Cosmic Language
What is "cosmic language"? It’s about a person suddenly being able to speak gibberish, like mumbo jumbo, and even he doesn’t know what he’s saying. People with telepathic abilities can get the general idea, but they can’t make out the specifics of what he’s talking about. And some people can speak a few languages. What’s more, some of them think they’re just incredible and think they’re really talented and have an ability. Let’s be clear, that’s not an ability, and it’s not a cultivator’s talent, and it doesn’t stand for your level, either. So what’s it about? It’s actually that your mind is being controlled by a foreign spirit. But for some reason you think it’s pretty good, you like having it, and you’re happy to have it. And the happier you are, the tighter its grip on you. If you think of yourself as a true cultivator, how could you just let it control you? And its level is really low. So a true cultivator shouldn’t invite this kind of trouble.
Human beings are the most precious, and they’re the wisest of all creatures. How could you be controlled by those things? You don’t even want your body anymore—how sad! Some of those things latch onto the body, and some don’t latch onto the body but they still manipulate you and control you, even though they’re at a little distance. When you want to speak it, they’re all too glad to do that, so you’ll go and spew mumbo jumbo. And it can be passed on—another person comes along and wants to learn it, he gets up his nerve and opens his mouth, and he starts spewing it, too. Those things actually come in nests, and when you want to speak it one of them will pounce right on your body and help you speak it.
So how’s that allowed to happen? Again, like I said, it wants to raise its level, but there’s no hardship over there so it can’t cultivate or improve itself. So they came up with an idea—to help people do good things for others. But they don’t know how. Yet they do know that the energy they send out can have the effect of slowing people’s sicknesses down a little and relieving the pain sick people have at the time, but it can’t cure the ailment. That’s how it is, and they know that using a person’s mouth to send it out can have that effect. Some people call it Heaven’s language, and then there are people who call it Buddha’s language. That’s blaspheming Buddhas! That’s just reckless!
You know, Buddhas don’t speak frivolously. If they went and said something in our dimension, they could cause earthquakes in the human world—it’d be terrible! Just think about that thundering sound. Some people have said, "I saw with my Third Eye that he talked to me." He didn’t talk to you. And the same goes for those people who saw my Law Bodies. They didn’t talk to you. The thought that he sends out is in stereo sound, so when you hear it, it sounds like he’s talking. Usually he can speak in his dimension, but once it’s transmitted over here you can’t hear what he says clearly. That’s because the concepts of space-time are different in the two dimensions, in our dimension, a small block of time is about two hours nowadays, but in that large dimension, our small block of time is equal to a year in their time. Our time is slower than theirs, it turns out.
There’s an old saying, "Only one day in the heavens, but a thousand years on Earth." That refers to the unitary paradises where there’s no concept of space and no concept of time, or to be more specific, the worlds where Great Enlightened Beings stay, like the Western Paradise, the Emerald World, the Falun World, the Lotus World, and so on—it’s those places. But the time in those large dimensions is faster, contrary to what you’d expect. If you’re able to receive and hear their talking (some people’s Celestial Ears are open, and when those Ears are open they can hear them talking) you can’t hear them that clearly. Everything you hear sounds the same, like birds chirping, or like a turntable playing at a fast speed—it’s all garbled. Of course, some people can hear music and they can hear people talking. But they have to have an ability that serves as a vehicle to eliminate the time difference before the sound is transmitted to your ears, and only then can you hear it clearly. That’s how it works. Some people call that stuff Buddha’s language, but nothing could be further from it.
When two Enlightened Beings meet they know all that there is to know with just a smile. That’s because it’s silent, mental telepathy, and what’s received has stereo sound. When they smile at each other they’ve already exchanged their ideas. They don’t just use that one form, sometimes they use another method. You know, in Tantrism Tibetan lamas take doing hand signs seriously. But if you ask a lama what hand signs are, he’ll tell you that it’s "meta-yoga." And what exactly is that? They don’t know themselves. It’s actually a language of Great Enlightened Beings. When there are a lot of people, they make those large hand signs, which are incredibly beautiful, and they make all kinds of large hand signs. And when there’s a small audience they use the small hand signs, and they’re beautiful, too, they use small hand signs in all kinds of poses, and they’re really involved and rich since they’re a language. These all used to be Heaven’s secrets, and now we’ve unveiled them all. What they use in Tibet are only a few movements that are just for doing their practice. They’ve catalogued them and made them into a system. Those are only a one-dimensional language for their practice, and they just have that handful of practice forms. Real hand signs are a lot more complex.