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Some general questions

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Nexus,

SWIM first got in touch with the holy molecule about 3 years ago in the Rainforests of Peru when SWIM and his Girlfriend drank the Ayahuasca Brew together with a befriended shaman. Since last year SWIM is reading nearly everything in this Forum and he's now decided to pull his first few mgs of this wonderfull and yet powerfull substance.

But SWIM still has some question about the whole extraction process. SWIM has seen how active and friendly all psychonauts and chemists ( :) ) in this forum write and hopes to get some answers.

SWIM decided to use a STB-Extraction because SWIM doesnt like too much acid in his house. What is actually the best fluid to delute the DMT after breaking the MHRB? I know Naphtha is a very general word and every brand puts other stuff inside it (and its actually hard to get here on Alpha Centauri).

What solute is SWIY using? Heptan/Hexan/Toluole or something else? Whith which substance does SWIY have the biggest yields?

What is the best way to heat the solute (as some dangerous gases can develop while heating)?

How much time should SWIM give the heatet solute to catch the Spice? (What are SWIY's experiences?)

How cold (in c°) has SWIM's freezer to be? (Because SWIM has an old freezer that is not THAT powerfull)

Maybe some more questions will arise as soon as SWIM starts trying arround.

SWIM is very happy that he found this forum and wishes you a sunny afternoon ;)

A Space Nomad
SWIM decided to use a STB-Extraction because SWIM doesnt like too much acid in his house.
Well, the base is so much worse, actually. An A/B-procedure contains one acid step, but you only have a pH of about 4, when you in a standard STB have a huge excess of base. Just wanted to make sure you knew this. STBs are easier for beginners, so go for it.

What is actually the best fluid to delute the DMT after breaking the MHRB? I know Naphtha is a very general word and every brand puts other stuff inside it (and its actually hard to get here on Alpha Centauri). What solute is SWIY using? Heptan/Hexan/Toluole or something else? Whith which substance does SWIY have the biggest yields?
Dilute? You use a solvent to dissolve the freebase DMT which works because of it's insolubility in water. Heavy naphtha is about the best you can use for pulling from the bark, but it also pulls a lot of other stuff, and it freezes bad. Light naphtha pulls good amounts of spice as well as a little less amounts of impurities. It freezes good and evaporates alright, highly recommend it. If you can, I also suggest you get some pure n-heptane or n-hexane, for recrystallizations! Don't use xylene/toluene, they will pull "jungle spice".
Before you use your naphtha/heptane you should do an evaporation test to make sure it's clean.

What is the best way to heat the solute (as some dangerous gases can develop while heating)?
This is a bit misleading. The danger would be your solvent evaporating, and the vapors can ignite. Use a heating method that does not involve any open flames or sparks, a heat bath is a great idea.

How much time should SWIM give the heatet solute to catch the Spice? (What are SWIY's experiences?)
It's not as much about time as it is about mixing. I roll it around firmly for 3 minutes and then let it separate. This I repeat three times. You will quickly learn how roughly you can handle your solution without emulsions forming.

How cold (in c°) has SWIM's freezer to be? (Because SWIM has an old freezer that is not THAT powerfull)
Colder is better. If you're at or below -20°C you're fine.
Thank you west-en!

Yeah sorry about the dillute sollute solvent stuff ;) I have to grab my english dictionary all the time when i am reading about the chemical stuff here.

So best would be to use light naphtha for pulling (do i just have to pull more times to get the same amount like heavy naphtha or is it impossible to reach the same amount with light naphtha?) and then use n-hept/hexane for recrystallization?



Ou one more question:
Is it possible to reuse (recycle) the used Naphtha/n-Heptane after pulling/recr. ?
Generally speaking you could google the EC/ CAS numbers on the container to see what exactly is in your solvent of choice. A light Naphta/ Octane mixture seems capable of pulling well too.

Reusing is recommended as that way it is possible to catch any spice that still is in solution after the freeze. I suspect it is possible to pull the same amount, but it you may need to do an extra pull. It's a bit trial and error. Probably best to try different teks and different solvents to see what works best.
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