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regarding dmt and sex, i've never tried this, but can't really see how it could work (although i'm sure it can).. might have to try this    by far the best psychedelic sex i've ever had was to light a joint loaded with 5-meo-dmt during sex (the cannabis seems to potentiate and extend the 5meo trip).. unfuckingbelieveable    extacy, while on the come up, peaking, after peaking, come down, next day, in fact the entire extacy experience is made for sex, and just pure sexyism    mushrooms are a strange one, i've been chatting to a girl while tripping far too hard, but what she was wearing and her playful attitude, she seemed spoton like this recurring sexy dmt seducturess. I was getting really turned on but can't imagine there being any way i could have actually had sex. i tried this once of about 4g cubensis and it's just too fucking strange, especially when you close your eyes    let's not forget how well a simple joint can compliment sex either

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