Rising Star
I would like to 'try' to state as simply as possible the basic differences between the psychonaut and Curandero/ Shaman. Links have been provided, so use them!
1. A psychonaut is a term that has a rather broad meaning, (to also include); someone on a curious yet 'lighthearted' path of self discovery, who uses various psychadelic or Entheogenic substances, for mind exploration, to either encounter a different perspective; or to essentially 'remove the layers of his mental conditioning' at a rapid rate, to delve into aspects of his consciousness, so as to encounter what one could assume to be his, 'divine essence'.(He may not have made a 'divine encounter' his intention, but this can often be the end result with Entheogens, as they are believed to 'dissolve the ego')
So, for example; using passive methods like 'drinking Ayahausca' and seeing where it takes him, he may encounter an altered perspective/ or glimpse of his 'true essence'.
Because of this he might become fascinated in learning more about spirituality; develop an interest in Entheogens; and often question his duty and place, in the universe.
Now he may decide at some point that he has seen enough to satisfy his curiosity and that he never really wanted a deep experience anyway (now that he knows what it's like), or may venture deeper along the path of self discovery, developing patience and serious intentions, very similar to a Monk or Shaman (see part 2): leading him to possibly incorporate new tools/skills.
2. Curandero/ Shaman , is not such an easy category to define. It 'could' be considered to be more like an 'advanced/ upgraded version' of a psychonaut, combining 'serious intention'; deeper understanding; and skilled abilities, with a goal to be able to work within the *'spiritual, energetic, or unconscious realms'.
*(If you consider them as such; supposedly to go to work in '^such realms', using skills that they have learnt, and in doing so make changes in what we call the 'real world' )
They exist in many different forms all over the world with different 'titles'; often, (but not always) using a variety of 'tools'/ Entheogens, and often perform different duties. Endlessness says, that some may be even be like Psychonauts (see part 1), on their own introspective paths of self discovery. ( Perhaps this is them in 'training mode'? )
A few examples:
Some may learn skills to supposedly enable them to find lost objects; make predictions of the future; or help with hunting, etc. The list goes on!
Amazonian Curandero's can supposedly diagnose illness and cure it with the help of 'plant spirits' that they communicate with, thanks to the help of strict 'dietas'; Ayahuasca drinking; icaros; and mapaccho tobacco.
>This is a simple template for what is a very complex topic that involves many different cultures, so please feel free to correct me where you can.

1. A psychonaut is a term that has a rather broad meaning, (to also include); someone on a curious yet 'lighthearted' path of self discovery, who uses various psychadelic or Entheogenic substances, for mind exploration, to either encounter a different perspective; or to essentially 'remove the layers of his mental conditioning' at a rapid rate, to delve into aspects of his consciousness, so as to encounter what one could assume to be his, 'divine essence'.(He may not have made a 'divine encounter' his intention, but this can often be the end result with Entheogens, as they are believed to 'dissolve the ego')
So, for example; using passive methods like 'drinking Ayahausca' and seeing where it takes him, he may encounter an altered perspective/ or glimpse of his 'true essence'.
Because of this he might become fascinated in learning more about spirituality; develop an interest in Entheogens; and often question his duty and place, in the universe.
Now he may decide at some point that he has seen enough to satisfy his curiosity and that he never really wanted a deep experience anyway (now that he knows what it's like), or may venture deeper along the path of self discovery, developing patience and serious intentions, very similar to a Monk or Shaman (see part 2): leading him to possibly incorporate new tools/skills.
2. Curandero/ Shaman , is not such an easy category to define. It 'could' be considered to be more like an 'advanced/ upgraded version' of a psychonaut, combining 'serious intention'; deeper understanding; and skilled abilities, with a goal to be able to work within the *'spiritual, energetic, or unconscious realms'.
*(If you consider them as such; supposedly to go to work in '^such realms', using skills that they have learnt, and in doing so make changes in what we call the 'real world' )
They exist in many different forms all over the world with different 'titles'; often, (but not always) using a variety of 'tools'/ Entheogens, and often perform different duties. Endlessness says, that some may be even be like Psychonauts (see part 1), on their own introspective paths of self discovery. ( Perhaps this is them in 'training mode'? )
A few examples:
Some may learn skills to supposedly enable them to find lost objects; make predictions of the future; or help with hunting, etc. The list goes on!
Amazonian Curandero's can supposedly diagnose illness and cure it with the help of 'plant spirits' that they communicate with, thanks to the help of strict 'dietas'; Ayahuasca drinking; icaros; and mapaccho tobacco.
>This is a simple template for what is a very complex topic that involves many different cultures, so please feel free to correct me where you can.