I've had a couple sightings. One time me and two friends were at a friend's house in a very rural area waiting for her and other people to get there to party. It was dark and cold so we just chilled around my car smoking a bowl or two and the others smoked cigs. We were talking and we all just looked into the sky to see this big ass orange orb thing that looked kinda flamey. It wasn't any human vehicle, nor was it a meteor, I know what those look like. It flew in such a way that we could tell it was a UFO, then as we glued our eyes to it in disbelief, it was gone. Just instantly disapeered.
Another time I went to a friend's house and we had some mushrooms. There were several of us there that night, I think one or two were sober, and the rest of them besides me were on mushrooms but not tripping too hard because they ate some the night before. (I told them but they ate them anyway.) So I was tripping the hardest, but there were people here that had their full wits about them. We were sitting in my friend's feild away from his house (rural area again) just hitting his zong and spinnnig flowlights. In the sky this red orb descended towards us and stopped and hovered a bit above what a human could reach. It wasn't really big, but I was blown away. What the hell? A ufo! I told my friends not to go near it, thinking we'd all be abducted, but of course they all just kind of started walking towards it. I was so fearful at that moment. What would happen? Then as they got closer it went right back up into the sky and was gone.
Looking back at that one, I kind of wish I wouldn't have been so scarred. I want to communicate and see what it has to show/teach. Of course, if that happened to me by myself, I'd probably be kinda scarred again.
Just remembered another sighting. I was sleeping in my car at this farm where a friend had a graduation party the night before. I was sober, minus a couple bong hits. So it was that time of night right before the light starts to appear, I'm in my car, and I see this thing that looks like a plane or helicopter way in the distance, but I realized it was flying really weird, it couldn't have been one of those. So I was watching it do some weird manuevers and got freaked out again and got out of my car (I was all alone, thought it would come get me, haha) and I ran towards the building some people were in. Before I got to the building I saw a friend in his car with a girl, and so I ran to them and pointed to the thing and asked them about it. We were all just amazed and confused at what we were seeing, and they agreed I should go inside with the others. So I did, and didn't say anything because I figured my friend's parents would just think I'm high or something.