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Smoked harmalas and spice aka changa

Migrated topic.
has any one just tried smoking THH or harmine with their spice and seeing how that went?

I know its melting point and decomposition point says that it shouldnt work but I asure you it does... as does K. Trout and Dennis mckenna... and jon hanna...

so any one try it?
What form of harmine have they smoked? Maybe some salt forms are smokeable? Freebase harmine should decompose after it melts according to the Merck Index, so it should not be smokeable.
all the information i have on it i have posted here... so im not sure... but i know that from plant extracts that the gracie and zarkov duo have done has worked as well as the changa caapi leaf... i just dont think it could hurt smoking the commercial extracts that people have been working with already... but your right depending on whether they are freebase or salts could have a difference...
Swim tried smoking a mix of rue extract (freebase) and spice and found it to be a bit more potent than normal spice. As swim doesn't have access to scales he can't be sure of the dosages but he can only add that it was a smaller amount of spice than he normally smokes with about the same amount of rue extract. The effect was stronger than his normal amount of smoked spice lasting maybe 5 mins longer - this was not a breakthrough dose, around 25 - 30mg spice and about 30mg extract but as this was eyeball dose and with a few beers he can't be sure.

But it was definitely more potent.
69ron said:
Freebase harmaline is likely smokeable, but freebase harmine should not be.

well in caapi leaf there is reportedly no harmaline... harmine and thh... so whether is shoudl or should not be isnt the real question the question is why is this the case?
i used to smoke syrian rue all the time...I know lots of people that still do. We used to roll in with our joints at the beach all the time. I even remember a freind whos roommate had a plate full of the seeds on they're table to roll into joints. It def works, I got the same mild relaxing/stoning effect every time and it made my cannabis high more trippy and visual..not sure whats active in it but theres something that was active when smoked in salt form.
mild anti depressant, good for relaxing though..I have a friend who was on anxiety meds and she really really liked to smoke syrian rue seeds..

i remember it making my eyes feel glazed over like a tryptamine, and tingly in my forehead..
well there you have one report... first hand of smoking rue... thats interesting.
ive heard of lots of people smoking resin extract from Basement shaman... so i believe it.
Swim is looking forward to some good ol fashioned changa/infused caapi leaf... swim is also still curious if straight up FV brand THH will actually do ANYTHING when smoked who knows...eh?
SWIM smoked the seeds before. It gives a mild sedative effect, almost like marijuana or a light harmaline effect.

Peganum harmala contains more than just harmine and harmaline, it also contains a lot of harmalol and a few other compounds. Keep in mind that harmine decomposes when it melts, so I just don't see how it's smokeable. I have not seen any mention of harmaline decomposing. Both harmaline and harmalol are probably smokeable. These two alkaloids are most likely causing the effect and that's probably why the effect from smoked seeds is different from that of oral use.

There is no mention of THH decomposing when it melts. It's probably smokeable, so I imagine that smoking caapi gives you a THH-like experience without the harmine effect of oral use.
That, and the fact you'd need to smoke allot of seeds to get the same dose as you would need oral.. tried last night and the taste was horrible, marginal effects.
ok well ron then if thh isnt known to be decomposing at flame point... then it looks like we have smokable THH as the reason for why changa works... which means THH can be smoked... SWIM has infused caapi leaves with more THH as well... bioassys are waiting...
reflexion said:
i believe it's called 'esphand' aka syrian rue
indeed it is... SWIM walked into a middle eastern groccery store in portland YEARS ago and bought an ounce for like 1.50$ back when an ounce went for 20$ or more...
Ok well... its official... DMT infused caapi leaves work REALLY well...
SWIM used the previously posted recipe and added mullein, white sage, mapacho, agua de folrida, chrysanthemum, rose, and jasmine for a flower deva changa... the taste was amazing.. a dose was split between two imaginary people... and wow... it was amazing...

at one point swim had a vision of a reptile woman taking some of his energy and he worked with that to heal his shoulder a bit... swim was high for over and hour...
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