OneIsEros said:
I’d love to hear more. I will be ordaining as a monk soon, and after a decade in a monastery, I intend to re-engage psychedelics as a public figure. This will be my life’s work I think. For me, skill-based tripping not only deepened my experiences but led to far greater agency and security in engaging with psychedelics, whereas before I was more prone to just being knocked over. Were you experiencing things that were simply too intense that had never surfaced before?
Cool! Always happy to exchange with a serious practitioner. May I ask which tradition you plan to ordain in? 10 years is a long time to plan upfront, have you had any experience in prolonged monastic life before?
As to your question...
In general the skill I trained for in meditation definitely also made me less prone to being knocked over, but also got me to some very strong and meaningful energy-somatic experiences, which I probably wouldn't have gotten to without the skill.
However, I never fully trusted in the safety of combining the two, which made me kind of hesitant to fully go into meditation while tripping. I tried to intellectually research the combination as much as I could, as I really wanted it to be a good thing, but I never got around to fully trusting it.
Towards the end my relation to trips wasn't that great anymore, as I felt I had touched a limit of what was useful for me at this point. I would have taken a break either way, but at that point I was still interested in taking them up again after a hiatus.
While jumping around different meditation and yoga teachers for most my teen till adult life, in the last year I finally came along a teacher I am willing to commit to indefinitely. The system and techniques he teaches are of Daoist nature and therefor involve a lot of energy work.
The thing is, he strongly advices students to not use any psychedelics, if they are seriously practicing this system, as he says the practice is so effective in itself in inducing change, that combining the two together is like putting gasoline on fire and you can possibly create a lot of damage. As I believe in the power of the practice, and trust my teacher, I have decided to listen to his advice, and accept this restriction of my personal life as long as I stay dedicated to this system.
After studying Chinese medicine with him, which involves some quite esoteric theories, I see how intricate the makeup of our existence is, and how something as powerful as a psychedelic could possibly wreak havoc in there. I still believe in the healing power of psychedelics, mostly plant based. I also don't doubt that at a higher level, it is possible to combine the two. However, I am not sure if someone at a really high level would even still be interested to use them.
The main dangers as far as I understand it, are inducing chaotic change in your body that, will lead energy into places it's not supposed to go, and convert substances at a speed too rapidly.
Also, delusion can be a problem. Especially for the spiritual seeker this is not to be underestimated.
I believe in general the argument of using these practices as a tool to maneuver psychedelic experiences is pretty valid. The part mentioned above is kind of the cooking process, but let's say your fully 'cooked' your skills, and then trip, I believe a lot of potential arises, but also possibly a new set of danger, which I don't fully understand. Maybe read up Hyperspace Fool, if you haven't yet. He was big on skill based tripping, and as far as I see quite well developed.
If for some reason life leads me again to psychedelics, I would probably try to learn the necessary skills from those who have an ancient tradition around it, namely the ayahuasceros in the Americas. My respect for ancient traditions has skyrocketed in the last year, and that's definitely how I would approach it.
Like you, I also planned to make something big out of combining the two. When I started to get into Daoist and Chinese Medicine Models of the energetic and spiritual body, I saw so much untapped potential to combine the two into a field of research and practice. It is the most complete system of these matters I've ever came upon. I will have to see if I'll maybe be able to continue this research without taking psychedelics, maybe in some form of harm reduction lectures.
Any way great topic