Rising Star
Ive had a few experiences where I had went into a trance. Those experiences seemed like they were done to me. They weren't bad or anything. It's hard to explain. I will take three hits, become incoherent and lose awareness of my body and surroundings. I'll be unable to take any nore hits than this and be thrown around in a sea of fractals, one time having hard ego death. I never saw any entities or felt emotional about the experience, however intense it may have been. This time was different. It just hapoened about 10 minutes ago. I'm still crying about it. Here's what happened.
The first time I used the vapor genie I wasn't getting big enough hits. I was concerned about burning the porcelin. This time I focused on the hit and didn't worry about it too much. The other times I had taken up to 3 hits before I lost awareness in this world completely. This time I just took one big hit. I wasn't expecting much from it... not expecting anything really. After I hit the VG I could tell it was a big hit because I was having to work to not caughf. This really says something because my spice is smooth and I smoke ciggerettes... lungs of steel apparently although I'm sure some weed smokers are better at this than even I.
anyhow, I walked into my bedroom and layed on the bed. The very fact that I was even able to walk and that I was still in contact with reality gave me no sign that I had enough for any experience at all.
I closed my eyes and I was outside. It was as if I were standing by a building, in an alley and under an overhang which blocked out some sun. Someone was there. I couldn't make them out... They were like a shadow or A shadow was cast over them. They began to walk twards me. I felt as if i knew them. They walked closer and closer until they were getting near me. Then I noticed that they were fading away. I begged them... no! Please don't go!. They continued to fade until they were gone. I was sobbing at this point and back to 'reality' laying on my bed. I was still sobbing and wailing with strong emotion. Pleas don't go, come back, please. My husband ran in very concerned asking me, are you Ok?! Sobbing and wailing, yes I'm ok, it's ok, everything's ok. I just kept crying. I really DON'T cry. I'm not an emotional person at all. I've not cried like this in a VERY long time. I just explained to him that I was just emotional because it ended so soon along with the shock that anything had happened at all.
I had had maybe a glass of wine too much... I have a tooth infection and only drank it because I wanted to ease the pain. The antibiotics aren't helping my pain yet and I wanted to take the edge off. I don't know if it was proper use of the VG or the extra wine but something got me in contact with something like nothing has before.
I'm still crying a little bit. I'm not sure why I'm so emotional or if I knew that being... but I think I do know them. This is the most significant experience I've had so far.
It ended as quickly as it started. I was in the bedroom for 4 or 5 minutes maybe. As soon as I snapped out of it, i was pretty much completely sober. The longing I felt as I was back to this reality was so painful. I want to go back.
I'm not sure what to make of this and I'm still crying. (At the same time my tooth hurts like he'll as the alcohol wore off quick) I don't know what to think. Please help.
The first time I used the vapor genie I wasn't getting big enough hits. I was concerned about burning the porcelin. This time I focused on the hit and didn't worry about it too much. The other times I had taken up to 3 hits before I lost awareness in this world completely. This time I just took one big hit. I wasn't expecting much from it... not expecting anything really. After I hit the VG I could tell it was a big hit because I was having to work to not caughf. This really says something because my spice is smooth and I smoke ciggerettes... lungs of steel apparently although I'm sure some weed smokers are better at this than even I.
anyhow, I walked into my bedroom and layed on the bed. The very fact that I was even able to walk and that I was still in contact with reality gave me no sign that I had enough for any experience at all.
I closed my eyes and I was outside. It was as if I were standing by a building, in an alley and under an overhang which blocked out some sun. Someone was there. I couldn't make them out... They were like a shadow or A shadow was cast over them. They began to walk twards me. I felt as if i knew them. They walked closer and closer until they were getting near me. Then I noticed that they were fading away. I begged them... no! Please don't go!. They continued to fade until they were gone. I was sobbing at this point and back to 'reality' laying on my bed. I was still sobbing and wailing with strong emotion. Pleas don't go, come back, please. My husband ran in very concerned asking me, are you Ok?! Sobbing and wailing, yes I'm ok, it's ok, everything's ok. I just kept crying. I really DON'T cry. I'm not an emotional person at all. I've not cried like this in a VERY long time. I just explained to him that I was just emotional because it ended so soon along with the shock that anything had happened at all.
I had had maybe a glass of wine too much... I have a tooth infection and only drank it because I wanted to ease the pain. The antibiotics aren't helping my pain yet and I wanted to take the edge off. I don't know if it was proper use of the VG or the extra wine but something got me in contact with something like nothing has before.
I'm still crying a little bit. I'm not sure why I'm so emotional or if I knew that being... but I think I do know them. This is the most significant experience I've had so far.
It ended as quickly as it started. I was in the bedroom for 4 or 5 minutes maybe. As soon as I snapped out of it, i was pretty much completely sober. The longing I felt as I was back to this reality was so painful. I want to go back.
I'm not sure what to make of this and I'm still crying. (At the same time my tooth hurts like he'll as the alcohol wore off quick) I don't know what to think. Please help.