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Shroomopotamus reporting for duty (UFO sighting's inside)

Migrated topic.
Welcome Shroomopotamus, great name :D Which tek are you using to extract? Have you worked with spice before, if so, how many times? Have you ever tried or thought about trying Changa, or taking DMT orally? I'm presuming you have experience with mushrooms, what other psychedelics have you worked with?


MomentOfTruth said:
Haha! Shroomopotamus!! Have you seen my good pal Snoop Lion out there in the bush?

Welcome, bud!
Im pretty sure he was lurking about last week when I had a Lion King adventure night induced by DOC
Never had the chance to try out DMT, never knew many people who even had the slightest interest in it
I have lots of experience however with LSD, mushrooms, 2C-T-2 & 2C-E
Many other drugs in the past I cant say im entirely proud of... but Hakuna Matata
Recently tried DOC & it may just be my new favorite psychedelic currently. I have to try it out a couple more times before I say for sure but it is definitely my favorite man made chemical I have personally ever tried
It actually is so good it has caused a slight delay in me doing the STB tek
I plan on ordering a life time supply of it fairly soon & then putting money toward producing some DMT but im quite excited regardless
Kinda shitty timing considering the recent MHRB bust but I know there are still suppliers out there 😁
Very interested in brewing some ayahausca too but I feel like smoking DMT first would be a good idea to get a feel for it
thanks for the welcoming folks :love:
Looking forward to where my future DMT travels will take me
Why hello again :D

I'm surprised you haven't tried DMT yet, but I think you'll find it up on your list of favorites very quickly. Good luck in your extractions!


Now... I don't know how they do things in the bushes from where you belong, BUT HERE YOU WILL DO A STRAIGHT TO BASE NOMANS TEK, MAGGOT DO YOU COPY?!

GOOD! Now drop down and give me twenty!
JacksonMetaller said:
Why hello again :D

I'm surprised you haven't tried DMT yet, but I think you'll find it up on your list of favorites very quickly. Good luck in your extractions!
A year of UFO sightings has sparked quite an interest in the chemical 😉

Glad to see some familiar folks around here :lol:
I suppose theres no time like the present.
I had my first UFO sighting a little over a year ago, my first week after moving to Colorado (where all my sightings have been)
I was out on my balcony smoking a cigarette & watching what looked like a helicopter at first from a far distance & for some reason or another didnt take my eyes off the thing. It ended up coming my way & when it was pretty close it changed & appeared as a big triangle with red lights at all 3 tips & then went upside down & took off faster than anything I have ever seen in my entire life. It literally went from going upside down (RIGHT over my apartment) to taking off into nothingness.
Other than this I have seen somewhere between 25-30 UFO's but all of these have been very very similar to eachother. They were all big glowing orbs. They looked like stars but were much closer & flew around. Some floated perfectly still & literally disappeared. Some disappeared came back disappeared & came back.
My most unbelievable UFO sighting that nobody believes & I dont expect you to believe either was 11+ of these glowing orbs all at once. I was out hiking alone & on my way back home I was ontop of a big hill looking over all of my city so I was justtt high up enough to see them. If I went any lower they would have been blocked from my vision by trees ontop of a mountain. Anywho, at first they were all still & floating right next to eachother. I was shocked & just stared at them. Then after a few minutes they all started moving & I shit you not they formed a perfect smiley face & stayed in that formation for about 5 minutes then one by one slowly started flying away.
This was also right after watching 4 other UFO's in the complete opposite direction farrrr away from the others which were moving in triangular formations wih eachother- synchronized perfectly.

Note- the only substances in my body at the time of all these sightings have been only weed & once with a couple beers (not enough to be drunk off of)
I didddd recently see many at once again about a week & a half ago but I was tripping on DOC & not really sure what was going on at the time. These werent a part of the numbers or stories above.
Woah that's really wild man. It's easy to toss these stories off when you read them from some crazy on the internet, but given that this is coming from someone I actually acknowledge as a pretty reliable poster it's a little mind boggling. Are you near any sort of military base? Either way that smiley face story was awesome :D
I had my first sighting 2 years ago near my home. I had never before seen anything like it, and while i always beleived in extraterrestrials, i had never really looked much into UFO sightings or watched UFO shows or anything.

The only reason i'm replying to your thread is because the experience i had was involving a perfect triangle of three orange-ish red circular lights. there was no glare off of them or anything. just three perfect circles in a perfect triangle pattern. It stayed stationary for about 5 minutes and then eventually went down at a 45 degree angle behind the tree's.

at first i didn't think much of it, but kept pondering what i had seen. it wasn't any type of aircraft that i've ever seen, and it was DEFINITELY not flares as they are easily differentiated from aircraft due to the fact that they fall, and they leave a smokey trail.

But anyways, after this happened i coincidentally kept coming across random references to people seeing the EXACT same thing. I saw an article the next week on bbc news web site about ufo docs being released to the national archive in australia or something.. .and mysteriously a bunch of the docs disappeared... they transcribed an excerpt from one of the remaining documents in which a bystander described exactly what i had seen over his garden.

Then i randomly saw a documentary on netflix called "the pheonix lights" and a lady provided photo's AND video of the same exact triangle formation within the first 5 minutes of the documentary. over 10,000 people witnessed that event in AZ in the 90's.

Then i read a similar story of the same triange formation on another forum.

then i really started looking and found information about these sightings ALL OVER THE WORLD!!

Area 51 is only a state away
But I have a harder time believing what I saw could even possibly be human related rather than E.T.
I compare the speed of the triangular UFO to warp speed from Star Wars.
I saw the triangle UFO my first week in Colorado like I mentioned but a month before I got out there the news had lots of reports about a UFO that looked identical & didnt know about this until someone told me that it sounded like the same thing. I looked it up & it was & just like you said about your sighting, it hovered in place too & looked identical to what I saw.
Reports of both the orbs & these triangular UFO's with red glowing tips have been reported world wide.
I have footage of an orb I may post some day
I'm going to look up that movie about the AZ sighting
Welcome aboard Shroomapotumus,

I have never been to Colorado but am a Denver Broncos Fan. The UFO you report, the Triangle UFO, did it have a light in the middle of the Triangle? I am a former Marine and my last 4 years of Active Duty, I was an Air Traffic Controller. Back in 1998, just after release from Active Duty, I was helping my sister move from Olympia Washington to Texas, and saw the Triangle UFO similar to what you describe. My sister was driving and we were only traveling at night due to the heat. As we traveled through Arizonia approximately 0230, I observed what appeared to be a high alltitude aircraft. I tracked it as it decended due to boredom.

As it decended I observed 3 redish orange lights at the points that I believed to be the tips of the wings and the nose of the aircraft, and a white larger light on the belly dead center. Due to the rate of decent, I believed the aircraft was about to crash. I told my sister to pull over. She slowed down to observe as there weren't any other vehicles on the road at this time.

As the craft was about to hit the ground, it suddenly darted straight up. It then darted in all directions at incredible, unreal speeds. It was at this point that it suddenly came to within 100yrds of my position. I got a close visual on it and was astonished by what I saw. It was a giant triangle UFO. It was approximatley 200-300 yards across at the back end of the triangle and 300-400 yrds long from tip to back. It was at least 3-4 stories in hieght that I could see. Needless to say it was shocking. My sister hit the accelerator and would not stop. To this day she will not talk about it.

I had never seen anything like this before this sighting or since. Incredible that you describle the almost exact same craft.
If I could just interject a question into a fascinating subject...

If ET's use 'mechanical' craft that are capable of interstellar travel and are vastly more advanced than us...

Why would they need/bother to use 'headlights'..? Or lights of any kind..?

(head tilt...ponders)
Here is a video that looks justttt like the triangle UFO
it even changes shape like what i saw but does not have a light in the center like you mentioned in your sighting

as for why a UFO may need a light I cant say for sure
but if you were flying something going beyond speeds of anything you have ever seen, chances are you are not going to want something else traveling at the same speed to crash into you
as for the glowing orbs, they could be unknown entities for all I know but regardless all my sightings have changed what I thought was even physically possible.
This thread made me smile :) I've always wanted to see a UFO or aliens without the use of DMT (I've seen many "greys" on DMT).

Anyways, welcome Shroomopotomus! I look forward to hearing more from you and reading more about your UFO sightings.

Peace and Happy Journeys
Just had another sighting
here is my post from another site

I just went to the store to buy some kava
They were all out but I saw a bright red glowing orb in the sky.
It flashed on & off multiple times in the same place & then disappeared
It had a veryyy bright glow to it"
I've had a couple sightings. One time me and two friends were at a friend's house in a very rural area waiting for her and other people to get there to party. It was dark and cold so we just chilled around my car smoking a bowl or two and the others smoked cigs. We were talking and we all just looked into the sky to see this big ass orange orb thing that looked kinda flamey. It wasn't any human vehicle, nor was it a meteor, I know what those look like. It flew in such a way that we could tell it was a UFO, then as we glued our eyes to it in disbelief, it was gone. Just instantly disapeered.

Another time I went to a friend's house and we had some mushrooms. There were several of us there that night, I think one or two were sober, and the rest of them besides me were on mushrooms but not tripping too hard because they ate some the night before. (I told them but they ate them anyway.) So I was tripping the hardest, but there were people here that had their full wits about them. We were sitting in my friend's feild away from his house (rural area again) just hitting his zong and spinnnig flowlights. In the sky this red orb descended towards us and stopped and hovered a bit above what a human could reach. It wasn't really big, but I was blown away. What the hell? A ufo! I told my friends not to go near it, thinking we'd all be abducted, but of course they all just kind of started walking towards it. I was so fearful at that moment. What would happen? Then as they got closer it went right back up into the sky and was gone.

Looking back at that one, I kind of wish I wouldn't have been so scarred. I want to communicate and see what it has to show/teach. Of course, if that happened to me by myself, I'd probably be kinda scarred again.

Just remembered another sighting. I was sleeping in my car at this farm where a friend had a graduation party the night before. I was sober, minus a couple bong hits. So it was that time of night right before the light starts to appear, I'm in my car, and I see this thing that looks like a plane or helicopter way in the distance, but I realized it was flying really weird, it couldn't have been one of those. So I was watching it do some weird manuevers and got freaked out again and got out of my car (I was all alone, thought it would come get me, haha) and I ran towards the building some people were in. Before I got to the building I saw a friend in his car with a girl, and so I ran to them and pointed to the thing and asked them about it. We were all just amazed and confused at what we were seeing, and they agreed I should go inside with the others. So I did, and didn't say anything because I figured my friend's parents would just think I'm high or something.
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