desirable. There is some good info on salvinorin extraction from Sphere. Chilled acetone is probably the way to go so as to minimize pigment contamination.
I and a friend will be extracting salvinorin A soon and dissolve some in DMSO and report back on our findings. Hoping to make a 1-2 drop dose tincture :)
Here's what I was trying to ask.... Like with different forms of DMT, i.e. acetate, fumerate, etc... are there different forms of salvinorin a? And if so what is the smallest version of it as that seems like it would have the greatest success in transdermal absorbtion
I have made a successful sublingual salvia tincture using DMSO, Mint extract (ethanol) and Glycerin a few years back. It worked great, and left my mouth minty. I'll look through my notes to see if I can find the procedure I used.
tev, that
be awesome
see what you came up with.
given that I have already slavinrin crystal loose in ethanol I would love
to make a good tincture.
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