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Scared shitless - might try some DMT tonight though

Migrated topic.

colt cannon

Rising Star
Need a bit of advice and good vibes.
I Finally have a window to try out some DMT I extracted from MHR around 5 years ago. I am 40 y.o. and have tried several other psychedelics but still I would´nt call myself experienced. Normally I tend to enjoy smaller doses as I have had a few horrible trips on especialy lsd that seemed to last forever. These trips haven´t traumatized me but made me VERY respectful of said substances.
I have read as much as possible about the DMT experience but the more I have read the less of an idea I seem to have about what to expect from the experience. This has made me quite fearfull and resulted in me chosing not to partake in trying this sacred substance since I made it 5 years ago. I have taken out my dmt many times just staring at it but alway ended up putting it back in the shelf.
Eventhough I´m scared tonight is the night to try it. I´m not exactly sure what kind of advice I´m looking for. Maybee I just need some good vibes and reasuring that things will be alright.
Anyways. I have the following remedies at hand. Around 150 mg DMT (it´s 5 years old and turned a rusty color), a small oil burner (meth pipe), about 1200 mg homemade changa 1:3 (a mix of dmt, harmala extract, dried mint and shredded caapi vine) and a small bong.
What would you guys recommend me to do?
I am hoping for some sort of inspirational and healing experience so from what I have read Changa might be the way to go?
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Love the DMT NEXUS by the way. AMAZING forum!!!
i am sure some people will disagree, but for me dmt trips feel a lot brighter (in the sense that there is less of a dark vibe to them) when i do dmt in a bright room.
some of my most exiting and pleasant experiences i had in room flooded with sunshine.

personally i prefer freebase over changa, but since change eases you more into it you might want to start with it
jiva said:
i am sure some people will disagree, but for me dmt trips feel a lot brighter (in the sense that there is less of a dark vibe to them) when i do dmt in a bright room.
some of my most exiting and pleasant experiences i had in room flooded with sunshine.

personally i prefer freebase over changa, but since change eases you more into it you might want to start with it

I completely understand the apprehension you have. It is normal and justified.
The advice about light is something worth considering imo. Also I'm not sure i would recommend shredded vine in a changa blend. There was a trend of adding Paubd arco to changa a while back. I don't recommend smoking wood or bark. Everyone's different i suppose but that one baffled me. I'd use something light that combusts readily, mullien is good, mint i would go lightly with as it's quite strong.

If you're feeling the urge, i would recommend starting at about 10mg. Work on your technique. 30mg with proper vaping technique will take you just as far as 50mg poorly handled in substandard pipe. After a few rounds you should get the technique down which will make the whole experience a lot easier to manage. And those low doses are a good way to get comfortable dipping your toes in. A lot of the traumatic experiences can be avoided by sticking to manageable doses. If you don't get a full hit, come down and catch your breath. Then clear the pipe before reloading. And be prepared to get taken by what's left in the pipe. It can get you by surprise!

Those nerves are not unjustified but can inhibit enjoying the experience. Baby steps, good technique and a measured dose, set and setting and responsible loading of the pipe can all go a long way.

If you try a low dose and still don't feel comfortable, put it down and disengage for a while. There's no need to force it. It's not going anywhere.

Safe travels.

Welcome colt cannon,

remember yourself, before, during and after the trip.. "Relax and let go, it is all good". Every feeling, every thought.. it is ok, keep on breathing and join/enjoy your flow. :love:

Xt said:
There was a trend of adding Paubd arco to changa a while back. I don't recommend smoking wood or bark.

Thank you, I have just finished my last extraction process and will keep your advice in mind when mixing a new changa blend!

Harsh smoke is always a bouncer for fellows who didn't start training their lunges already years ago.

Happy travels, tseuq
Very cool colt cannon.
This is going to be an interesting day for you. :)
Perhaps you'd want to try both in your session. Starting with Freebase since changa is around 3x as long.

I'd use something light that combusts readily, mullien is good, mint inwould go lightly with as it's quite strong.

Ok, i'd stay away from anything that contains plant oils as my lungs don't agree.
Pau d'arco is a nice, inert easy to smoke bark in my experience.

I completely understand the apprehension you have. It is normal and justified.

Yes. Go at your own pace and things will turn out fine, you'll see :)

At one point you just have to do it if you want to do it. No time is perfect. Jump in and go from there.

Looking forward to reading your report!
First off...thanks for the replies and good vibes sent my way!
How did it go you ask...
It went well. I have just entered back into normal reality so this might seem a bit disorganized.
Setting was a sunlit room lying on a bed.
I decided to smoke some changa in a bong. Started out taking a small toke and "normal" tryptamine like visuals mostly curved circles and moving lines popped up behind my eyelids. Took another small after a few minutes and the visuals intensified but only a little. After another few minutes I took a much larger toke and BAM.. Things intensified. Thought I was gonna break through so obviously I got scared and opened my eyes. Not sure how to eplain what happened but it was pretty damn interesting. Visuals engulfed the room that turned into a complete 3D universe devided into small cubes.
I was still fully concious and my ego was intact. Eventhough the visuals were beautiful and bizarre i was still able to think quite normally so I decided to go out in the garden and then back onto my livingroom couch. Visuals kept going for about 10 minutes and then subsided and still subsiding as I write.
Conclusion. I didnt break through but the experience was very interesting and at the same time scary.
I wanna give this another try for sure maybe even later tonight. If I do i´m gonna try and stay in the same place and not move around. Might try and keep my eyes closed if thats even possible:)
colt cannon said:
First off...thanks for the replies and good vibes sent my way!
How did it go you ask...
It went well. I have just entered back into normal reality so this might seem a bit disorganized.
Setting was a sunlit room lying on a bed.
I decided to smoke some changa in a bong. Started out taking a small toke and "normal" tryptamine like visuals mostly curved circles and moving lines popped up behind my eyelids. Took another small after a few minutes and the visuals intensified but only a little. After another few minutes I took a much larger toke and BAM.. Things intensified. Thought I was gonna break through so obviously I got scared and opened my eyes. Not sure how to eplain what happened but it was pretty damn interesting. Visuals engulfed the room that turned into a complete 3D universe devided into small cubes.
I was still fully concious and my ego was intact. Eventhough the visuals were beautiful and bizarre i was still able to think quite normally so I decided to go out in the garden and then back onto my livingroom couch. Visuals kept going for about 10 minutes and then subsided and still subsiding as I write.
Conclusion. I didnt break through but the experience was very interesting and at the same time scary.
I wanna give this another try for sure maybe even later tonight. If I do i´m gonna try and stay in the same place and not move around. Might try and keep my eyes closed if thats even possible:)

Awesome! 😁 :thumb_up:
Yes, keep your eyes closed and perhaps up your dose a bit.
Now that you are a bit more familiar, you can try a medium sized dose :p

Have you considered smoking the freebase? It is more explosive and colorful in my experience.
Not to diminish the changa...but def. do what feels right now....
A folded warm, wrung out damp towel over the eyes after a bong hit of e-leaf, lying back on my bed takes me deep...keep eyes closed and go with the flow...
Fidelsbeard said:
A folded warm, wrung out damp towel over the eyes after a bong hit of e-leaf, lying back on my bed takes me deep...keep eyes closed and go with the flow...

amazing idea!
i imagine that i could be difficult to put the towel over your eyes after a big hit
Fidelsbeard said:
A folded warm, wrung out damp towel over the eyes after a bong hit of e-leaf, lying back on my bed takes me deep...keep eyes closed and go with the flow...

I like this idea, I think having a relaxed and submissive state of mind is key. I like the idea of sensory deprevation while on DMT to help me become more in tune with my experience. Not like the whole sensory deprevation tank with the water n all, that doesnt sound safe haha but laying on a bed, in silence after meditation definity helps me in every way when using DMT. Ill have to try the damp towel next time :thumb_up: :d
colt cannon said:
First off...thanks for the replies and good vibes sent my way!
How did it go you ask...
It went well. I have just entered back into normal reality so this might seem a bit disorganized.
Setting was a sunlit room lying on a bed.
I decided to smoke some changa in a bong. Started out taking a small toke and "normal" tryptamine like visuals mostly curved circles and moving lines popped up behind my eyelids. Took another small after a few minutes and the visuals intensified but only a little. After another few minutes I took a much larger toke and BAM.. Things intensified. Thought I was gonna break through so obviously I got scared and opened my eyes. Not sure how to eplain what happened but it was pretty damn interesting. Visuals engulfed the room that turned into a complete 3D universe devided into small cubes.
I was still fully concious and my ego was intact. Eventhough the visuals were beautiful and bizarre i was still able to think quite normally so I decided to go out in the garden and then back onto my livingroom couch. Visuals kept going for about 10 minutes and then subsided and still subsiding as I write.
Conclusion. I didnt break through but the experience was very interesting and at the same time scary.
I wanna give this another try for sure maybe even later tonight. If I do i´m gonna try and stay in the same place and not move around. Might try and keep my eyes closed if thats even possible:)
I have had the same experience as you. I have yet to breakthrough but even with borderline breakthrough doses I am astounded. I hope to try for a breakthrough soon. I'm just working up the courage as the experience intimidates me. But I'm willing to face that intimidation with vigilance as the only thing holding me back is the ego. I believe DMT wants to take you home, but you must see through/past your self to go home.

As for keeping your eyes closes, I don't know how you manage to open your eyes. I can't help but laugh at how strange the real world looks/is while under the influence of DMT. I prefer to direct my experience inwards cause the outside world mixed with DMT just doesn't add up in my head and leads to my face being planted into a pillow laughing hysterically. That is just me though. Try directing your energy inwards. Safe travels friend :)
greendude9 said:
colt cannon said:
First off...thanks for the replies and good vibes sent my way!
How did it go you ask...
It went well. I have just entered back into normal reality so this might seem a bit disorganized.
Setting was a sunlit room lying on a bed.
I decided to smoke some changa in a bong. Started out taking a small toke and "normal" tryptamine like visuals mostly curved circles and moving lines popped up behind my eyelids. Took another small after a few minutes and the visuals intensified but only a little. After another few minutes I took a much larger toke and BAM.. Things intensified. Thought I was gonna break through so obviously I got scared and opened my eyes. Not sure how to eplain what happened but it was pretty damn interesting. Visuals engulfed the room that turned into a complete 3D universe devided into small cubes.
I was still fully concious and my ego was intact. Eventhough the visuals were beautiful and bizarre i was still able to think quite normally so I decided to go out in the garden and then back onto my livingroom couch. Visuals kept going for about 10 minutes and then subsided and still subsiding as I write.
Conclusion. I didnt break through but the experience was very interesting and at the same time scary.
I wanna give this another try for sure maybe even later tonight. If I do i´m gonna try and stay in the same place and not move around. Might try and keep my eyes closed if thats even possible:)
I have had the same experience as you. I have yet to breakthrough but even with borderline breakthrough doses I am astounded. I hope to try for a breakthrough soon. I'm just working up the courage as the experience intimidates me. But I'm willing to face that intimidation with vigilance as the only thing holding me back is the ego. I believe DMT wants to take you home, but you must see through/past your self to go home.

As for keeping your eyes closes, I don't know how you manage to open your eyes. I can't help but laugh at how strange the real world looks/is while under the influence of DMT. I prefer to direct my experience inwards cause the outside world mixed with DMT just doesn't add up in my head and leads to my face being planted into a pillow laughing hysterically. That is just me though. Try directing your energy inwards. Safe travels friend :)

I've made it up to 15mg and just about entered hyperspace this time but totally s@!t myself.
Slowly does it 😁
Fidelsbeard said:
...have the towel ready: one bong-rip of e-leaf, lie down, towel on and slowly exhale :twisted:
I like to re-breathe the smoalk as it comes out, so I exhale in a series of breaths. :thumb_up:
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