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Settings for Anlerr Mr Bald T ceramic cup vaporiser

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
There has been some discussion in the past about the Mr Bald T ceramic cup vaporiser but nothing recent. Given it's price and world wide availability, I am sure it has been widely tried. Would folks who are using it successfully for DMT please share what settings work best and if there are any techniques that might help. I will be using it with a Joyetech evic mini v2. I am a non-smoker and I have never used an e-cig before. Many thanks in anticipation.
Here are the the settings I used on my first attempt

Temp Control mode
Max power 29.5W
Temp 220C
80-100mg of spice in cup
Short initial burst to 150C to pre-warm cup and melt the spice
Button re-pressed every 9-10 secs to get around the 10 sec automatic lockout.

Large amounts of vapour produced without much delay.
Vapour was harsh on throat but did not taste or smell excessively burnt.
Lying the device on its side allowed left over molten spice to spill out of the cup but it is still well contained. Try to keep upright whenever possible.
The device was very easy to clean with a cotton bud (Q tip) and acetone. This is one area where a cup style vaporiser is superior to other designs.

I will keep this thread updated with other settings I experiment with in future so that others considering this device have point of reference to start from. I would be grateful if other members using this device could add their settings / observations also.
i just ordered the Mr Bald T yesterday.
thank you sharing your settings.
I will report once my vaporizer arrives (i hope customs does not cause problems like last time)
Thanks for the info! My Mr Bald T is on the way, too.
It seems like such a great method... My only concern is that the vapor may be harsh.

Well, I guess anything's better than the ol' glass bubble.
my Mr. Bald T arrived today.
first off, one of the heating pads seems to be broken, or i broke it by my first test fireing burst (the wattage maybe was too high, so be careful with yours)

i did a quick test with just a small amount of dmt and 25W power,
i fired the atomizer for a few times to pre-melt the dmt until i could see a little vapor

the dmt tastes a little burned, nothing like when you actually burn it, but still not as tasteless as in a GVG (at leats with my settings).
i do not know why, but there is an effect that causes my lips and tongue to feel burnt, rally badly burnt. also it irritates the throat more then i expected.

now 20 minutes after the test, my lips still feel a slightly burned and i have to cough sometimes because my throat has not recovered yet.

if anybody can get better results please post your setup.
I might be completely wrong, but I presumed that my experience of lip burn was due to my lips sliding off the glass bit of the mouthpiece onto the metallic bit which will probably be a bit hot.

Did you try temperature control mode? Despite the manufacturers advice, people are reporting that it does work in TC mode.

Next time I plan to try 160C to 180C. I am not having much luck with my extractions at the moment:cry:. 20G of MHRB yielded no crystals whatsoever. Just a faint oily residue smelling of DMT that is too little to be scraped off:x. I've got more of the same sample of bark. Maybe I need to do a bulk extraction just to get a decent dose extracted:?:.
antares said:
Did you try temperature control mode? Despite the manufacturers advice, people are reporting that it does work in TC mode.

i tired with W mode, with TC the bowl heats up slowly but then the mod goes into "temperature control"
so i think the Mr Bald T might not be suited for this.

maybe heating it up more slowly will give better results
That is very interesting. Mine worked straight away in TC mode. Please don't mistake my intentions, I am not trying to be patronising but was the vape firmly screwed down onto the mod and did you lock the resistance value into the mod settings while it was completely cold?
i just double checked,
apparently there are multiple TC modes on my mod
the difference seems to be how fast it heats up. so now TC is working.
but after quickly testing it how it melts dmt, it still smells burnt right away. so i think it heats up in a small spot very quickly.
BTW, about the burning of the lips:

I actually draw out the glass mouth tube piece by about 1cm to be able to inhale more easily and at the same time to get some distance to the metal part. IMHO much better that way. But don't tilt the glass tube on the metal, or it might break.

And yes, due to the way cup atomizers work, you have to always hold them straight, which is a bit problematic at first, but you get used to it. Sometimes, if I vape stuff, which I revape often I put a piece of flexible plastic tube on the mouth glass piece and so I can vape in a normal head position, but still have the atomizer upright.

with TC the bowl heats up slowly but then the mod goes into "temperature control"
so i think the Mr Bald T might not be suited for this.

Isn't that exactly how it should behave? When it reached the set temp it also displays "temp control" on mine, to basically say,it reached the set temp and doesn't heat anymore with set power, as it is in temp mode.

Received now the bubbler mouthpiece for it, which is made purely from glass. Will try it dry and with water, when I get the time. But I have just no idea, how to get the water out of it again...:surprised

I use it only at 20W, in TC-Ni mode. I always just put the amount in the cup I also intend to vape.
pulling out the glass tube sounds like a good idea, i will give it a try.

i think in the first TC mode i used the peak temp was reached way to quickly and therefore did not work.

do you have a picture of the bubbler mouth peace you made?
do you have a picture of the bubbler mouth peace you made?

I didn't make it. I just bought it.

What I don't like about it, just from the constructional POV, is that it doesn't have an inlet of fresh air right over the cup, like the normal mouthpiece has. I would think, that this could hinder a proper smoke development.
I think that's because the bubbler is actually intended for use on the Mr Bald 3 and not the T.

And also that you cannot take it apart...

Attached a pic of it.


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... finally, my experience with the "Mr.Bald T Vaporizer Kit". I got the recommendation from a fellow, who facilitates 5-MeO sessions with this device, and because I am interested in safe and easy ROAs, I gave it a try. I received the vaporizer some weeks ago, but felt too busy to test it. Till today.... when the family went out and I was alone, I found some "free time" to go on the first attempt and it worked perfectly.

i) Load the magic (I used 5-MeO FB) in the ceramic cup and close the device
ii) Press the "launch-button" and hold it for about 5-6 seconds, you see the crystals melting into liquid
iii) Breath out deeply (first belly and then chest) and let go of the "launch-button"
iv) Press it again and start slowly inhaling the smooth vape deeply (first belly and then in the chest) in the deepest depth of your lungs
v) Hold breath and lay down the device
vi) "ciaoooooo b b b b b e e e e e l ll l a a aa a ...."

This was my first attempt, which worked already pretty well, and I am just at the beginning of the learning curve.

I cleaned the cup with a q-tip and a bit of isopropanol afterwards.

My fellow told me of his unsatisfying attempts, compared to 5-MeO fb, with this device and N,N fb. I want to try it with N,N as well and will come back to this thread to share my experiences with you.

For the 5-MeO it gets 4/5 nasty toads.


.. now, the family is back and I can still feel the buzz, time to get some tee and enjoy the sun.
Nice to hear from your successful try.

I also have to say, it definitely works better for 5-MeO-DMT than for DMT. For me,for 5-MeO-DMT it really works without any real hassle (as well as for many many other substances), but with DMT IMHO a bit a problem is the condensation. There it helped a bit to have heat it up for a longer time on a lower temp in advance, to get the whole thing heat up. Or to heat it prior, before putting the DMT in.
Ahhh ... here you guys hang out! Finally I found you! Thank you tseuq for pointing me here!
And thank you very much for your report!

Since you and Aum_Shanti both recommend the Bald T for 5-Meo ... I get, that the molten substance does not travel up the walls of the cup ... otherwise you probably would have said so. (Because the alternative would still be the Source Nail where the walls are heated too.)

Now I am still curious about the residue that's left behind. Is it black stuff?
I am asking this, because I believe it only gets black, if a small amount gets burned instead of vaped ... and I would love to avoid this.
Guys, I got my Mr bald T. Works pretty good but it doesn't do temp control which left me with either weakish hits, or burnt ones. So I got something new.

I'm sure most of you know about Divine Tribe. Well he's got a new product called the Quartz Quest it's basically a temp control quartz cup. It works AMAZING. No burnt hits and I blast off 1 rip. Set it to 310° ni 50 watts and you're golden. 😛
@SUBZERO; Did you try the Quartz Quest with 5-Me0 or/and DMT?

Curious to hear your feedback.

@Rudi Carell; I like the Mr.Bald T, it does its thing with the 5-MeO, but it has its drawbacks. The quartz banger I use to dab concentrates does also its job, thus, I guess, I will resell the Mr.Bald T (and maybe go for an other kit). :|

SUBZERO, yeah dude spill the beans ;) You're the first one I heard of trying out the QQ, great :) For me and Aum_Shanti Mr Bald T does work in temperature control so I guess it's your specific mod that doesn't allow it to?
Adding to tseuq's question: how much did you try to load yet? Can you get all in one toke if you load say 30 mg DMT?

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