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Migrated topic.


Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I just received an e-mail from a friend that I would like to share with the nexus.

"it began as usual.
the water was absorbed and the prayers were adrift.
then something snapped behind me. (and it was loud)
I'd never heard that before, I put down the pipe and got in position.

I could not believe my eyes! !
It truly only gets deeper and deeper...:shock:
My eyes were wide open and my room ... transformed into a futuristic, palpable, and very very alien place.
I always had to close my eyes in the past to travel. This time, tonight, I was totally somewhere else.
It was dark and purple/blue there with perfect black and white. the room seemed way bigger than this one I am in now, extending off into some intangible distance. While here, I realized that everything I thought I knew was pretty much a joke. I am in total shock at how real and weird this all is.

I think it's amazing that whatever is going on here obviously knows about us. How can this even be possible?

Did anyone else experience anything out of the ordinary this solstice?
Tonight I learned that this sacred key rewards those who pursue perfection of ritual."

Then I got another e-mail from a good friend of mine on the other side of the country.
It appears as though she made the effort with her sober mind to connect with him, and because of this, she had an out of body experience for the first time in her life!!!!

None of us know what to make of it.
slidewinder said:
I think it's amazing that whatever is going on here obviously knows about us. How can this even be possible?

they definitely know about us... things have been in motion for a very long time... we have been waiting throughout the ages and now contact is beginning to be made... how is this possible? everything is accelerating as we spiral inwards towards the vortex of pure consciousness and time... the membrane grows thin as the veil begins to lift.

this is only the beginning!

slidewinder said:
Did anyone else experience anything out of the ordinary this solstice?
Tonight I learned that this sacred key rewards those who pursue perfection of ritual."
SWIM had an experience on solstice eve... only sub breakthrough... but SWIM agrees strongly with the importance and benefit of pursuing ritual.

slidewinder said:
...it appears as though she made the effort with her sober mind to connect with him, and because of this, she had an out of body experience for the first time in her life!!!!
cool :p
they definitely know about us... things have been in motion for a very long time... we have been waiting throughout the ages and now contact is beginning to be made... how is this possible? everything is accelerating as we spiral inwards towards the vortex of pure consciousness and time... the membrane grows thin as the veil begins to lift.

this is only the beginning!

WOW! Imagine the 'movie-voice' guy quoting that on the commercial for the blockbuster sci-fi thriller of the summer! It's called "TimeLoop 2012". Or "Apocalypse, Now, No Really!"

I am not making light. Well, I am. But I'm not being a sarcastic smart-ass. I hope you are right. Because I definitely need saving from THIS world.

I cannot believe I didn't know it was the solstice. I mean REALLY. My daughter was conceived on the winter solstice and hence, her middle name is Solstice.

I did feel a huge rise in my mood, however. It can be attributed to worldly things, sure. But who can say whether those things were coincidence or providence. not the religious meaning.

Your experience report may be the first of many meaningful ones to come. I am still on sabbatical, so... Soon, though, very soon.



p.s. Slidewinder...Excellent new face!
@ timeloop, yes it was very cool to find out about what happened to my friends, even though they are thousands of miles away, and they've never even met before. This woman was in her shower and she put her head up against the wall because she felt something coming, and then became just her mind somewhere a little further back (typical OBE, although she has never experienced one before so was a little shocked! it lasted 5 minutes) Midnight. Solstice.

The internet is absolutely incredible at weaving consciousness together. I have had a few experiences with people I've never met before where we are able to send and receive messages. Nothing ever OBE inducing like this, though!

Also, I think this information can be used in regards to the S.H.E.

The friend who journeyed told me he smoked 55mg of spice that was sitting on an apophyllite crystal for a day. He said he went somewhere he's never been before, it was like a hub we're all connected to (I'm sure many of you are familiar) he saw many people he knew. He had no intentions of bringing anyone with him, and was also shocked to find out what happened. He tells me it was the first time he's ever had pure spice, rather than oxidized and off colored material, and he tells me that this makes a significantly huge difference in the transmission.

@ Praline, no I have not studied crowley's ritualistic magick. Do you know how his practices could correlate with the spice? I'd love to hear it.
Seems like everyone develops their own style, and technique. By learning others' you can learn tips and tricks to apply to your own. Just like learning to play an instrument, except we are the instrument.

@ jason, gracias amigo :]

P.s. I speculate the reason this happened to her was because "they were checking her out" I don't care how crazy that sounds. How else would you explain it?
timeloop said:
they definitely know about us... things have been in motion for a very long time... we have been waiting throughout the ages and now contact is beginning to be made... how is this possible? everything is accelerating as we spiral inwards towards the vortex of pure consciousness and time... the membrane grows thin as the veil begins to lift.

this is only the beginning!

Well said. They have known about and guided us for a long time. As Timeloop says, the veil is beginning to lift.

As for the solstice...there was a lot of energy swirling around this past weekend, both Saturday and Sunday...I could feel it tangably in the air. There was a shift of some sort, the energy level of the planet has definately been raised a bit. I think we may be in for another shift coming up on the 7th of July, will be intersting to see if it feels the same then as it did this past weekend.

Be aware, you can tune into it if you are along the path...
Aleister Crowley worries me. I come from a Christian background, and in my mind he has always been associated with the Devil and evil. I'm not Christian anymore, but I cannot shake my superstitions about the Devil.

This thing that amazes us, our connection to it - I think there are two ways we can approach it: either submit to it and be humble - perhaps like Jesus, or to own it, demand it, Lord yourself over it, conjure it. There are dangers - serious dangers, but maybe that is just my superstition.
Morphane said:
Aleister Crowley worries me. I come from a Christian background, and in my mind he has always been associated with the Devil and evil. I'm not Christian anymore, but I cannot shake my superstitions about the Devil.

This thing that amazes us, our connection to it - I think there are two ways we can approach it: either submit to it and be humble - perhaps like Jesus, or to own it, demand it, Lord yourself over it, conjure it. There are dangers - serious dangers, but maybe that is just my superstition.

The cool thing about magick is you get to reprogram your psyche. 😉
Yeah, I was brought up roman catholic, too...but the system of magik the golden dawn teaches is a harmonic balancing of light and dark...when in the dmt trance, these themes come up a lot..I read somewhere that a buddhist monk said DMT is the Bardo ( a gateway to the other side) the magikal teachings, as far as I am concerned, show a navagational chart through these psychadelic waters...
I became interested in Buddhism and the possibility of retraining the soul to become a magician...

imagine, two pillars,,,one black, the other, white..
hold the image in your mind, and as it stabilizes, flip the positions of the pillars...
the metaphorical aspects should be pretty obvious..

I've read multiple reports of folks having to decide between dark and light in a DMT trance,,,do not indulge this choice, and remain centered, it takes great strength,,but the power derived, and gifts given are tremendous...
Interesting you bring up the polarity.
For the first time the other night my friend said he found himself in a very dark place. Not dark as in evil, but it wasn't lit up like all the other places he's been. In the past, he tells me that love was a huge factor. He would love to balance out the intensity of the experience of universal integration.
He tells me that on the solstice, he tried to love but it proved to be almost pointless.


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