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Slightly new way of extracting DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
There is not much information about chacruna extractions so I wanted to share my experience with the internet. I only had 30 grams of chacruna. Its DMT content varies from 0.1% to 1%, so I didn't expect big results. Also the online vendor said that dose was enough for a light ayahuasca trip, so I thought it would have around 0.1%. but who knows. I extracted the DMT from chacruna following an A/B tek for MHRB, but I did it in a slightly different way.

I left the chacruna in an acidic solution at room temperature for five days, instead of directly doing the acid cook. I just did two acid cooks, instead of three.

I basified and added the non-polar solvent. Now, the solvent wasn't the typical one. It was one that I strongly recommend, called 'odorless mineral spirit'. This one was made of isoparaffins which exhibit a lower toxicity than naphtha, benzene and all these. If you smell it very closely it does has a very nasty odor, but from a further distance it is so subtle that is very comfortable to work with. For your next extraction give it a try.

I shaked vigorously the mixture and got no layers at all. Do NEVER shake vigorously, instead stir your solution. I could see a lot dark bubbles in the top layer. If this happens to you, table salt is your best friend. Just as the salt touched the bubbles, they broke and finally I could see the two layers clearly. Don't freak out and add salt! I cannot state how good this works. Also, I used natural marine salt, so that it was not adulterated and wouldn't spoil my extraction. In first image you can see how my mixture was. There is a top solvent layer because I added more after shaking it.

I took the solvent out (did three pulls) and did a sodium carbonate wash to get rid of fatty nasty things. I believe that the sodium carbonate wash is a must when extracting from chacruna because it has a lot of fats, compared to mhrb. If you don't get rid of the fats and oils your spice will not be as 'clean'.

I obtained a tiny amount (sorry for not having a scale). It has been compressed so it looks as if there was even less. I'm proud of my work. It is yellow and solid (not gooey). You can see in the second image how small it is, next to a 1 euro coin.

Overall, I think that chacruna is also a very good source of DMT, even though it doesn't have as much DMT as mhrb. If you take the fatty stuff away, you will get excellent results, maybe better than with mhrb. Also, I highly recommend the odorless solvent. Working with it is very comfortable and you get very good results.


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Does this solvent have a name?
Also, how many pulls were done?
A scale is a necessary part of the psychedelic toolbox, I highly suggest getting one that is accurate and precise.
Heavy naptha is what he used. Has multiple drawbacks.

Being difficult to evaporate if it even evaporates at all.
Make sure to check the dmt. Im quite certain it still keeps a lot of the solvent.

Its heavier so it will emulsions much more readily.

And its not known how clean it is.
Heavy naphtha, in my country commonly sold as “white spirit”, seemed to work quite well when I tried it some years ago.

I used it in fairly excessive amounts and still managed good results with freeze precipation.

Evaporation is certainly slower than a lighter solvent and it pulled more oiliness, this is easily dealt with in recrystallisation.

Another option to get the alkaloids out is to salt them out, re-base and pull with a lighter solvent.

I played briefly with it as it is very cheap here. I like working with lighter solvents, heavy naphtha does have its attractions, though.
cookiejoe said:
...It was one that I strongly recommend, called 'odorless mineral spirit'. This one was made of isoparaffins which exhibit a lower toxicity than naphtha, benzene and all these...
A google on isoparaffins shows that in order to match that definition it may not contain something else, hence making it very pure. To reach that, a synthetic manufacturing approach is best suited. Many naphtha's out of natural petrol (distillations + hydrotreatments) contain still some aromatic content hence their stronger smell. So for purity cookiejoe might have a point.

Though there is a difference between
1- being isoparaffins
2- contains isoparaffins
In the latter other structures are allowed in the mix.
cookiejoe said:
...This one was made of isoparaffins...
"made of" might as well lean toward 2- ???

However for isoparaffins it is not really determined how long the chain should be, so the product might be indeed (very?) difficult to evaporate. A minus.

But I find it a little unfair to compare it with other solvents like benzene because who ever uses that for making pulls with? Yuk!
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