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So happy to be here

Migrated topic.


I Would like to introduce myself in a few lines.
I’m 48 years old, my passion is performing arts and I’m around the artistic world forever. I’m always on, behind or in front of a stage. touring the world, from the age of 15, mostly as part of my job.
My psychadelic journey began when I was 21, I started mama peyote, in the Mexican desert, with a local shaman. Since then I went through years of experiences with various kinds of substances, always trying to learn from my trips and not to abuse the substances. My experiences always combine reading and learning a lot before and after my trips.
So after many years of spiritual development, questioning and exploring, with no specific methodology or selected path, DMT and specifically 5-meo-DMT called me... For years I know it and read about it, but this time I excepted the invitation and it immediately unfolded an ancient layer, a dimension which I have known forever but forgot, I found the gateway. This happened a few weeks ago and since then I visited Brazil and without any plan I found myself in an Ayahuasca ceremony and had a not very successful experience with N-N-DMT (due to bad technique and gear), but I certainly feel I found the real thing and I understand why I had to wait so many years to experience it.
As part of the exploring and studying I got here, and I'm am so very excited to find this community and the endless information I discovered in this place.
Thank you for having me.
Heyoo, welcome to the gang! :)

Your life story sounds amazing, I’m sure you’ll love it here.

In which aspects do you feel that waiting all these years for your DMT journey has helped you?
This is coming from a youngin who stumbled upon DMT (or it stumbled upon him ;) ) very very soon in his life.

Safe travels
Genome said:
Heyoo, welcome to the gang! :)

Your life story sounds amazing, I’m sure you’ll love it here.

In which aspects do you feel that waiting all these years for your DMT journey has helped you?
This is coming from a youngin who stumbled upon DMT (or it stumbled upon him ;) ) very very soon in his life.

Safe travels
Thank you :)
My first 5-MEO experience was so powerful, so direct and so total that I feel I could not handle it if I didn't have the experience and knowledge I gathered during all those years. For integrating my experience I had to use tools that I didn't have 10 years or even 2 months ago, I could have missed so much information and just waste the experience or even loose my mind from frustration of not understanding what's going on. I believe timing is the most important key in this dimension and it drives my intuition, so I always follow it and respect it. When the time to try something new is right it just comes to me and I feel it, I can't escape from it even if I want to. I did my first LSD trip only at the age of 31 from the same reason, intuition, and also understood, back than, it was the right decision once I came out of the trip, even a week before could be too early for me. I know it's individual and every person has it's own timing, but 5-MEO specifically requires a profound knowledge of the self and it's relations with the universe, this knowledge, in most cases, requires years of exploration and practice and I believe very few people has the tools to integrate the experience properly at a young age.
Nice to meet you Z. I'm a traveler of sorts as well. I moved out of the house as a young teen so I could live with a yuwipi medicine man. Going down the red road I sun danced, vision quested, and even became a yuwipi singer. My passion for plants and cacti has led me to discover places like this where I have continued to learn. I think you will find that there are all types in here and whatever it is you have to share or learn... much of it can be had here.


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Wakinyan said:
Nice to meet you Z. I'm a traveler of sorts as well. I moved out of the house as a young teen so I could live with a yuwipi medicine man. Going down the red road I sun danced, vision quested, and even became a yuwipi singer. My passion for plants and cacti has led me to discover places like this where I have continued to learn. I think you will find that there are all types in here and whatever it is you have to share or learn... much of it can be had here.

Thank you for the warm welcome Wakinyan, I'm so happy to be here and meet people like you, I will surely share and learn here as I already started.
As I wrote earlier, I had some difficulties with the N-N-DMT due to bad technique and gear, so now I'm proud to present my new GVG :)) the inauguration ceremony will hopefully happen tonight.

I read a lot about the techniques of using it and I have ordered liquid pads as well. If someone have some more tips for me I will be very thankful.


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