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So I just got off the phone with Rick Strassman

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Dr. Strassman answered the phone and I asked whether or not I should worry about the feds busting down my door because I admitted to illegal drug use on the phone with him. He said he doesn’t think his phone is tapped, but you never know. He assured me that he hasn’t been arrested so far for the things he has said. Fuck it, I’ll take the risk.

I told him about my history of drug use which consists of psychedelics every week or so for the past year and explained that I feel guilty and wondered if I was any different than a crackhead or heroin junkie. He explained that addicts take drugs to blot out reality, to escape from pain, and that their motivations are different than mine. He said that from my story, it didn’t seem that I was a psychedelic addict. (Hmmm, these people –psychedelic addicts- do exist. I wish I would have explored that further with him.)

He said that a lot of the people who contact him are males from 18-25 who smoke too much pot, take too much ecstasy, and take too many psychedelics. He felt that these people are going through a loop of experiences that are all the same, there is no growth or real benefit of the drug. These people would benefit from other forms of help such as therapy to achieve their mental health.

Strassman asked me about the benefits and drawbacks of my drug use. This is an exercise that I have done in the past and it was cathartic to speak the words to someone else. Sometimes it gets lonely being a psychedelic enthusiast with no one to talk with. Sure the forums are cool, but a human voice is important too.

Next I asked about Mimosa Hostilis and its current legal status. He acknowledged that it is widespread and many people are extracting it, but he knows of no busts or police involvement. He said that he doesn’t think the police are ignoring it, but that it is on the backburner for now.

We talked about the possible side effects of DMT and psychedelics in general. First he was adamant that MDMA is bad. I think we all know this. He then talked about the centuries of psychedelic use among South Americans and recent studies of ayahuasca users who imbibe three times a week for fifty years. He said research has shown that these people are smarter, happier, and healthier than non-users. I countered that these studies use such small sample sizes and Strassman replied that the results are still coming out on the positive side rather than the negative.

I said that cigarettes and hormone therapy for women was once thought to be benign and now are seen as cancerous. I asked if it were possible that in the future DMT would be equally seen as dangerous. He said that with its long history, he can’t imagine any late breaking news.

I mentioned the DMT Nexus and told him the people there would be thrilled if he joined and participated in the forum. He said that he already spends so much time answering emails that he could not do this because he would have to read and respond to posts and his schedule doesn’t permit this. He seemed sincere when he said he answers each and every email he receives. When I pressed him about ruining his reputation for participating in a drug forum, he reiterated that time was the only issue stopping him.

He said that he is working on a book about prophesies of the Old Testament and endogenous DMT. He is ready for the shitstorm of controversy this book and its ideas are going to start. It will gain him enemies from many territories. I talked about the DMT Spirit Molecule movie and its possible effect of glamorizing DMT among teens and bringing unneeded heat to our community. We agreed that movie is geared towards an educated audience and would likely not interest teens looking for a quick high. Hell, if you watch the interviews there a bunch of old people philosophizing about consciousness, life and death. Not exactly sexy.

I told him about the controversy his phone consultations was causing on the forum and he was genuinely interested in what the forum was saying. I told him about the Miss Cleo comments and that people thought he was trying to profit off of people’s trips and so on. He said he does about one phone call a month and that he answers every email he receives. I think it is clear he is not a whore. He came across as a humble, kind and caring individual.

He gave me some good advice too. He recommended a few books that I have already ordered! Huxley’s Doors of Perception, Huston Smith’s Cleansing the Doors of Perception, and all of Ralph Metzner’s stuff. Basically these books can help us to integrate and utilize the psychedelic experience. I am excited to read this stuff.

We were talking about THH and Caapi Copy (he never heard of CC) and he told me that Syrian Rue can be put through an expresso maker for a clear and clean distillation of beta carbolines. We’ll call that the Strassman tek.

He recommended an educated community of peers to talk to is the Council on Spiritual Practices. CSP.org

And the final advice: stay home, don’t get behind the wheel, and don’t make any crazy phone calls.

This was worth my $100. Thanks Rick.
joebono said:
Sometimes it gets lonely being a psychedelic enthusiast with no one to talk with. Sure the forums are cool, but a human voice is important too.

I hear that man. If you ever wanna chat, feel free to PM or see me in the chat :D.

Interesting on the strassman tek :)
very interesting indeed. Good to know that he isn't just doing it for profit. I think im going to try the 'strassman tek' with some B Caapi to see if it works the same. That would save me a lot of time.
I dont think MDMA is bad..I think it's benificial..and I think it's proven it's usefullness when used properly and not abused. I have yet to see anything about it being damaging when used infrequently..
I only took it 2 times but benifited greatly.

Good to know he's not in it jsut for profit.
Welcome nice first post. I must say I was a bit over critical of Dr. Strassman. I do not think he is trying to make money for profits sake. The report of him sitting in his humble home with his cat, sitting in a rocking chair knitting when he is not writing that convinced me I was wrong in premature judgement.

So I apologize to Dr. Strassman for reaching a erroneous premature conclusion when I first learned of the phone consultation line. I assumed the worst and I was wrong.

Society is a difficult place to live for those who choose to journey seeking something more than the mediocrity of everyday life.

Psychedelic Phone Therapy may be a wave of the future that is now coming ashore. Why pay a shrink big bucks when there are a myriad of experienced people who will not only listen and try to answer questions, but they enjoy and benefit themselves by helping others.
We talked about the possible side effects of DMT and psychedelics in general. First he was adamant that MDMA is bad. I think we all know this. He then talked about the centuries of psychedelic use among South Americans and recent studies of ayahuasca users who imbibe three times a week for fifty years. He said research has shown that these people are smarter, happier, and healthier than non-users. I countered that these studies use such small sample sizes and Strassman replied that the results are still coming out on the positive side rather than the negative.

I said that cigarettes and hormone therapy for women was once thought to be benign and now are seen as cancerous. I asked if it were possible that in the future DMT would be equally seen as dangerous. He said that with its long history, he can’t imagine any late breaking news.

It seems he may be on my side when it comes to the organics Vs. synthetics argument.

I'm so glad you posted this, thanks!
I dont think MDMA is bad..I think it's benificial..and I think it's proven it's usefullness when used properly and not abused. I have yet to see anything about it being damaging when used infrequently..
I only took it 2 times but benifited greatly.

Cactus and Ayahuasca is safe even if you abuse it and take it all the time.
With the answering every email thing. if anyone is considering sending him an email, make sure its something that only he could answer. If hes a busy as he says he is, he wont want people asking questions about shit you can find on wikipedia or by searching this website.
joebono said:
Dr. Strassman answered the phone and I asked whether or not I should worry about the feds busting down my door because I admitted to illegal drug use on the phone with him. He said he doesn’t think his phone is tapped, but you never know. He assured me that he hasn’t been arrested so far for the things he has said. Fuck it, I’ll take the risk.

I told him about my history of drug use which consists of psychedelics every week or so for the past year and explained that I feel guilty and wondered if I was any different than a crackhead or heroin junkie. He explained that addicts take drugs to blot out reality, to escape from pain, and that their motivations are different than mine. He said that from my story, it didn’t seem that I was a psychedelic addict. (Hmmm, these people –psychedelic addicts- do exist. I wish I would have explored that further with him.)

He said that a lot of the people who contact him are males from 18-25 who smoke too much pot, take too much ecstasy, and take too many psychedelics. He felt that these people are going through a loop of experiences that are all the same, there is no growth or real benefit of the drug. These people would benefit from other forms of help such as therapy to achieve their mental health.

Strassman asked me about the benefits and drawbacks of my drug use. This is an exercise that I have done in the past and it was cathartic to speak the words to someone else. Sometimes it gets lonely being a psychedelic enthusiast with no one to talk with. Sure the forums are cool, but a human voice is important too.

Next I asked about Mimosa Hostilis and its current legal status. He acknowledged that it is widespread and many people are extracting it, but he knows of no busts or police involvement. He said that he doesn’t think the police are ignoring it, but that it is on the backburner for now.

We talked about the possible side effects of DMT and psychedelics in general. First he was adamant that MDMA is bad. I think we all know this. He then talked about the centuries of psychedelic use among South Americans and recent studies of ayahuasca users who imbibe three times a week for fifty years. He said research has shown that these people are smarter, happier, and healthier than non-users. I countered that these studies use such small sample sizes and Strassman replied that the results are still coming out on the positive side rather than the negative.

I said that cigarettes and hormone therapy for women was once thought to be benign and now are seen as cancerous. I asked if it were possible that in the future DMT would be equally seen as dangerous. He said that with its long history, he can’t imagine any late breaking news.

I mentioned the DMT Nexus and told him the people there would be thrilled if he joined and participated in the forum. He said that he already spends so much time answering emails that he could not do this because he would have to read and respond to posts and his schedule doesn’t permit this. He seemed sincere when he said he answers each and every email he receives. When I pressed him about ruining his reputation for participating in a drug forum, he reiterated that time was the only issue stopping him.

He said that he is working on a book about prophesies of the Old Testament and endogenous DMT. He is ready for the shitstorm of controversy this book and its ideas are going to start. It will gain him enemies from many territories. I talked about the DMT Spirit Molecule movie and its possible effect of glamorizing DMT among teens and bringing unneeded heat to our community. We agreed that movie is geared towards an educated audience and would likely not interest teens looking for a quick high. Hell, if you watch the interviews there a bunch of old people philosophizing about consciousness, life and death. Not exactly sexy.

I told him about the controversy his phone consultations was causing on the forum and he was genuinely interested in what the forum was saying. I told him about the Miss Cleo comments and that people thought he was trying to profit off of people’s trips and so on. He said he does about one phone call a month and that he answers every email he receives. I think it is clear he is not a whore. He came across as a humble, kind and caring individual.

He gave me some good advice too. He recommended a few books that I have already ordered! Huxley’s Doors of Perception, Huston Smith’s Cleansing the Doors of Perception, and all of Ralph Metzner’s stuff. Basically these books can help us to integrate and utilize the psychedelic experience. I am excited to read this stuff.

We were talking about THH and Caapi Copy (he never heard of CC) and he told me that Syrian Rue can be put through an expresso maker for a clear and clean distillation of beta carbolines. We’ll call that the Strassman tek.

He recommended an educated community of peers to talk to is the Council on Spiritual Practices. CSP.org

And the final advice: stay home, don’t get behind the wheel, and don’t make any crazy phone calls.

This was worth my $100. Thanks Rick.

Awesome. Don´t you feel bad by bothering older people?
Thanks for sharing joebono, and cheers to Dr. Strassman!

I wonder if he knows about new evidence for endogenous DMT if he's so adamant about it. If there is no evidence, it's still wild speculation...
Welcome to DMT-Nexus Joe. I know that all who get to know you on these boards will benefit from making your aquaintence.
Joe, glad to have you here :D

excellently informative post, when I saw the thread topic my first thought was, "lol, only on the nexus."

Strassman's next book sounds awesome, the cross of the bible and entheogens is such a good topic. there's so many hours of thought and discussion available, it'll be nice to see how he pulls it together.

what I'm wondering is if he'll include mushrooms (sometimes: "flesh of god") as a form of dmt. I'd be happy reading some well thought out speculations on group prayer as a form of endogenous release - the language involved, tones used, etc.

another great topic would be a chapter on the Bwiti with the Iboga tree being one of the only regions to resist the crusades' preaching, or so I've heard.
Nice post. Welcome to the community.

I Gotta say - I sent Strassman an email about six months ago or so, and was very surprised to get a (short, but nice) response from him same day. The whole 976 thing kind of skeeved me out when I first heard about it as well, but it sounds like he did pretty right by you and that you benefitted from the call.
Very fine report Joe!

burnt said:
I am curious though. His new book about endogenous dmt and the old testament is he going to say that endogenous dmt trips could have inspired some of the work? I think endogenous and exogenous hallucinogens are responsible for all religion and thats why i don't believe but I am very curious to see how he spins it.

I suspect the book may in fact take a POST-post-Monotheistic slant. Post-monotheism being the tradition of UDV and Fatimiya Sufi Order, which views DMT as a pathway to heaven and the direct teachings of god.

I hypothesize the view of POST-post-monotheism, and perhaps that of Strassman's book, may be that "god" and "the angels" are REAL; but must be thought of as older, extra-terrestrial hyperspace cousins guiding and watching us from afar.

just a thought.

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