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Smoking Virola Theiodora, test tonight

Migrated topic.


Earth Child
I have prepared some virola theiodora resin, 1g, with some sodium carbonate. I created the sodium carbonate, by placing baking soda in the oven at 480F degrees, for about 3 hours. I then mixed in 300mg of sodium carbonate with 1gram of resin purchased from FV.

Has anyone else smoked the resin before? Can I smoke it in a regular pipe? Planning to smoke some of it inbetween passionflower leaf.

I would use my vaporizer, but the whip is broken. I would use my bubbler, but that also broke ;(. I would use my bong but that was stolen.

So instead I will be using a crack pipe ;(

Hope this works out.

P.S. i dont smoke crack
I have been playing with Calophylla lately. I haven't smoked it at all and will benefit greatly from your info. have a good time.
Hmm madcap, so Im your guinea pig huh? Well I will do my best then.
Where you able to obtain some calcium hydroxide?
SWIM loves the resin sublingually but never tried smoking it.

I've heard others have had disappointing experiences with smoking the resin, but I think they didn't freebase it properly first.

The best thing to use to freebase it would be sodium carbonate or possibly calcium hydroxide. I think if calcium hydroxide is used, you need to be very careful not to overdo it or the 5-MeO-DMT might get destroyed. I don’t think 5-MeO-DMT is stable in highly alkaline environments like DMT is. I know bufotenine (5-HO-DMT) and psilocin (4-HO-DMT) are not stable in highly alkaline environments. I’m sure sodium carbonate would not be strong enough to destroy the 5-MeO-DMT.
I got the calcium hydroxide from FV. But I have seen it as pickling lime in ethnic grocery stores. I just tacked it on to an FV order for easy.
Madcapv2 said:
I got the calcium hydroxide from FV. But I have seen it as pickling lime in ethnic grocery stores. I just tacked it on to an FV order for easy.
Yeah, some stores have it and some don't. I talked to a guy who ended up driving 45 minutes to find some for canning. Called "Mrs Wages Pickling Lime"
I'm going to try smoking Virola resin too.

I'll report back.

I assume it needs to have lime added or it won't work?

ron stated that lime may be too strong of a base for 5-MEO. So if you're talking about theiodora, be aware. Supposedly no problems with Calophylla though.
Go easy on the calcium hydroxide if you use it. You don't want the pH to get too high. I think pH 11 will be fine, but calcium hydroxide can reach pH 12.4. I think calcium hydroxide can destroy 5-MeO-DMT if the pH gets much higher than 11. For that reason it’s better to use sodium carbonate.

When SWIM extracts 5-MeO-DMT from chaliponga he uses sodium carbonate and gets great results with that. Most other people use sodium hydroxide and they report very bad yields. I think the hydroxides are too strong to use and are actually destroying the 5-MeO-DMT content. If sodium carbonate is used, even if you screw up and add too much, it should be fine. But if calcium hydroxide is used, and too much is added, there’s a risk of damaging the 5-MeO-DMT I think. But there is no conclusive evidence that this is the case. Psilocin (4-HO-DMT) and bufotenine (5-HO-DMT) are both destroyed by calcium hydroxide if too much is used, but are not destroyed by sodium carbonate, and I believe this might also apply to 5-MeO-DMT, but it may not. Until this is known, it’s probably a better idea to use sodium carbonate to freebase 5-MeO-DMT.

With Virola callophyla, the active alkaloid is DMT. DMT is very stable in highly alkaline environments, so using calcium hydroxide is fine. You can even use sodium hydroxide for DMT and not worry much about destroying it. DMT seems to be the most stable of all these alkaloids.

With Virola theiodora, the active alkaloid is 5-MeO-DMT. Both resins have completely different effects.

I’m curious how much freebased Virola callophyla you would need to smoke to get a good dose of DMT. I don’t know of anyone who’s tried that.
Just ordered a bunch of resin, plan on doing a lot of testing with smoking/sublingual in combination with B Caapi. I have been wanting to try a large dose of 5-meo for an extremely long time and I think this could be the safest way (rather than having to buy it from unscrupulous people). I have read a couple reports on 5-meo ayahuasca which seem very intriguing, but I don't think I have the cajone's yet, we'll see.
so maxzar... how did the first night's experiments go? I have some more Virola callophyla en route right now. If i get to a nice sublingual experience (still slowly upping dosage) I may try smoking whats leftover. It'd just be for experiments sake.... as smokable DMT isn't an issue.
A dreamer smoked virola theidora resin once. Ouch ouch ouch. It is the harshest smoke he has ever smoked. Worse even than zachetiti. It feels so hot, like your lungs are on fire. Maybe it's ok if you smoke a teeny tiny bit. He smoked a lot because the stuff was weak to inactive.
Well..... maybe I will reconsider... I certainly don't need to experience "the harshest smoke he has ever smoked" when I have pretty white spice just begging for its turn in the reactor :)
ohayoco said:
A dreamer smoked virola theidora resin once. Ouch ouch ouch. It is the harshest smoke he has ever smoked. Worse even than zachetiti. It feels so hot, like your lungs are on fire. Maybe it's ok if you smoke a teeny tiny bit. He smoked a lot because the stuff was weak to inactive.

Unless the resin is freebased, smoking it won't work.
hey fatcat...
if you are interested in a 5meo-dmt trip I would highly recomend you buy a phalaris arundinacea "turkey red" strain and grow the stuff yopurself..it grows realllyy fast in the summer time any from one pot you can get plenty of grass clippings...
I heard of a friend who used 1 ounce of the dried grass to make a ayahuasca brew and was toaly flored by the experience, he said he was in the fetal position for like 30 minutes with his carmic debts racing through his mind faster than light..beating down on him with the force of lightning..it was terrifying he said..but well worth the cleansing he got from it.
I am interested in a smoked 5-meo trip. I could look at it much more optimisticly because I can theorhetically reassure myself it will be over in a few minutes. I have always liked the extreme intensity and short duration of smoked DMT, for some reason it is calming to me. but then again I fall asleep listening to drum and bass everynight.
well fatcat you could try making a a/b extract with the phalaris grass..it is EXTREMELY..yes in capital letters extremely potent and overwhelming..feels like death much more so than spice!!! it is awesome to experience such intensity though..hombling..like sticking your finger in the soicket and leaving it there for a minute intense like!!
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