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Smoked freebase DMT w/MAOI

Migrated topic.
The Dream Walker said:
Now with the freebase harmaloids, how long do the inhibiting effects take to manifest? Immediately, or would I be left with enough time to say, meditate before launch?

A half hour works. 45 minutes is better. But the best procedure that Swim has discovered is to smoke enough to get a buzz about an hour beforehand, then smoke a little about half an hour before to keep your buzz going, and finally smoke a little more about 2 minutes before. Then just smoke at least 50mg of Spice.

With this ritual, Swim usually gets a good plateau peak that lasts about 45 minutes (give or take as much as 15 minutes), and visuals are present for 10 to 20 minutes before and after the peak, and some distorted vision (the world seems like a brighter place) and altered coordination lasts for as much as 2 hours after the initial Spice smoke.

Additionally, Swim has discovered that resistance and tolerance to the Spice builds up ~fairly~ quick. The odd thing is, it seems the amount of time spent in hyperspace affects the tolerance levels more than the amount of Spice smoked. If Swim has a clean system he can have a 2 hour experience with harmaloid assisted Spice, but if he tries it within the next 3 or 4 days he barely gets anything and it seems to take between 2 and 4 times as much spice to get the same affect. The funny thing is it even affects smoking strait Spice.

If Swim has smoked nothing but strait Spice he gets a similar tolerance build. He has to leave at least 2 hours between Spice treatments and if he does more than about 5 in 2 days then he can no longer break through until he gives himself a break for a while. Swim was testing some of this for his own curiosity and discovered that after smoking every hour for a number of hours several times in the same day, before the end of the day he can load 4 hammers with 50mg each and smoke them one after another and he barely gets a buzz.

So in conclusion, for a really good experience, and for the conservation of the Spice, just use the LSD rule. Just with acid, if you have 2 to 8 hours of tripping then wait at least a week before doing any more Spice. There is a balance that can be found as everyone is different, but you just have to experiment.

Also, one other thing Swim discovered. Don't do too much of the harmaloid freebase too often. If you smoke enough to get a harmala buzz for a couple hours do not do it more than 2 days in a row and don't do it several times throughout the day. At about the 3rd day (after about 5 or 6 harmaloid smokings with enough to buzz for an hour or so) Swim had to watch himself and was "off" (not to mention he was ghostly white) for a few days or so. Additionally, he could not eat cheese without problems for about a week and a half, almost two weeks, after that binge.
SWIM is really looking forward to his forthcoming shipment of goodies, reading your most recent trip report only strengthens that...The only thing that is slightly worrying is the MAOI diet and having to avoid the tyramines. Should be worth it though :)
For his first exp, planned for within the week, SWIM has decided not to use a MAOI. SWIM reckons if all goes to plan he can always include a MAOI at a later stage. SWIM also loathes syrian rue after an exp involving aya where he was throwing up yellow bile every 10 mins for about 4 hours, incapable of standing up without falling over for a further 4 hours and feeling like he had severe flu for the next day.
The Dream Walker said:
Now with the freebase harmaloids, how long do the inhibiting effects take to manifest? Immediately, or would I be left with enough time to say, meditate before launch?

Half hour to 45 minutes before should be good. I'd recommend smoking enough to get a buzz about 45 minutes to an hour before and then when the buzz starts to dissipate smoke a little more. Then finally just before smoking the Spice, smoke a little more immediately before smoking the Spice.

Swim basically smokes the freebase harmaloids about an hour before hand and usually smokes it again within half an hour and one final time immediately before smoking spice. When he does this, the experience tends to last between 1 and 2 hours. Usually experiences about a 10 to 15 minute climb with about a 40 to 50 minute plateau peak then a 10 to 20 minute decline and wonderful body feelings are felt as much as 2 hours after smoking the Spice.

Swim also notes that doing it this way seems to build quite a tolerance so it is best to go without doing any Spice or harmaloid for 4 to 7 days before doing this and to wait for 4 to 7 days before doing it again. Even smoking strait Spice the following day took over 75mg to feel much of anything, but Swim had smoke the Spice a fair amount prior as well.
Garulfo said:
Additionally, he could not eat cheese without problems for about a week and a half

What do you mean by 'problems' ?

Very odd feeling, especially in the head, and a headache that wouldn't stop. It kind of felt like someone was pulling my brain out, or at least pushing it up against the inside of my skull. It was amplified if I moved faster than a slow mosey. Needless to say, I had to walk slowly or I would get ~~ I don't want to say dizzy, but it was almost that~~. I think it was playing havok with my blood pressure.
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