Rising Star
Regarding these magnetic fields: the interference with our neurons will certainly skew the flow of our minds.
E.g. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation:
You can imagine that any subtle magnetic field is of course going to set up an electric field in the human brain via induction of susceptible chemicals. The result is an altered neurotransmitter flux however subtle this may be.
I saw a documentary a long long time ago that found a correlation between living near power lines and experiencing ghosts/sleep paralysis at night. What I do not understand is that they seemed to have actually caught the fuckers on camera.
A cursory web search presents this:
It is pretty simple. A subtle current induced can often cause havoc via the transistor effect: if it reduces the minimum potential for a larger flux to be triggered in the same way that a gentle nudge off a cliff will kill you.
As for ORMES, what you're saying sounds like the Book of Aquarius, Philosopher's Stone. Certainly an incredible read. Supposedly contained in a person's urine is the "Stone".
Going by that alone, I would think it is either endogenous psychedelics excreted in the urine and purified or perhaps it is ORMES. Essentially the writer states that the subtlest component of the life force, which we isolate from urine, is also present everywhere in the air and it traverses its own cycle (see this part of the book).
What I find most interesting is that this same Life-Force is talked about worldwide. Everyone knows about it but we know little. In Taoism it is called Chi, in the West it is just vitality/life energy, in Islam it is known as 'Ruh'. But despite all human observation it remains quite the mystery.
E.g. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation:

You can imagine that any subtle magnetic field is of course going to set up an electric field in the human brain via induction of susceptible chemicals. The result is an altered neurotransmitter flux however subtle this may be.
I saw a documentary a long long time ago that found a correlation between living near power lines and experiencing ghosts/sleep paralysis at night. What I do not understand is that they seemed to have actually caught the fuckers on camera.
A cursory web search presents this:
http://shirleymaclaine.com/articles/ufos/article-334 said:POWER FAILURE
The computer goes crazy, the television comes on and off, the phone rings but no one is there, doorbells chime for no reason. ENERGY. Once again, a Ghost's best friend and best tool to communicate with. Ghost's seem to have no problem manipulating electrical appliances. They also seem to feed off of electricity. Many Ghost investigators or "parapsychologists" have proven that hauntings often happen in rooms or places near power lines or feeder cables coming into a building. Anything that produces a big electromagnetic field (EMF) seems to be food for ghosts! This is also the reason many hauntings (and old ghost stories) take place during electrical storms. The electricity in the air is like a giant "buffet" for ghosts in the area. Once charged up, they can manifest themselves in the ways described above.
It is pretty simple. A subtle current induced can often cause havoc via the transistor effect: if it reduces the minimum potential for a larger flux to be triggered in the same way that a gentle nudge off a cliff will kill you.
As for ORMES, what you're saying sounds like the Book of Aquarius, Philosopher's Stone. Certainly an incredible read. Supposedly contained in a person's urine is the "Stone".
Going by that alone, I would think it is either endogenous psychedelics excreted in the urine and purified or perhaps it is ORMES. Essentially the writer states that the subtlest component of the life force, which we isolate from urine, is also present everywhere in the air and it traverses its own cycle (see this part of the book).
What I find most interesting is that this same Life-Force is talked about worldwide. Everyone knows about it but we know little. In Taoism it is called Chi, in the West it is just vitality/life energy, in Islam it is known as 'Ruh'. But despite all human observation it remains quite the mystery.