Rising Star
[img:4a8f30d074]http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/1559/img1488mediumch9.th.jpg[/img:4a8f30d074] [img:4a8f30d074]http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/2135/img1489mediumos6.th.jpg[/img:4a8f30d074] [img:4a8f30d074]http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/7557/img1490mediumvd6.th.jpg[/img:4a8f30d074] the above is the remains of some evaporated naphtha, was evaporated with a fan blowing over it just to speed up the process and see what would be left behind, the specks are dust, but there clearly seems to be some left over film/residue... so is this brand not ideal due to the uncleanliness of evaporation? its in the metal container so i was wondering if there might be some anti rust agent in there, possibly in the residue as well not sure about any of this as im very new, so looking for some information or advice, thanks alot