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Shroom Tea Questions

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I decided I was going to attempt to brew up some mushroom tea with some mushrooms that I had acquired. I took 2.5g of some shrooms, I do not know which strain they were, and broke them apart into little tiny pieces. I took three cups of water, boiled it, and removed it from the heat for five to ten minutes before adding in the mushrooms. When it cooled down a little, I threw them in and stirred it around for a few minutes. I then let them sit for 15 minutes in the water, and let it cool. When I came back I stirred them around for another five minutes, and by this time the water had turned a very interesting looking, deep blue tint. I assume this means the actives in the mushrooms had come out into the water, so I strained it off, added some mint tea bags to the water to aid in taste, and drank it down.

This is where the questions start coming into play, for at first I was sitting on my couch drinking the tea, and within twenty to thirty minutes I started to feel very intense pleasure pops. These pops came more frequently and more strongly then I have experienced with just chewing the mushroom. After about ten to fifteen minutes of this, and feeling just overall happy and good inside, I decided I would go for a walk to a neighborhood forest preserve about 15 minutes from here. During my walk, I smoked a bowl of some fine indica, and by the time I got to the woods I was feeling more high then anything else. I got further in, and sat down on a bench, only to find that the mushroom tea had stopped working. I had no longer felt the pleasure pops, and just felt tired from walking in the heat. I tried smoking another bowl to attempt to bring the trip back up a level, but nothing happened. I just felt high.

My question is this, why did it start to work, and then all of a sudden stop after I got up and started walking? I have done this before with just chewing the mushroom, and I for sure tripped out that time. But why would the tea start to work, then all of a sudden be diminished to nothing? I would love to try this again, but want to know what I possibly did wrong this time so I can fix it. Any advice would be great, thanks.
powder the mushrooms next time, add some lemon juice and filter the mushrooms out after it steeps, squeezing every drop out of the mushroom powder. There is no other reason for eating the mushrooms to be stronger, unless you got weak mushrooms for your tea and had stronger ones in the past.
I think its cause you steeped the tea, and didnt get all the actives out.

Tea is my preffered method for shrooms, as it comes on faster, more intense peak, its cleaner, and its done a bit sooner.

I dont steep at all, i throw the whole mushrooms in a pot, and boil it right on the stove with the mushrooms in it. It doesnt destroy anything.

Fill pot halfway with water, throw in mushrooms, boil down until it is at drinkable amount, remove shrooms, drink. that simple
BecometheOther said:
I think its cause you steeped the tea, and didnt get all the actives out.

Tea is my preffered method for shrooms, as it comes on faster, more intense peak, its cleaner, and its done a bit sooner.

I dont steep at all, i throw the whole mushrooms in a pot, and boil it right on the stove with the mushrooms in it. It doesnt destroy anything.

Fill pot halfway with water, throw in mushrooms, boil down until it is at drinkable amount, remove shrooms, drink. that simple

Thanks guys, and I did squeeze all the water out of the mushrooms before drinking it, I knew that much. So pretty much no steeping, just straight boil the mushrooms? I always thought that was too hot.
So I tried this again with an eighth, and threw them in while it was boiling and then reduced heat to the lowest setting and stirred for twenty minutes. The higher temp of the boiling made a noticable difference. The brew did not turn blue this time, but instead a deep amber color. It became kinda frothy as well. And let me tell you, boy did it work...
^^ I'm not clear about why the shape of the boiling pot is important if you're only using it for the purpose of bringing the water to a boil, taking it OFF the heat source, and adding in shroom powder for 10 seconds (and why couldn't you just pour the boiled water out into a receptacle with the powder?).
So...the main thing you're different on compared to everyone else is that you give only a ten second "brew time." That's amazingly short. How did you come to realize that was all you needed? Virtually EVERY OTHER recipe I've seen recommends about 15 minutes of brewing time.

BTW, I don't doubt you. It's probably the powdering. If you have big chunks of material, it might really need 15 minutes; but with powder, things are going to go into solution pretty fast, I suppose.
15 minutes is completely unnecessary..so is brewing the mushrooms in simmering or boiling water..you only need to steep. I have done this tek probly 100 times. All you need to do is take dry mushrooms and powder them. Put the powder into a tea bag and put it into a cup with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Pour some boiling water into the cup and steep for 5-10 minutes. Move it around with a spoon etc squeeze the tea bag out completley over the cup a few times to so that you get all the alks out and then drink it. That is all.

I actaully swear that boiling for about 15 minutes seemed to reduce potency for me and I wont do it again because I have never found any need for it.
^^I agree that's a reasonable idea--and others have noted that psilocybin is sensitive to heat (so one might expect potency to decline with over heating).

If people are reporting that the experience of just steeping about equals the experience expected from that quantity of mushrooms eaten straight, then that should end the argument.

Thanks for the info.
SWIMfriend said:
So...the main thing you're different on compared to everyone else is that you give only a ten second "brew time." That's amazingly short. How did you come to realize that was all you needed? Virtually EVERY OTHER recipe I've seen recommends about 15 minutes of brewing time.

BTW, I don't doubt you. It's probably the powdering. If you have big chunks of material, it might really need 15 minutes; but with powder, things are going to go into solution pretty fast, I suppose.

I came to realize it because I one of the other methods I tried a few times was boiling it for like 5 minutes and then letting it steep for another 10. It still worked, but it definitely was not any better.

Yes, you are right, the powder is the key to only have to leave it in the water for like 15-30 seconds. When it is powdered and it hits the boiling water, all of the psilocybin get released immediately.
jamie said:
15 minutes is completely unnecessary..so is brewing the mushrooms in simmering or boiling water..you only need to steep. I have done this tek probly 100 times. All you need to do is take dry mushrooms and powder them. Put the powder into a tea bag and put it into a cup with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Pour some boiling water into the cup and steep for 5-10 minutes. Move it around with a spoon etc squeeze the tea bag out completley over the cup a few times to so that you get all the alks out and then drink it. That is all.

I actaully swear that boiling for about 15 minutes seemed to reduce potency for me and I wont do it again because I have never found any need for it.

You say brewing the mushrooms in boiling water is unnecessary, but then you go on to say that you add boiling water to the cup that holds the shrooms and steep for 5-10 minutes.

Like I said above, there is no need for it to sit that long.

We are both basically doing the same thing, except I am done in about 30 seconds while you keep yours in there for 15 minutes.

Do what works for you. Not saying mine is the best, just wanted to give the OP my method.
the water is not boiling when I add it to the cup behindthelight..it is just boiled before hand the way I make any tea. There is a difference between boiling water to heat it up to steep and activly boiling the mushrooms in water for a period of time.

30 seconds might be fine, I cant say. I have never tried doing it for such a short ammount of time.
jamie said:
the water is not boiling when I add it to the cup behindthelight..it is just boiled before hand the way I make any tea. There is a difference between boiling water to heat it up to steep and activly boiling the mushrooms in water for a period of time.

30 seconds might be fine, I cant say. I have never tried doing it for such a short ammount of time.

Ok, I see what you mean now.

Yeah, if the water is actually boiling, 30 seconds(actually less) is enough to release all the goodies into the water. They must be powdered though, it won't work as good if they are just chopped up.
I always chop them finely, boil some water in a kettle, shrooms in a frenchpress, add boiling hot water and steep until It's cool enough to drink, like Jamie said same way I make any tea. It has always blown me away, but I am pretty sensitive to fungus.
ntwhtyouknw said:
I always chop them finely, boil some water in a kettle, shrooms in a frenchpress, add boiling hot water and steep until It's cool enough to drink, like Jamie said same way I make any tea. It has always blown me away, but I am pretty sensitive to fungus.

Yeah, the way you and Jamie do it will definitely work....but I like doing it my way because it works perfectly and it is a lot faster. There is no 15 minute wait while it steeps and you don't have to wait for it to cool down either.
behindthelight said:
ntwhtyouknw said:
I always chop them finely, boil some water in a kettle, shrooms in a frenchpress.

I always chop them in a zig zag pattern, then blow mapacho smoke over them. I sing " o shroomy shroom god bless your wicked soul, and do the twist 3 times jumping twice.

Then i filter the little critters through my aunties nickers!!:twisted:
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