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smokable acacia (changa)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hey all nice little site you have here glad i stumbled across it :) ive been wanting to try dmt for quite awhile but just havent got around to obtaining and extracting any material. i luckily came across a vial of some of this stuff http://dmt.tribe.net/thread/4272b52c-e306-46db-ab8b-29d635b81a82 . except instead of caapi it had a different maoi in it (passionflower). from what i was told i should be able to "break through" with this stuff just as with normal extracted dmt. i tried 3 different times by loading up a massive cone in my glass bong (with no water) and smoking as much as possible. each time while blowing out the smoke i was hit with this massive force and was pretty much forced to just lie down and close my eyes. for the next 2 minutes i would see slight patterns and stuff but definitely not a full break through experience. with eyes open everything would be slightly morphing (sort of like a low mushroom dose). just wandering if anyone else has tried this stuff and been succesful? the only thing i can think of as to why it didnt work was that i didnt hold the smoke in long enough (probably 5 seconds max). that shit is hard to keep down.
Some acacia are reportedly high in plain old tryptamine, which kinda sounds like what you described, Im pretty sure you wont get a full on breakthru with tryptamine altho it is definitley psychedelic, it reportedly plateaus at patterns and tracers.
Passionflower is quite a weak MAOI, according to Gracie and Zarkov the MAO content of passionflower compared to the popular MAOI's is lower: [color=yellow:76b3d05a18]Plant: % Beta Carbolines [/color:76b3d05a18] Syrian Rue: 2.0 - 4.0 % Banisteriopsis caapi: 0.1 % Passion flower: 0.05 - 0.1 % Maybe if you tried a sprinkle of Syrian Rue it would potentiate the changa better. Not sure about the dosage though, I'd say you wouldn't need to use much.
Yeah the poster above me is right. Changa is not acacia resin per say, as that link in the original post suggests. Its simply caapi/various other plant materials which has been infused with extracted dmt. (dmt is extracted normally and prior to actual crystalization, plant matter is added to the solvent+dmt. the solvent is left to evaporate which leaves you with the lovely smokable herb mix) As changa has originated in australia.. and we get our dmt from acacia, there is the misrepresentation of it being resin i suppose. Your not getting enough dmt into you, be it from simply not smoking enough.. or the changa being weak. The caapi/other maoi's are not so much essential as simply enhancers to the experience... something like changa being made with parsley will still work fine, just wont be as good.
yeh i think the stuff was good enough for a breakthroug but i simply wasnt getting enough in. are you meant to hold the smoke in and if so for how long? i pretty much exhaled straight away.
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