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Smoking DMT after a night of tripping on LSD

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I had a great weekend went camping with some buddys. Saturday night i took a hit of acid. Its been a long time since ive tripped on LSD probably about 15 years or more..over all the experience was good. Very mellow i think the hit was kinda weak. Well weaker then i remebered acid being. So right at dawn just as the sun was starting to illuminate the sky i decided to.vape some spice. Usually i prefer to blast off in total darkness with silence since i usually cant keep my eyes open anyways. BUt this time i couldnt.nor did i want to shut them. Everything became.so colorful the tress the camp fire. All the chairs and beer cans left around the fire pit all suddenly became foreign and i wasnt really sure what they we're but i couldnt stop looking at them in wonder. The trees towered over me like buildings in a big city and the fire pit looked like something from a video game. Hell the whole world looked like something out of minecraft.. coming back down i felt so great and at peace with everything in the world. A truely magical experience
That sounds spectacular and wonderful. If only I had the gift of describing my appreciation for such things.

I, also, have had delightful experience, though infrequent, indulging in the spice whilst also on LSD. The most recent experience was so, I don't know the words, profound, out there, wild, whatever, that I've been reluctant to describe. I guess I will take this opportunity to mention a highlight or two. I'm not trying to hijack Sasquatch's thread.

So about 5? 8? hours into my acid journey, I light up some spice. Small hits. I don't want the breakthrough, for various reasons.

It is dark outside, nice soft candlelight in the living room, my two hounds snoring as usual.

Very gentle liftoff, but liftoff for sure. I look outside through the picture windows, and large trees in the distance (I'm in the city, it's never pitch black outside) have the big happy guy smiling and waving at me, and I return the same, but inside, the tall ceiling-to-floor palm tree is coming to life. Each frond-tip has a colored, laser-beam light shooting from it, slowly gently rotating and swaying. And I want to get back with the giant smiling head outside. (Is this one of the 'ringleaders'? "Entertainment and showmanship"?) But he seems disappointed that I left him, shrugs at me, and fades back into the distance. I try to apologize, and come back to the lightshow. Just beautiful good warm. But I have to pee. Badly. Why didn't I check this before indulging? Oh well. Have to get up and go. Slowly rising, no, sit just for a moment. Close the eyes. Females. Women. Robed. Floating, lying in the air. They were intermixed, but seemed like two 'camps'. In relatively equal numbers, some beckoned me with hand gestures, silently waving me forward, and the others held up a palm facing me, no, don't come this way.

Even if I didn't 'need' to get up and go, I was going with the welcoming ones...

Slowly, softly, heading to the bath. Looking left, at a print on the wall, clearly more than just the 'usual' trip. It seemed to recess back, into the wall. Very nice.

And in the bath, I stand at the toilet, towel rack above it, bare wall at eye-level, on up. Only it wasn't bare wall any more. And I realize I'm using all my energy to make sure my eyes are open not closed, and they are wide open. I don't know why that sticks in my mind and I'm compelled to tell you, but there you have it. So this thing opens, like a picture-box I think I've heard it called? Like, I'm sticking my head into it, left and right, seeing more floating females, all beckoning and welcoming, but I can't go no matter how hard I want to go to them with them. So I just keep looking around, wishing I could comprehend, off in the straight-ahead distance is a window or mirror or something, lights and blackness in between. Left right up and down, all lights and blackness and beckonings. And I'm not high-dosed, I can process a little bit and it is slow enough to really enjoy and give back the love. At least, I tried to give it back. There's no way I can match what they give me. So I stood and watched and loved and was loved, who knows the time frame, just wishing it would last, but it faded, and there I am shaking my head and smiling and believing and not believing. Finally peed.

Wonder if I can get it again? Let's see! So back to the living room, still colors and lights and blackness, but very faded by now. Another smallish hit. Yes, very nice. Rainbow heads on the hounds. Try the hallway. Cool but not the big stuff. Blank wall above the toilet. Back to the -- wait. Floaters again. But not females. Back to the hall, following the floating things. Facing me. "Follow". "Don't follow". Try a bedroom oh oh oh. Another "picture-box" thing? So so many floating bodies. To the wall with the 'picture-box', they are pouring from it, not malevolent, but dead. Floating dead bodies. Pouring from the 'picture box' that I'm trying to crawl into. Quick before it fades. Apparently I haven't been quiet enough. My safety-buddy hound nuzzles at my side. Yes. Thank you Jack Sparrow hound (that's his name). Feels good. I'm glad he's there. We share some love, the journey fades and starts erasing itself. But I snagged some good memories, enough to bore you all with...

Honorable Sasquach, I do not mean to hijack your thread. If I offended, please accept my apology.
No problem.. i love hearing about others experiences.. this was my first time mixing dmt with other psychedelics I think it made the come down so pleasant...
That combo at a campsite sounds amazing. LSD and DMT are wonderful together. I've also found that keeping my eyes open can be very appealing in this state, unlike with DMT alone. I often have to remind myself to close my eyes (if that was my original intent) because everything looks so fascinating!

Your story reminded me of a session I had by my lit fireplace. I was going to close my eyes, but as I blasted off the fire became an incredibly energetic, playful, and mischievous little demon- or something. It had this goofy energy and wanted to show off. Seeing the DMT/entity world mix with reality is great.
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