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Shroomopotamus reporting for duty (UFO sighting's inside)

Migrated topic.
I have never seen a UFO, (well, once, but I believe it was a meteor or space junk) but it seems ridiculous to me to suppose that we are alone in the universe.

I do have a UFO story though, but is more a tale of perception and the human mind and senses.

I used to trip a lot out in the woods at a certain pond. Friends would gather to psychedelicize. I even met other friends there who camped there to trip. :) It was a refuge hidden just outside of an urban nightmare. I have probably camped there at least a hundred times.

One night (while tripping) and walking along the path at sunset with a friend I looked to the right and saw something odd. A low silver blue dome off in the woods, perhaps a hundred feet away. I was pretty high so I wanted to be sure but after a minute or so I stopped and pointed it out to my friend.

Do you see that?
Yeah, what the hell?
Look at it man, it's right over there.
What the hell?

It was getting larger.

Let's go see what it is.
I don't know man.
It's right there...

We start to walk towards it. It is just above us on the ridge and it is HUGE.

It must be 40 or 50 feet across, it is no longer low to the ground it is now this big dome right above us on the ridge, only 30 or 40 feet away, maybe less, it is hard to tell in the woods, and it is GLOWING SILVER and BLUE from within. :shock: We are stopped and not sure we want to go any closer.

Then I notice something. It is no longer getting larger at the base, it is in fact getting smaller there. It is in fact starting to reveal the lower half of its true shape, a circle. I start laughing and say to my friend, "It's the moon." :roll: 😁

It was the full moon rising behind the ridge. I swear to you, until that instant it looked like a physical object sitting right off there in the woods. Then it was instantly across the sky.

I didn't get to see a UFO, but I did get a good object lesson on reality being a sieve of filtered information that makes it into an interpretive creature called the brain.
:lol: @ spinCylcle. That pretty much same thing has happened to me and two friends. It was the first time we ever took a psychedelic drug. We took acid, and even though it was pretty weak acid, we totally mistook the moon rising over the horizon in the distance as something else completely bizzare. For like 15 straight minutes we were like "Woahhh what is that over the hill." "It's getting bigger!" "Oh it's, it's..... the moon." Laughter followed.
I think I may have figured out how the glowing orb UFO's can be hoaxed, even the triangle one as in the video.:twisted:

I saw three glowing orange UFO's since I moved to a new state and it wasn't until the third one that I realized what they were. I won't divulge the information unless you want it because it ruined my day when I discovered what they may be:x
archaic_architect said:
I think I may have figured out how the glowing orb UFO's can be hoaxed, even the triangle one as in the video.:twisted:

I saw three glowing orange UFO's since I moved to a new state and it wasn't until the third one that I realized what they were. I won't divulge the information unless you want it because it ruined my day when I discovered what they may be:x
im certainly interested in what you have to say

Botanical Bliss said:
What did you find them to be? The orbs I've seen don't seem like they could've been hoaxed.
my thoughts exactly

Botanical Bliss said:
:lol: @ spinCylcle.
The craft in that "Pheonix Lights" documentary was described from up close by like 10,000 people.

People reported the orbs being part of it, but that the craft itself was over a mile wide and traveled down across the entire state and on down into mexico eventually.

that would be a pretty elaborate hoax! haha.

Did you get a chance to check that out on netflix, shroomopotamus?
I looked it up but I think it was taken off Netflix.
I'll check out some other sites, maybe I can find a stream of it somewhere else
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