hey all nice little site you have here glad i stumbled across it ive been wanting to try dmt for quite awhile but just havent got around to obtaining and extracting any material. i luckily came across a vial of some of this stuff http://dmt.tribe.net/thread/4272b52c-e306-46db-ab8b-29d635b81a82 . except instead of caapi it had a different maoi in it (passionflower). from what i was told i should be able to "break through" with this stuff just as with normal extracted dmt. i tried 3 different times by loading up a massive cone in my glass bong (with no water) and smoking as much as possible. each time while blowing out the smoke i was hit with this massive force and was pretty much forced to just lie down and close my eyes. for the next 2 minutes i would see slight patterns and stuff but definitely not a full break through experience. with eyes open everything would be slightly morphing (sort of like a low mushroom dose). just wandering if anyone else has tried this stuff and been succesful? the only thing i can think of as to why it didnt work was that i didnt hold the smoke in long enough (probably 5 seconds max). that shit is hard to keep down.