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Snu Voogelbreinder's Garden of Eden now available as a PDF!

Migrated topic.
Yeah, this book is honestly a diamond in the rough as far as a compilation of botanical knowledge in regards to psychedelic/entheogenic plants and the many continents that sustain them.

Just started digging into it; so much knowledge; so much information, we can't thank you and Snu enough.

Great stuff.

When it comes to some points raised in the Nexian Issue Two about underground research and the relationship Big Sci should have with it... The proof is in the pudding.

and this work is pure chocolate pudding,

Highly recommend purchasing it, you will not be disappointed.
Feeling so incredibly sad as it seems I have missed the boat with regards to purchasing this beautiful reference classic... :cry:

Much Peace and Respect
I also missed the boat on buying a hardcopy when it was being sold at the psychedelic science conference in amsterdam couple of years back... Sucks not to have cash in those moments lol, but I bought the PDF and it's highly recommended :)

Thanks Snu and Trout!
The original link is no longer valid; is there an up-to-date webpage for this? (At least one Nexian has the pdf... 😁 )

EDIT: The link on Trout's Notes is still valid for purchase of the pdf.
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