Last night I decided to put my severe dislike of Salvia Divinorum aside. I have had highly unpleasant experiences with extracts. I tried the old method of ingestion...oral quids.
I did about 3 grams of dried leaf, reconstituted. It was VERY pleasant and I was able to let my mind drift into wonderful dreamscapes and eventually drifted off to sleep where I had strange, but pleasant dreams. It was nothing like that extract crap. It was mildly euphoric, visual, and ever so gentle. I can't wait to try it again with a higher dosage.
The afterglow this morning was just lovely! I felt great, full of energy and life. I've had a smile on my face until about 40 minutes ago.
So my wife went to sleep and I thought, "great, maybe I'll go ahead and have a little journey"
The last 60 grams of my cleanest, clearest crystals were sandwiched in between some blue lotus normal mode of vaporization now.
I didn't get to finish my bowl....on my second hit, things started going green...yes GREEN....
Pulsing green visions with red undertones hit me even before I could lay down....then BAM! Pins and needles all over my body. I became hot, very hot, and the room became super humid. (reminded me of how the salvia extract felt).
The best way I can decribe it is that someone injected me with bee venom. There was itching and burning (oh fun!) everywhere. I lost all sense of I...this pain was all that was left of me. I felt like it was all that I ever knew. I had no hope of it ending. My eyes opened, but not on my accord....everything still stayed as a green blur of images, fighting spirits green and red.....clashing and twisting and was horrible.
I've had my share of really rough spice voyages, this was on another level all together. It was the most vile, horrible feeling I have ever experienced.
I took a look in my bowl to see how much I had actually smoked. Not much, there are still actual crystals left... I didn't even get to melt down all the crystals...damn...I still probably have a decent dose left in there.
So for everyone who keeps asking about doing both Salvia and DMT in the same blast, I would give them a resounding "HELL NO"....However, if you really are into bee venom shots, give it a whirl, and let me know how it went
I know that I will never even think of doing them both within the same freaking WEEK. Hells no.
I did about 3 grams of dried leaf, reconstituted. It was VERY pleasant and I was able to let my mind drift into wonderful dreamscapes and eventually drifted off to sleep where I had strange, but pleasant dreams. It was nothing like that extract crap. It was mildly euphoric, visual, and ever so gentle. I can't wait to try it again with a higher dosage.
The afterglow this morning was just lovely! I felt great, full of energy and life. I've had a smile on my face until about 40 minutes ago.
So my wife went to sleep and I thought, "great, maybe I'll go ahead and have a little journey"
The last 60 grams of my cleanest, clearest crystals were sandwiched in between some blue lotus normal mode of vaporization now.
I didn't get to finish my bowl....on my second hit, things started going green...yes GREEN....
Pulsing green visions with red undertones hit me even before I could lay down....then BAM! Pins and needles all over my body. I became hot, very hot, and the room became super humid. (reminded me of how the salvia extract felt).
The best way I can decribe it is that someone injected me with bee venom. There was itching and burning (oh fun!) everywhere. I lost all sense of I...this pain was all that was left of me. I felt like it was all that I ever knew. I had no hope of it ending. My eyes opened, but not on my accord....everything still stayed as a green blur of images, fighting spirits green and red.....clashing and twisting and was horrible.
I've had my share of really rough spice voyages, this was on another level all together. It was the most vile, horrible feeling I have ever experienced.
I took a look in my bowl to see how much I had actually smoked. Not much, there are still actual crystals left... I didn't even get to melt down all the crystals...damn...I still probably have a decent dose left in there.
So for everyone who keeps asking about doing both Salvia and DMT in the same blast, I would give them a resounding "HELL NO"....However, if you really are into bee venom shots, give it a whirl, and let me know how it went
I know that I will never even think of doing them both within the same freaking WEEK. Hells no.