Like I said, I didn't mean to... I was trying to microdose. Because it took me so much the other times, I didn't think one hit would do anything. I guess it would be difficult to judge the effects of microdosig while having something else in my system though... I don't know what I was thinking there.
The thing about my personality... I see where I want to be or what I want to do. It's like I have this vision focused on the result of whatever the thing is. Sometimes I can miss all the details while I'm focused on the thing.
I thought that the alcohol would lessen the effects if anything at all. Other people said they had trouble breaking through while drinking. It's really weird this happened. It must have been the VG. I underestimated the power of DMT. I've had so much trouble getting enough and big enough hits that I was a bit careless this time.
I definately need to heal my infection right now. I took some garlic before I went to bed and when I woke up more garlic with my antibiotic. I plan to take a break from the DMT until my teeth are pulled/ filled and the pain from that stops.
No one have an experience like this though? I'm really curious about that entity. It seemed like we had some history in another life or something. I can't drop that feeling that this is the case. And my emotions... It felt so good to cry. I haven't done that since my hormones were normal. Usually I'm emotionally dull. Emotions are part of evolution. If not for emotions, we would have no desire to do anything and sometimes I feel that lack of oomph in my life. Anyhow, ive thought about the experience some since I've woken up for the night....
I think the experience was great. I have a sense that everything is ok and that I'm not as alone as it seems I am at times. I sometimes feel lonely because people just don't 'get me'. As if this world isn't my natural environment. I sometimes think that I must be from another world or something. Thinking that I'm not really alone... that I have connections with people from other world and one day I might be with them again is interesting. I have this theory that we come to this earth to improve ourselves so that we are able to 'create' reality better. When we die, we might go on to this other realm where we do this creating. Maybe me and other beings I've known in the past will do this together one day. So many ideas going through my head right now!