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So happy to find this place.

Migrated topic.


paul efc
After many months of research and discussion me and my friends have finally sourced DMT.

I lost my wife to cancer on the 7/12/15. I am not searching for all of life's answers but I'd like at least a glimpse into a world that isn't so cruel and destructive as this one.
Hey pauldaly1980!

Glad that you're doing your research before you ingest this powerful compound, and so glad that that research has lead you to this extraordinary forum. I sincerely hope you can find something meaningful from this community.

My deepest condolences for your loss. I cannot even begin to imagine what that must feel like.

I just want you to know that I feel for you, my friend. Just remember that no matter how awful you're feeling, that there are amazing people on this forum who you can talk to. I recommend the chat. Top left corner of the banner at the top of the webpage.

Stay strong, my friend!

Glad to have ya aboard.

Looking forward to hearing about your experiences. I can assure you that the molecule will defy your expectations, but I can also assure you that's not a bad thing. :thumb_up:
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