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Some serious questions.....Please help!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
First of all I'd like to say hello everyone and thank you in advance for your input/answers.
here it goes...

About 3 years ago i was diagnosed with a brain tumor, germinoma to be exact. it was located in my pineal gland which turned out to be cancerous. I went threw the whole chemo and radiation deal. the side effects of the tumor caused short term memory loss which is very very bad because the oncologist rendered me disabled because i can't retain any short term memory. on top of that i do not dream anymore. maybe i do dream and if i do i can not remember it. who knows?

Most of my really close friends have used dmt and love it and highly recommend it. from their explanations and my curiosity it is something i really want to experience.

from what i have gathered the dmt that our bodies produces is produced in the pineal gland, right? so here are my questions.. if i were to use dmt what effects if any will it produce? can it harm me if i use it? does my brain even produce it anymore after all that has happened? if i use it will it cause me to not come back or have a seizure or something crazy like that? i know your brain is not to be messed with and there is so much to learn about your brain and how it works etc.. its really hard to lay these questions out for you because i have so many questions about this but it is hard for me to put into words for you guys so please bear with me here. also it's not like i could just ask my oncologist or a my neurologist and say hey i want to try dmt what do you think, doc?

so please ny input or facts would totally help i have searched online for answers but to no avail. Thank you all again i really appreciate you taking the time to read this as well as your input. if you have any questions for me to help you answer mine please feel free to ask.

Alone said:
from what i have gathered the dmt that our bodies produces is produced in the pineal gland, right? so here are my questions.. if i were to use dmt what effects if any will it produce? can it harm me if i use it? does my brain even produce it anymore after all that has happened? if i use it will it cause me to not come back or have a seizure or something crazy like that? i know your brain is not to be messed with and there is so much to learn about your brain and how it works etc..

Well, I'm going to venture that you are the only one on these boards that can answer those questions, and that the only way to learn about anything is to mess with it.
My first guess is that you would react about like any other person would.
Second, that you would have no reaction whatsoever to it.
I doubt you'd be any more prone to strong physiological effects like seisures than anyone else.
The only common physiological effect of DMT is moderately elevated heart rate and blood pressure.
That's all based on no medical training whatsoever, BTW, so take it with that grain.
It sounds like a very unique situation to be in but swim thinks DMT won't do you any harm. But to be on the safe side experiment with low doses in the company of friends who are keeping an eye on you. Raised blood pressure is the main physical risk but play it safe dose low then build and hopefully you will be able to enjoy the spice.
You said you cant really ask your doctor about smoking dmt, and maybe indeed smoking dmt would sound straight away too extreme to normal doctors... but... nowadays people are becoming more and more open to holistic/alternative therapies.. what if you say you heard of some amazonian drink called ayahuasca (which contains dmt, btw), and that there are ocasional reports of it possibly helping in cancer, that you would really like to try it but if he thinks that this dmt thing might be a problem.. If he says it could be a problem, ask if there is any evidence for it, any known cases, or if its a personal opinion..


Send an email to Rick Strassman and/or Charles Grob, two very good doctors who work with these psychedelic substances, they might have a better idea on your specific case and if its any danger.. They are busy people, though, so its not for sure that you will be answered, but give it a try, im sure their recommendation is worth more than that of anybody here, me included :)

Personally, I think you will not really have a problem, as the people above said, but thats just a guess and it shouldnt be taken as a recommendation.. Keep researching, and do tell us any updates on your situation..

All the best for you!

edit: the connection between pineal gland and dmt is only a hypothesis, its not proven.. what is known is that our bodies produce trace amounts of dmt during normal human metabolism but the connection with the pineal is uncertain, it might have nothing to do with it at all..
Well i don't have much knowledge in anything like this but it seems that since your smoking it, i dont think it will really have anything to do with the gland itself maybe? I would've thought that smoking it passes it straight into your blood, but im just giving my opinion. I cannot provide any factual information :(

But good luck in any decision you make!
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