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Severe depression with microdosing??

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I microdosed for 5 days started with .1g then .2 .35 .5 and .6. I decided to stop because it made me extremely depressed for some reason, completely lethargic (slept maybe 18hrs in a day) and did not have the energy to do anything. ALTHOUGH the dreams I had were pretty interesting very detailed and intense as soon as I would fall asleep.

But besides the dreams I did not have any really good positive effects from the regimin (I was planning on doing 20 days) but couldn't imagine doing it for any longer it made me extremely sad about my life for some reason I really don't have too much to be sad about but for some reason with the microdosing I became extremely depressed.

Has anyone had this expereince or heard of anyone having something similar?
Yeah low doses can make you feel like that, i think microdosing is taking around 0.1 every few days and you don't realy feel it, 0.3 - 0.6 doses can be annoying, it just amplifies the feelings and you can't even recognise why you are feeling like that.. such low doses are only enjoyable with friends when you are already having a good time
Sakkadelic said:
Yeah low doses can make you feel like that, i think microdosing is taking around 0.1 every few days and you don't realy feel it, 0.3 - 0.6 doses can be annoying, it just amplifies the feelings and you can't even recognise why you are feeling like that.. such low doses are only enjoyable with friends when you are already having a good time

AH ok thanks for letting me know, yea I was having trouble finding a correct dosing regimen but one guy I saw somewhere was talking about taking .7 grams as a microdose and one guy on youtube did 1 gram for 30 days. But yea it felt horrible like that I would not want to repeat it lol, don't really see any benefit.
Yeah my depression got worse when I tried micro-dosing just a few weeks ago. I was randomly bursting into tears and feeling terrible. It was only after I finished that I started to feel better.

I did 3 weeks of 0.3g psilocybin (5 days on, 2 days off) but that was to treat a case of depression. I think some people just do 2 or 3 doses per week.

I think the key is in integration even for low doses because it seems like a few weeks later I was feeling better about life generally.

It's good that you listened to your own intuition and stopped if it didn't feel right. I've seen that advised on here lots.

What's the reason for your micro-dosing?
This happened to me when dosage and frequency were not well calibrated. I either was taking too much, or too often.

There is truly integration, even when dosing less than the tenth of a potent dose. It's quite incredible actually and I think microdosing is all about feeling those very subtle nuances.

Find your balance and the time you need between each dose.

If the sadness was vivid I would say there's still something to work with. If it was more like numbing and depersonnalized, not that much. Both can happen.
Well, yeah. Iboga will make you be real with yourself. If you think you have nothing to be sad about, you might be wrong. In my experience, Iboga doesn't lie.

Like someone else said, the good feelings tend to happen *after* the experience.
oh sorry i didn't notice this was in the iboga section, i thought you were talking about shrooms microdosing :oops: i don't know anything about iboga dosage and effects.

i hope things resolve for you and good luck
Hey, I'm very curious if those of you who are reporting these negative effects have had trouble tolerating prescription SSRI anti depressant meds and/or have experienced any other negative mood alteration with other seratonergics or harmalas/MAOI/RIMAs?

Just for my own benefit, as this has been my experience with those and these reports may give me good reason to pause before working with iboga. And might point to a possible contraindication for the general public if we could determine some commonality.

Hey, thanks for these reports. This kind of stuff is really helpful in searches.
null24 said:
Hey, I'm very curious if those of you who are reporting these negative effects have had trouble tolerating prescription SSRI anti depressant meds and/or have experienced any other negative mood alteration with other seratonergics or harmalas/MAOI/RIMAs?

Just for my own benefit, as this has been my experience with those and these reports may give me good reason to pause before working with iboga. And might point to a possible contraindication for the general public if we could determine some commonality.

Hey, thanks for these reports. This kind of stuff is really helpful in searches.

No i've never been on any pharms and do fine when working with aya/harmalas I actually enjoy aya a lot tbh makes me feel very relaxed and pretty good in general during and after words (this is withouth chacruna).
Tara123 said:
Yeah my depression got worse when I tried micro-dosing just a few weeks ago. I was randomly bursting into tears and feeling terrible. It was only after I finished that I started to feel better.

I did 3 weeks of 0.3g psilocybin (5 days on, 2 days off) but that was to treat a case of depression. I think some people just do 2 or 3 doses per week.

I think the key is in integration even for low doses because it seems like a few weeks later I was feeling better about life generally.

It's good that you listened to your own intuition and stopped if it didn't feel right. I've seen that advised on here lots.

What's the reason for your micro-dosing?

Well the reason was that I wanted to get a grip on my bad habits in general (food binging, compulsive eroticism etc. etc.) and cultivate more good habits exercising eating right etc. etc. I've been on both sides of the fence throughout my life have delved deep into the bad habits and have been pretty good with staying disciplined on my good habits. I guess I just wanted something to kick me in my ass to give me inspiration or SOMETHING so I can pull myself out of the slump I'm in.
RhythmSpring said:
Well, yeah. Iboga will make you be real with yourself. If you think you have nothing to be sad about, you might be wrong. In my experience, Iboga doesn't lie.

Like someone else said, the good feelings tend to happen *after* the experience.
I have only ever felt great on Iboga (if somewhat overwhelmed and scared on the one flood dose I've done under the guidance of an experienced facilitator).

Last year I took 6g rootbark (much less than a flood, but enough for a visionary psycho-spiritual experience) and it was wonderful, but I experienced a bit of a depression 2 days later. It was just a lack of my usual joy. There was no de-motivation like with the MDMA blues.

I didn't experience that post-Iboga depression with the flood, and I didn't experience it with 3g rootbark, which was also a visionary, psycho-spiritual experience, but milder.

dmtsavedme said:
I guess I just wanted something to kick me in my ass to give me inspiration or SOMETHING so I can pull myself out of the slump I'm in.
Perhaps a stronger dose would be more suitable as an ass-kicker.

I've never microdosed Iboga. I feel it could help with mild addictions or bad habits (also opiate addicts use 'booster' doses following a flood to help them stay clean), but it wouldn't be ass-kicking or otherwise dramatic.
I guess I just wanted something to kick me in my ass to give me inspiration or SOMETHING so I can pull myself out of the slump I'm in.
I'm going to agree on the macro-dose for this. IME, micro-dosing is great for symptom management, but full psychedelic doses with intent are better for as life-change catalysts.

Again though, I'm referring to classic psychs.
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