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Should I do an Iboga flood? - And how?


Rising Star
I know that nobody but myself can give a final answer to that question. But I believe it's a wise idea to get some input on it before making any decision.

I've been drug dependent for several years (mainly consuming daily high dose Phenibut - with occasional binges of stims added in). I've been out of drug dependence since doing Aya in 2019. I did have occasional binges(involving Phenibut, GHB, stims) since then, but no full-on dependency. I live an overall productive live now, am actively self-employed, learning new languages, ... I would say that I overall have my shit together, with occasional slip-ups.

What I hope from Iboga:

  • I would *love* to get to a point where I'm able to have stuff like GHB, 2CB, maybe even stims sitting around, without slipping into binges. If possible, I would prefer to learn a controlled use, instead of having to ditch those substances completely. (I'm already at the level where I can stop before things get *too* out of hand, but I would like to get to a level of full control)
  • If such is not possible for me, and I need to abstain completely, I want to be clearly told that. I'm open to accepting such answer and completely cutting certain substances out of my life. But I want clarity, so I don't have to second-guess.
  • Get a better understanding of which path I should walk in life. I'm at a point in life where I have a high degree of freedom and possibilities, but feel very unclear about what I actually SHOULD do with that. I feel like I should do something meaningful, build something bigger than myself, NOW, and have several ideas, but am not sure what I should decide for. I'm not talking "get rich and famous" type of project here(though I believe money to be something that can be put to a lot of very positive uses, so I'm very open to new avenues of making more), but rather about contributing something to the world-at-large.

Still, I'm not sure if I should do a flood, and if I do it, in what environment.

First, regarding the if: The majority of people using Iboga seem to report very positive outcomes. However, there seem to be a handful of people with very bad reactions(lasting torture-like brain zaps, lasting "drugged" feeling, ...), and I wonder what's behind those. Are some people simply not meant to do Iboga? Did they have other stuff in their system messing things up? Where they given a bad dose(i.e. far too high, or possibly another plant)? In other words, can all bad reactions be attributed to human error, or is it a gamble and some people will simply react bad to Iboga? In general I seem not to be prone to getting unusual damage - I've done a bunch of heavy drug abuse in my life, and also had some very far-out psychedelic experiences, and generally feel very good and free from lasting damage(apart from cravings).

I'm also aware that there's several more gentle, slower approaches to addiction - i. e. Trauma Release Exercises, The presence process, ... However, part of me assumes that Iboga is more comprehensive and powerful in several ways, literally going to the very root. I understand addiction to stem from trauma, and trauma to be stored on multiple levels - tensions in the muscles to be released, toxins of some form in gut and liver, things on the psychological/spiritual level.

For me it's also about getting some things answered and finding purpose - something which I believe a teacher plant to be far more helpful with than any form of psychosomatic practice/exercise.

My other question is, if I'm going to flood, where to do it. I see how the full traditional Bwiti experience might be best - both in terms of getting maximum benefit, and safety - since I assume that every part of their complex tradition has its reason. At the same time, I only see such retreats in the range of ~3000€, which firstly is money that I simply don't have right now, and secondly also feels wrong to me to charge such amounts. I'm aware that I could get a flood dose off Maya, get an AirBNB in a remote natural environment for 3 days to a week, and flood there. Which seems much more doable for me in terms of money, but also potentially more dangerous(but potentially also psychologically safer - better to be on ones own, than with some plastic shaman only in it for the money). I've done Aya without a shaman before and benefitted greatly, so I generally believe it can be done, though I also feel like Iboga is quite a different animal.
I can't really answer right now other than perhaps to observe that if you have the inkling you might need to abstain that's at least a path of least resistance!

Mostly I wanted to give your thread another chance of getting seen, and to wish you every success in the continuation of your recovery journey. You seem to be doing pretty well, so what is it that leaves you with this question still hanging there?

Welcome to the Nexus!
I can't really answer right now other than perhaps to observe that if you have the inkling you might need to abstain that's at least a path of least resistance!

Mostly I wanted to give your thread another chance of getting seen, and to wish you every success in the continuation of your recovery journey. You seem to be doing pretty well, so what is it that leaves you with this question still hanging there?

Welcome to the Nexus!
(English is not my mother tongue, so some phrasings might sounds a bit strange, but I hope I get the meaning across still)
Regarding the pretty well part, yes and no. I've definitely made advancements in some life areas, but at the same time I feel in kind of a hole since about 1 month (had a binge back then, and went from feeling on-top-of-the-world amazing to depressed-ish. Like, not full on depressed, I'm still able to laugh and have joyful moments, but also feeling like I switched straight from feeling on-top-of-things and confident to feeling overwhelmed and barely getting by. From proactive to reactive. From highly productive to overthinking. Spending far too much time and energy agonizing over which direction to go(both in regards to healing, and also in regards to life path) and the meaning of everything. Able to manage, but far from my optimal well-being and performance (which I'd been pretty close to pre-binge).

I'm starting to open up to the idea of throwing my stash(just 2CB and GHB currently). Yet, if I do so, I wanna do it whole-hearted. I'd been at the point of throwing out stuff before, but ended up re-ordering after some time had passed, because I hadn't truly and fully finished with it in my heart. Specifically I'm attached to the idea that I wanna do sensory-enhancing substances with a special someone at some point. Though I'm thinking now, that, firstly, that it's just a fantasy I developed and not everything one fantasizes about needs to be done or is wise. And, secondly, such experience could be had with classical psychedelics, which can be super sensory enhancing in the most incredible ways and IME(others experience might vary) come with no abuse potential.

Either ways, I'm very strongly considering an Iboga, or other entheogen, journey, at the very least because I would love to see a clear path instead of agonizing over which direction to go and which decisions to make, and to my understanding Entheogens, and especially Iboga, can very much help with that.

I'm also considering Ayahuasca(which has served me VERY well before and I therefore feel quite warm with - though I think another teacher might be more beneficial because I already received a lot of what Aya has to teach), San Pedro/Peruvian Torch/Bolivian Torch(with which I had some experiences ranging from microdose to mid dose, but didn't connect with nearly as much as with Aya - probably because I approached Aya very intentional before but ate cactus in a very casual way, and in a less-than-optimal environment for letting go) and Peyote(which I have zero experience with so far).

Also, Thank You Very much for well wishes, the welcoming, and bringing up my thread, fellow human :)

Why not get 5-10g of rootbark and do it at home and see how it treats you? Then decide from there?

Quite open to that idea, and might be what I'll end up doing. Also very open to starting with microdoses, and working my way up.

One thing that might be interesting, I'm not sure what's the meaning of that, or if it had a meaning: I took what was supposed to be a flood dose of Iboga extract something like a year ago. Plant material was ordered from one of the, if not the, most reputable European store, then extracted at home. Felt absolutely nothing. No nausea, no ataxia, no visions, literally nothing. I assumed I had messed up the extract, but later talked with a friend who I had shared some of my extract with, who told me he mini-dosed a few times and definitely felt something.

Open questions summarized(as stated in my first post, just questions that I ask myself, I'm not expecting anyone to answer them for me, but possible input / brainstorming):

- Should I just completely get rid of substances that I consider potentially too abusable *and* accept that my time with them has come to an end, fully break up with them in my heart
- Iboga vs San Pedro vs Peruvian Torch vs Bolivian Torch vs Peyote vs Ayahuasca vs ??? in my situation

- Possibly recommendations for specific retreats, if that's allowed to ask here. I am free to travel anywhere. Would rather not go with the super costly ones(as I'd need to save up some months for them, and also don't see why some retreats charge like 4 digit amounts). Though I'm open to that, if they're really worth their buck.

With Metta
One thing I'd like to ask is, do you have a regular meditaition practice? Your post gave me the impression of a certain mental "buzziness" (busyness - business?) going on.

To that end (and given some discussions here, both recent and ongoing) I would suggest a further alternative of a regular harmala practice. I microdose Syrian rue daily - in it for the long game, it seems! - and this is helping elicit some deep changes, supports meditation, and provides space for a foundation of inner peace.

How does that sound to you? (And what is your native language? - we're quite international at the Nexus!)
Sounds like you are on a somewhat stable point now and things are looking up even if you are still a bit confused in terms of what directions to take.

  • I would *love* to get to a point where I'm able to have stuff like GHB, 2CB, maybe even stims sitting around, without slipping into binges. If possible, I would prefer to learn a controlled use, instead of having to ditch those substances completely. (I'm already at the level where I can stop before things get *too* out of hand, but I would like to get to a level of full control)
Why exactly do you want to keep taking these substances?

  • If such is not possible for me, and I need to abstain completely, I want to be clearly told that. I'm open to accepting such answer and completely cutting certain substances out of my life. But I want clarity, so I don't have to second-guess.
You want clarity but doesnt sound like you are clear on it yourself.
To me it feels like you already know you have to quit but are waiting to "hear it", which is fine.

Regarding the pretty well part, yes and no. I've definitely made advancements in some life areas, but at the same time I feel in kind of a hole since about 1 month (had a binge back then, and went from feeling on-top-of-the-world amazing to depressed-ish. Like, not full on depressed, I'm still able to laugh and have joyful moments, but also feeling like I switched straight from feeling on-top-of-things and confident to feeling overwhelmed and barely getting by. From proactive to reactive. From highly productive to overthinking. Spending far too much time and energy agonizing over which direction to go(both in regards to healing, and also in regards to life path) and the meaning of everything. Able to manage, but far from my optimal well-being and performance (which I'd been pretty close to pre-binge).
Id be careful about idealizing high states, then we get into the low ones thinking that it was sustainable and beating ourselves up for not staying up there.
Do you know why you chose to binge back then?

Something that I find interesting is that you lay this quitting or not like a choice, which it might be dont get me wrong.
In my experience there is much dynamic tension between the parts of us that want to quit and the ones that dont, push and pull, when you are high on soberty you want to let go, and when you are low you want to crawl back up.

- Should I just completely get rid of substances that I consider potentially too abusable *and* accept that my time with them has come to an end, fully break up with them in my heart.
There are a couple things that come to mind.
If your time with them has come to and end then I would definitely accept that, are we sure you are completely done with them? (again, there is some of that push and pull).
Im curious, what place do this susbtances have in your heart?

Overall it does sound like your time with these substances has come to an end if you ask me, it might take time to manifest but whatever purpose they fulfilled Id say its slowly withering away.

Also, there seems to be this "waiting to know", to kown if you have to quit to then commit to it, to know wich psychedelic to take to then commit to it, to know wich path to take to then commit to it, which sounds like a bit of a silver bullet to me.
Being in that middle gound, in that uncertainty, can definitely be uncomfortable.
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One more thing, I would never ditch the 2C-B - it will keep forever and may come in handy in a couple of decades, once you've straightened yourself out! OTOH, making a completely clean break is totally understandable. Now might be a good time to take up cactus cultivation instead ;)

@ShadedSelf makes a great point about committing to something - start by committing to decide what that is going to be, and when, then take it from there.
Taking time off from psychoactive substances to integrate is positively encouraged around here since this is as much a harm minimisation forum as a 'drugs' one.
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