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sitters or on your jack jones?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
out of interest...

how many of you are confident to take a spice journey at home alone?

or do you always have someone around (at least in the house)?
I love to have my boyfriend there. He likes to have me there, we like to blast off one after another. I have seen some people who normally dont react badly to DMT have very scary almost seizure like fits from the spice, so i feel safer if someone I love and trust is around. I have blasted off alone once, it went well:d
Alone always (it gives me better concentration).
But the first time was with my trustworthy friend near. And it was important for the first time!

I have done it a few times around a very trusted friend or with my wife around...but honestly unless one is taking an MAOI before lift off there really is not much time for a "bad trip"

Thinking back on my worst experience on the spice there is nothing anyone could have done to make it more plesant...just had to ride it out for all of 4 minutes.
acolon_5 said:

there really is not much time for a "bad trip"

there is nothing anyone could have done to make it more plesant...just had to ride it out for all of 4 minutes.

:d That's true, indeed! But possibly some people will need help after coming back... I dunno... May be some helpful discussion. Spice journey could be rather tough. :roll:
SWIM's first exp was by himself (he's a long time user of psychedelics) and pretty much as soon as the smoke hit his lungs the thought flashed across 'oh fuck should have waited for a friend!'. However, he soon didn't care about that and it all went swimmingly.

I'd say you should think long and hard about doing freebase d even if you're well experienced in other drugs so doing it alone will probably be ok. If you're not prepared then having someone there aint gonna help you that much.

I like having someone to make sure it's all good with el pipe etc. Not long ago SWIM awoke from a d induced slumber to find he'd burnt a hole in a cushion on a solo mission, that could have easily led to trouble.

Also, I find it's good to have someone there simply to rant to about how amazing it was.
Im the same big inhale I always need reassurance that im real and alive when I come back, im just a bit of a chicken, at the moment anyway though cant seee it changing.
well i've yet to properly break-through, although last time maybe i did but im ashamed to say i was quite drunk at the time and i can't remember much about what happened...:oops: i just remember thinking 'holy fuck' after.

so... my next adventure i plan to do alone... just glad some people back up what i thought - that maybe alone is better as from what i remember from last time the other people in the room could make no fucking difference whatsoever once the shit kicks in.
Alone and in the dark. Occaissionaly with friends if they can be trusted not move an inch or utter a word till I give them a signal to say they can. Even the rustle of someone rolling a cigarette is enough of a distraction to piss me off whilst dreaming.
Spot on magic clown
I have this fucker of a friend that insists on being around sometimes, he'll hold silence for about 20 seconds before shuffling, rolling a cigarette (dang fucker), breathing too heavily etc..

on your own, in the dark, silence IMO is the only way to fly
I have done it mainly around a few friends...

I don't like it... :x

Something about coming back to "reality" after a hard DMT trip and having 3-4 people staring intently at you after waiting bored for 5 minutes that just kills the after-trip. :roll:

It was nice to not feel alone... but the last few times I did it I was by myself and it was much more personally meaningful.

Now I will do it with my girlfriend around but probably in another room or maybe meditating on the other side of the room. 😉

I do know, though, that is takes muchos grande cojones to conjure enough courage to smoke 3 big hits sitting alone somewhere... :?
magic clown said:
Alone and in the dark. Occaissionaly with friends if they can be trusted not move an inch or utter a word till I give them a signal to say they can. Even the rustle of someone rolling a cigarette is enough of a distraction to piss me off whilst dreaming.


That's it for me. I had my wife nearby the first time and even her shifting around was distracting. I once put some nag champa insense in the burner right before launch and it ruined the entire journey.... the fewer distractions the better for me at least. I need all of my attention in what is going on during the trip.

That being said, I also really enjoy talking with someone about 15 minutes after re-entry. Having someone to talk about what happened with really does help integrate it. Unfortunatly there are only a very few people who have journey themselves and talking with someone who has not usually gets a funny look.
I don't mind doing it by myself. I have done it by myself several times.

I do, however, prefer to do it with one or two people in my proximity. It's more of a comfort thing for me, like "If something happens and I end up in a bad way one of them will be coherent enough to punch me in the face and shine a light in my eyes" kind of thing but that was for my first couple of times.

Now, more then anything I rather enjoy "Sharing the experience" as it were. Knowing as I delve into the unknown that I am NOT going there alone. And perhaps we might actually see one another there and be like "Sup "M"! Yeah.. Just going to go stick my head into this machine they built. Yeah there is this shiny floating blob guy over there. check him out. Peace!"
That kind of borders on being blasphemous. hehe. I would really do that though.

Also, I like being outside in the hammock or around a fire at night and having nature do it's thing while I do mine. Wind, animals, leaves... all that stuff makes for a very pleasant journey and seems to, for me anyhow, either adds to the experience or does nothing at all negatively to the experience.

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