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snorting DMT Fumarate.. dosage? effects?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
a friend was wondering what the dosage would be for snorting the DMT Fumarate? How do the effects differ from smoked dmt freebase? how long does it last?

has anyone ever experimented with this?

it would be very cool to have some kind of little bioessay on different doses and their effects.

does the fumarate also work sublingually? or will it be broken down by MAOi there as well?
it really hurts when you snort it..and the effects were not very nice..purging and purging..and it burned so bad..but if you are afraid of trying ayahuasca..do this once..and then you will be like...well as long as aya doesnt hurt this much then lets go!!

and 69ron posted that it does work sublingually but im not sure
Jorkest said:
it really hurts when you snort it..and the effects were not very nice..purging and purging..and it burned so bad..but if you are afraid of trying ayahuasca..do this once..and then you will be like...well as long as aya doesnt hurt this much then lets go!!

and 69ron posted that it does work sublingually but im not sure

It's VERY WEAK sublingually. It's not worth it unless you mix it with DMSO. SWIM never got much from it without DMSO, but it did work. SWIM tried less than 50 mg only. Maybe 100 mg might do a little bit more, but somehow I doubt it.
My friend did sample a 100 mg and was greatly disappointed. It did not taste as bad as he thot even tho it fucked his nose up for 15 minutes, he almost puked...horrible drip taste. However the effects were just slight slight visuals with no mental effects, Definatly not placebo but that equaled he said prob 5 mg smoked. He said totally not woth doin 150 or 200 mg. He dedused this was a horribly inefficient way to do Spice . What took 80 mg snorted equaled about 5 mg smoked.
The dosage for good effects from snorted DMT is usually 150 mg and up. That’s quite a lot.

DMT, for some reason, is very hard to absorb sublingually and nasally, while 5-MeO-DMT and 5-HO-DMT (bufotenine) absorbs quite easily that way. 50 mg of 5-HO-DMT snorted is pretty damn potent. 100 mg is an extremely heavy trip. 10 mg of 5-MeO-DMT snorted is pretty damn strong.

Why is DMT so poorly absorbed sublingually and nasally?

What if you snorted it as liquid dissolved in DMSO? Anyone tried that?
extrememetal43 said:
My friend did sample a 100 mg and was greatly disappointed. It did not taste as bad as he thot even tho it fucked his nose up for 15 minutes, he almost puked...horrible drip taste. However the effects were just slight slight visuals with no mental effects, Definatly not placebo but that equaled he said prob 5 mg smoked. He said totally not woth doin 150 or 200 mg. He dedused this was a horribly inefficient way to do Spice . What took 80 mg snorted equaled about 5 mg smoked.

Was that freebase or DMT fumarate?
69ron said:
extrememetal43 said:
My friend did sample a 100 mg and was greatly disappointed. It did not taste as bad as he thot even tho it fucked his nose up for 15 minutes, he almost puked...horrible drip taste. However the effects were just slight slight visuals with no mental effects, Definatly not placebo but that equaled he said prob 5 mg smoked. He said totally not woth doin 150 or 200 mg. He dedused this was a horribly inefficient way to do Spice . What took 80 mg snorted equaled about 5 mg smoked.

Was that freebase or DMT fumarate?

That's a good question 'cause I'm quite sure some people here didn't read the original post properly or forgot it's about the salt fumarate not freebase. I've heard of freebase almost burning a hole in your sinuses but I think fumarate shouldn't burn as bad. But maybe it does, I've never snorted spice myself.
DMTripper said:
69ron said:
extrememetal43 said:
My friend did sample a 100 mg and was greatly disappointed. It did not taste as bad as he thot even tho it fucked his nose up for 15 minutes, he almost puked...horrible drip taste. However the effects were just slight slight visuals with no mental effects, Definatly not placebo but that equaled he said prob 5 mg smoked. He said totally not woth doin 150 or 200 mg. He dedused this was a horribly inefficient way to do Spice . What took 80 mg snorted equaled about 5 mg smoked.

Was that freebase or DMT fumarate?

That's a good question 'cause I'm quite sure some people here didn't read the original post properly or forgot it's about the salt fumarate not freebase. I've heard of freebase almost burning a hole in your sinuses but I think fumarate shouldn't burn as bad. But maybe it does, I've never snorted spice myself.

DMT fumarate is mostly just irritating, while freebase DMT burns like HELL. That’s why people use the fumarate for snorting instead of the freebase. Pretty much anything you snort is going to be irritating, make your eyes water, and make you feel a little ill. At least that’s how it is for SWIM. Even snorting sugar will make SWIM feel ill. (SWIM actually did that once by mistake).
Using DMT fumarate as snuff is very wasteful. No one claimed it wasn’t.

The fumarate is good for 4 things:

1) Long term storage of DMT. Freebase DMT easily degrades, while DMT fumarate is said to be extremely stable. Fumarates are some of the most stable salts around.

2) Oral use with an MAOI. It absorbs better and faster than freebase DMT giving more bang for your buck in pharmahuasca. It can be easily stored for a long time in capsules without refrigeration. It’s perfect for oral use. Freebase DMT in capsules will not last very long unless refrigerated.

3) Insufflation for those who can’t stand the burn of snorted freebase DMT. It is MUCH WORSE than the burn from DMT fumarate. DMT is rather weak by this route unless snorted with an MAOI. This is a wasteful way to use DMT, but some people prefer it.

4) For injection. DMT fumarate is the only form approved by the FDA for injection.

The main reason SWIM is interested in DMT fumarate is because it's a salt and salts are more stable than freebase compounds. If you have a ton of DMT sitting around, it’s best to convert it to the fumarate and store it that way. Then freebase a small batch when you want to use it (unless you use it orally). Fumaric acid should protect the molecule very well. Other acids will also, but they all pretty much form a sticky goo that is hard to deal with. SWIM prefers a powder he can easily handle and it seems only the fumarate and the freebase are powders, while all the others are goo.
With the fumarate, you can make pre-measured pharmahuasca capsules each with 45 mg DMT fumarate, 45 mg THH, 55 mg harmine, and 5 mg harmaline. This would produce an effect identical to authentic ayahusca without all the nausea of ingesting the plant.

SWIM has put together some of these capsules and tried them already. It’s an excellent way to take pharmahuasca. You get a full experience and all you do is swallow 1 small capsule with water.

If you wanted to snort DMT fumarate, you should snort harmaline with it. You can easily cut the dosage down that way to about 1/3. Also harmaline numbs your nose a little, so snort it first.
69ron said:
With the fumarate, you can make pre-measured pharmahuasca capsules each with 45 mg DMT fumarate, 45 mg THH, 55 mg harmine, and 5 mg harmaline. This would produce an effect identical to authentic ayahusca without all the nausea of ingesting the plant.

SWIM was thinking of doing this very thing, but separating the RIMAs and the spice. I suppose allowing time(20min) for the maoi to do its inhibiting job before consuming the spice would make the DMT more effective when consumed(how much, I am unsure). That way you could also make many identical DMT capsules to be used to boost the experience as needed.
just to say..taking the spice with maoi's(together) has never made the experience less than it should be...if anything..its one of the only ways SWIM has found it to work reliably
69ron said:
With the fumarate, you can make pre-measured pharmahuasca capsules each with 45 mg DMT fumarate, 45 mg THH, 55 mg harmine, and 5 mg harmaline. This would produce an effect identical to authentic ayahusca without all the nausea of ingesting the plant.

SWIM tried this recipe and had only the slightest visuals. It takes SWIM 60mg DMT fumarate, 80mg THH and 120mg Harmine to have a good experience.
Nanaki, that recipe I posted emulates the dosage and alkaloid content of authentic ayahauasca used by the UDV for one dose.

UDV members will typically take more than one dose of tea in a sitting depending on individual sensitivity to ayahuasca.

For SWIM, that single dose is enough for near breakthrough experiences. Other people will need 2-4 times that much DMT.
100mg insuffalated:
Lasted about 20 minutes, right at threshold the whole time.
Nitrous Oxide brought it up a bit.
For some reason I couldnt weigh up the dose properly so we just split ~600mg up into 4 lines, snorted 1 each, waited 45 mins or so, took another each....

Nice fine white powder but horrible acid burn. I only noticed it for about a minute before coming up, and then forgot about it.
It was good stuff, but nothing as intense as freebasing, a lot slower and gentler. I'd say ~150mg fumarate = <50mg freebase. Seemed a bit shorter than freebasing as well, but went really nicely with Sigor Ros, and the 10 or so cans of fosters I had beforehand.

I'm saving the rest till I can try the oral theobromine/harmala/dmt combo :)
And I'd definitely recommend the MAOI route to anyone planning to snort...to help reduce the amount of dmt fumarate as small as possible. I cant imagine what snorting freebase is like if its meant to be worse...fumarate feels like my nose is being dissolved!

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