Lets stick to the topic which is : Animals on Drugs or Meeting Animal Forms in the Visionary Realms.
I've tried to smoke catnip a few times and think it tastes like mustard smoke... too hard on the lungs to do it repeatedly. It seems to be a nice Herbal Medicine , as tea or tincture , but dont smoke it ... we got accesse to an amazing spectrum of ethnobotanicals , it' better to try something worthwile.
I love to bring my Howegrown Catnip as a present for the Felines when i visit friends --
all the Cats Know me as the Catnip Guy who makes them trip :lol: .
Next Season I will post some Pictures of my Batches , hopefully with some spaced out Cat.
Really , Its such an easy thing for us Humans to grow some weeds , everyone , plant some catnip seeds in your garden, after some years the yield will be giantic ... you can then fill large pillows with dried catnip .
Its insane
The Only Contra I experienced :
The attracted Cats will most likely also be attracted by young Cannabis Plants ,and they possibly will try to eat em all up.