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San Pedro

Migrated topic.
SWIM obtained some dried San Pedro sold legally in the UK.
Of course on the package it says not for human consumption,
It contains 12.5 grams, the distributor is specialsalvia.com.
Any one have any thoughts on this.
How safe is it to ingest, what should the dosage be, etc??

By the way SWIM is in the UK in the Warwick/Lemington area, any UK folks in that area?
My bet is that it will be pure shit and do nothing much but make you sick (no offense). It's likely predominant cultivator (standard clone) Pachanoi with the outer waxy skin left on.

What you need are some potent Trichocereus clones (It's like various strians of peppers, some are hot, some are not, some Trichocereus cacti are potent, others are not)

Once you get you a couple potent clones (get a few growing too) heres how you prep' them for use-

1) Remove all spines with a small knife

2) Peel the waxy outer skin off

3) Remove the green layer just below the waxy outer skin but above the white inner core

4) Discard the white inner core, spines and waxy skin, chop and dry the green flesh.

Once the green layer is chopped and dried it can be stored in a bag for about 5000 years (I've got a link if anybody wants to know where I got that number)

If you used potent Trichocereus clones as little as a single tablespoon can give an intense experience.

The green dried "chips" can be eaten as they are, or infused with water (made into a tea).

Some potent clones include- Trichocereus pachanoi "Torres & Torres", Trichocereus peruvianus SS01, Trichocereus pachanoi "Kimnach".

Bridgesii = more Lophophora-like

Pachanoi & Peruvianus = more MDMA-like.
[quote='Coatl]My bet is that it will be pure shit and do nothing much but make you sick (no offense). It's likely predominant cultivator (standard clone) Pachanoi with the outer waxy skin left on.

What you need are some potent Trichocereus clones (It's like various strians of peppers, some are hot, some are not, some Trichocereus cacti are potent, others are not)

Damn right,mate ILPT bought from the same vendor year ago. He ate all 12,5 grams soaked in water and then drunk the leftover dash of awfully bitter water. Although he wasn`t sick the taste and slimy texture gave him very heavy stomach. Luckily he had two cans of lager to sort his stomach and few hits from (t)weedyfull pipe. It still like that, the main effects were weed and booz no mescal at all. This vendor also sold fake yopo. After sniffing an smoking that crap ILPT couldn`t believe that yopo is active hallucinogen until he signed up to this forum. ILPT would suggest you bin that rubish and Never buy anything from this bloody vendor. The trouble is , that all this nice stuff is sold with note Not for human consumption so you actually can`t complain cos is not sold for ingestion or make you hallucinations. Tricky bastards :(
Well since SWIM had no way to extract where SWIM was or grind or anything else.
Just chewed it up or just swallowed the pieces whole over about a 1hr period.

Not that impressive but SWIM definitely felt the Mesc, small easy going trip, under the circumstances it was perfect but not worth the $$$, oh well no big deal, live and learn, didn't get sick or anything. That was all SWIM took so it defiantly had some quantity of Mesc in it.

Anyway thanks much for the ideas but SWIM was very limited at the time.
SWIM says
I have San Pedro growing in my back yard, but it’s not the most potent stuff. I bought it at a local cactus store and grew it in the backyard. It grew very well.

One day several years ago I decided to give it a try. I cut about 12 inches of it into pieces (spines, skin and all), and boiled it in lots of water for a few hours, and then I filtered it (took a long time to filter it) and concentrated it down to about 1/2 a cup. I drank it down. I didn’t taste very good, that’s for sure. But it wasn’t as bad as I’d heard either.

It took about an hour before the effects were felt. It was quite good. Very mellow with mild visuals. It was not as intense as I expected. I was also expecting nausea (at the time I had only read about the effects of mescaline and never had any myself) but there was no nausea at all. Not even a slight bit of stomach discomfort.

The trip lasted only about 6 hours.

The entire trip felt very easy and natural. It was nothing like LSD. Sort of like psilocybin, but different from that as well. There was a strongly grounded spiritual feeling about it. I felt more connected with nature, the earth, the sun, and more connected with God.

I didn’t have any visions. It wasn’t strong enough for visions, just a pleasant mood lifting effect with some nice visuals. It didn’t feel “psychedelic” to me; there were no LSD-style mind altering effects. But the dose was small. It didn’t feel like mescaline. At the time I didn’t know what mescaline was like, but since then I’ve had pure mescaline. It was more mellow and easy going than mescaline is.

I have a lot of San Pedro growing in the back yard. I haven’t touched it for years. It’s a lot of trouble to use it as an entheogen. It’s weak. It takes a lot of material to get effects from it. It take a long time to grow enough for just one light trip. Its more trouble than it’s worth.

Since my last San Pedro experience many years ago, I’ve gotten really good at alkaloid extraction. I’m planning on doing an alkaloid extraction on quite a bit of it. Hopefully I can separate the mescaline from the other alkaloids.

Does anyone have any recommendations as far as extraction goes?

Also, what’s the best way to isolate mescaline from the other alkaloids in San Pedro?
Probably. It was sold at a cactus store, not an entheogen store.

I’ve heard, as was also stated above, that the flesh just under the skin is the most potent part and that the inner core is free of alkaloids and that the skin is also free of alkaloids.

Is this true?

What about the spines?
I've heard, as was also stated above, that the flesh just under the skin is the most potent part and that the inner core is free of alkaloids and that the skin is also free of alkaloids. Is this true?

Did you miss the 2nd post in this thread? Thats the "green flesh", it's the only part of the Trichocereus cactus you want to use for ingestion.

What about the spines?

Work well as neddles from the big spined Trichocereus, but other than that are pretty worthless.


As you can see in the above picture, there is a thin green layer of flesh between the waxy outer skin and the white inner core. Thats what you want! Follow my method in the 2nd post of this thread!

(Note about the above Picture- The arrow points at the vascular bundle, the hard woody center of the white inner core.)
69ron said:
Probably. It was sold at a cactus store, not an entheogen store.

I’ve heard, as was also stated above, that the flesh just under the skin is the most potent part and that the inner core is free of alkaloids and that the skin is also free of alkaloids.

Is this true?

What about the spines?

it is true. just under the skin are the goods

the alkaloids serve as an insect deterrent. the core contains negligible amounts

there's an interesting tek out there that described "doping cacti", using a solution of either dopamine hcl in DI water, or tyramine and l-dopa, and also some proposed method of using DMSO to deliver the solution through the plant cell membranes
Is that info based on experience? Or is that from some published study of alkaloid content?

It would make sense that the spines would contain toxins would it not?
Is that info based on experience? Or is that from some published study of alkaloid content?

Both, look in the back of Trout's Notes if you own the book... if you don't, get it!

It would make sense that the spines would contain toxins would it not?

It would, but I do not believe they do... not many cacti have toxins in their spines... in fact, I can't think of a single one? If anybody knows of any cacti with toxic spines, PM me about it.
It's those damn spines that make San Pedro hard to use as an entheogen. You spend all day cutting it and getting pricked (even with heavy gloves on).

SWIM will try using just the green flesh and see if that works. He’ll also try the skin and the core and the spines as separate extractions and see if any mescaline can be extracted from them at all.

Any good methods for cutting it quickly without getting pricked?
all summer long ive been talking about san pedro to everyone
my boss took me up on my offer and finally i ordered him some cuttings and
converted them into a rarely seen meal...

so i gave my buddy some magical cactus, about four feet,
he thought i was scamming him because of the price,
after defending my integrity with the exchange,

he ate half of it, and said it was mostly body feelings,
then yesterday he ate the other half, and thats where his story begins...

Hey man I'm up so I feel like writing.... so I ate the other half of the cactus you got me, it was 27g dried. It was like fucking DEATH getting it down this time. I tried eating it like cactus jerky but this time it was a thousand times bitterer and awful tasting. Could this be an indicator of potency I wonder, as the cactus further dried for a week. I scrambled looking for a coffee grinder, and after making a mess with a blender instead, I made my self a slimy wet lemon cactus drink that was inferior to cat piss in taste quality. It was dreadful ... and I still had a handful to somehow get down. So after discovering a coffee grinder and fearing whether I would get any trip at all, I ground it up and added warm water and some lemon ... this turned into elephant snot and worse than the cat piss lemon drink earlier... This one I had to chase with V8 spicy tomato drink and holy christ was the texture awful., It became a gooey slimy mucous cocktail that made me gag the second I tried to swallow. I've never been so horrified by my own sense of taste and smell. So I got it all down at last and the battle against nausea began, I was also eating 85% dark chocolate to try to forget that god-awful taste and smell. ...

So I won the battle and sweet Jesus was it ever worth it!!. The potency of this trip felt 2-3x greater than the nice body high I had last time. Tonight, or last night rather, I had wondrous visuals both inside and outside my head. I was waiting on a friend to pick me up but had an unbelievable time alone in my room. I imagine the scene of me squirming and jolting in my chair with my hands over my head, exploring for some unknown otherworldly reality, would look quite hilarious. I was listening to Feels Good Inc over and over again, I'm not even a big fan of the song, but it felt right at the time ... It started hitting me hard and I stood up in the room to gather myself after probably 25mins of tripping to gorillaz and studying the weird clouds in the video. I probably stood there starring at 2 posters of wolves on my wall for what felt like days, and a "Knives out" radiohead poster that's been on my wall for centuries, and all the visuals were awe inspiring. The posters first began to breathe and the designs would start to flow and extend as if they were a growing tree desperately sprouting new limbs in search of oxygen.... At first I was telling myself this whole thing was a placebo effect surely, but it only continued and intensified. I was mesmerized and was also seeing lucid and colorful impressions when my eyes were closed. And when Dema finally arrived at my house I was so disoriented that I was barely dressed. I had gotten up at first to get my socks, but was getting lost in awe as the mescaline began to take hold, and only his headlights shining through my window 20 minutes later finally compelled me to finish that task. REally cool stuff.

We went uptown with another guy and it was a chill ride but I would say wasted my trip a little. It's really not a social drug at all, and it sometimes makes me very withdrawn and untalkative, and so going to an uptown club maybe wasn’t wise (we got into the third club we tried because I was rejected from Forum for my beat up white tennis shoes, and my hoodie over my lifeguard shirt after failing to properly dress myself). It;s a pretty mellow experience and it's a waste of cactus to spend worrying about what others think when you're in a bar etc ...

So proably 2-3 hours pass of my buddies trying to get girls and me just going along for the ride and we head back to my house. I started tripping shortly before midnight and it was well after 2 o'c but it felt like just 5 minutes had gone by. By far the coolest part about uptown was this huge panoramic mural that is enhanced by mirrors that you have to look up to when I was waiting for the ATM. The whole painting oozed into life and every detail twisted and swirled as if ripples in a pond, as I felt my body fighting a crisp wind that seemed strongest when I tried to admire this painting. This 5 minutes alone made the dreadful slime worth drinking.

After a pretty uneventful drive home I got back to the house and was still very much into my trip. Upon retrospect it's difficult to really say where I peaked, but the mescaline was certainly still going strong. I gorged on some food that was sitting uncovered in the kitchen and it was so incredibly good, not unlike the gratifying feeling when eating a meal on marijuana. I scarfed this down with intensity and watched some of the movie "Dazed and Confused" and felt really happy and was enjoying it greatly. I then went to the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror, and was dazzled by watching my face morph and distort like I was no longer looking at myself. Very cool, and also these strange visuals of almost body tattoos with intricate designs covering my shoulders and arms and a strange pattern of dark lines very quickly outlining my face and drawing pictures on me like some ancient Aztec warrior putting on his ornaments. Really neat stuff and I got a look at how gigantic my pupils had gotten. It shocked me at first, realizing they were the size of watermelons, I was looking very animal like, I felt like I was connecting to the wolves' eyes on my wall ...

So I was getting cold and felt like lying down after playign with the wolves some more, and while gazing out my window and realizing I couldn't focus on the clump of leaves outside, and how it almost hurt my eyes to try to focus on one leaf, I felt like I had to go to the backyard. It was wet, dark, and cold out there but these facts were as insignificant as my name. I simply laid back on a wooden bench and let the immersiveness and power of nature take hold. The leaves and branches from the tree that were hanging straight on top of me seemed to come alive and breathe. They had vivid textures and interchanging patterns that would play games with my eyes. The word "kaleidoscope" kept appearing in my head while I tried to explain to myself what I was seeing.... I watched as great tall spruces swayed in the breeze and the clouds behind them flew by with haste. I remember letting loose of my own existence and wondering about the perspective this magnificent tree had. I imagined how insignificant this house of mine beside him must feel and how from a 100 ft up he could still see old friends from a forest now all but forgotten. There was a society up there and my house and those of the neighbours mattered little ... I remember eventually dozing off and coming back awake with a steady wind that would ruffle all the branches above and I felt cold. I was out there with jeans and a bare back lying on wet, cold wood for an unknown amount of time. At least an hour I feel because it was 430am when I went back upstairs and finally went into a half sleep half trip where I couldn't tell exactly if I felt comfortable or not, or cold or not. My sensory perceptions were smeared. Before sunrise I had the urge to arise and write a trip report, partly because my mind couldn't rest. Also of note, a very pleasant body high was taking place throughout the entire journey that I would liken most to maybe floating on air. A real euphoria where I didn't much mind anything at all.

So all in all a very enlightening trip and much respect for this ancient teacher, San Pedro, as clichéd as that sounds it needs to be written. I may have to reconsider the setting in the
future and will probably try to just mellow out with it and not try to socialize. Lying in a
forest somewhere seems ideal. Best trip I've ever had I'd say, and certainly the most intense. The nicest part was that it was never really threatening or menacing in anyway ... just a mellow feel of existence, and a chance to appreciate life in a different way.

wasnt that beautiful,
from a nonbeliever to a zealot!

plants as teachers mates, plants as teachers...
I have noticed there are varying degrees of "peelablity" (how easy it is to peel the waxy layer away from the green flesh)...

Bridgesii has been noted to be much easier to peel than pachanoi many times.

This is a trait we need to breed for...
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