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Soil mediums, nutrients and more?

Migrated topic.

Father Time

Rising Star
Hey guys and gals!!! im chiming in today to ask all of you what you personally use for your own salvia plant when it comes to Soil mixture, type Nutrients(npk), frequency of nutrients, & Ph of water if you ph your water at all. Feel free to share anything else you feel is valuable.

thanks :)

p.s. if your feeling really peppy your even welcome to show off with some pics
I use juicy rich garden soil with lots of organic compost mixed in. It gets watered when it rains. I have five tiny cuttings that I made from one plant I bought online and they're all growing a new set of leaves (the shortest cutting is around 3cm long!).

They seem to like growing under all my trees in shady/diffused lighting where the soil remains moist.

Don't make growing plants a science experiment :)
Also, don't listen to me.
Salvia grows very good in hydroponic systems (preferably with aquarium water). You can avoid the white flies that way, because the need soil to lay their eggs. Otherwise they will most certainly pop up at some time and they are really, really nasty to Salvia plants...
If you use soil, mix in lots of perlite, hydrocorrels or vermiculite. Fertilize with small doses whenever you notice slow growth.
Nicita said:
Salvia grows very good in hydroponic systems (preferably with aquarium water). You can avoid the white flies that way, because the need soil to lay their eggs. Otherwise they will most certainly pop up at some time and they are really, really nasty to Salvia plants...
If you use soil, mix in lots of perlite, hydrocorrels or vermiculite. Fertilize with small doses whenever you notice slow growth.

I use a hydroponic medium which really helps with the pests!! Basically I'm running a ph neutral & nutriant devoid medium. It's just a 40% vermiculite and 60% perlite which I treat as a hydroponic set up :) works awesome !!
Father Time said:
Nicita said:
Salvia grows very good in hydroponic systems (preferably with aquarium water). You can avoid the white flies that way, because the need soil to lay their eggs. Otherwise they will most certainly pop up at some time and they are really, really nasty to Salvia plants...
If you use soil, mix in lots of perlite, hydrocorrels or vermiculite. Fertilize with small doses whenever you notice slow growth.

I use a hydroponic medium which really helps with the pests!! Basically I'm running a ph neutral & nutriant devoid medium. It's just a 40% vermiculite and 60% perlite which I treat as a hydroponic set up :) works awesome !!

Sorry to revive an old thread but that's a really good idea if I have understood it correctly. You mean that you have perlite and vermiculite in a pot and not a hydroponic pvc tubes. My fungus gnat problem is too bad to even consider anything else at this point!
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