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Some Spice Floating In Naphtha After 18hr Freeze

Migrated topic.

A Lucid Dream

Rising Star
Hello everyone, I'm new to the extraction process and was following Cyb's Hybrid ATB Salt Tek. I followed the tek step by step. However, I did one big pull instead of multiple small pulls. (I realize now that's not the best way to do it and will do a few small pulls next time.)
After the 18hrs of freeze I was about to take it out of the freezer, but I realized some of the spice is floating in the Naphtha and some of the spice is at the bottom of the container like I imagine it should be. So I didn't take it out of the freezer yet.
What should I do? Should I take it out of the freezer and try my best to pull the Naphtha without sucking up some of the floating spice? Or should I take it out, let the Naphtha evap some while the spice melts back into the Naphtha and then put it back into the freezer?
Just slowly pour off the naptha. Dmt will not always sink to the bottom that is no problem.
Just pour the naptha with dmt right back into the extraction jar and then you wont lose anything if some floats away.
Ulim said:
Just slowly pour off the naptha. Dmt will not always sink to the bottom that is no problem.
Just pour the naptha with dmt right back into the extraction jar and then you wont lose anything if some floats away.

Thank you so much, I don't know why I didn't think about that. Also good to know that DMT won't always sink to the bottom.
Not familiar with that tek but I just pour through a coffee filter. The floaties will get caught in the filter and just let it dry out and dump off the powder. I actually prefer to get it off the filter as opposed ot scraping it off the glass.
abrahamx said:
Not familiar with that tek but I just pour through a coffee filter. The floaties will get caught in the filter and just let it dry out and dump off the powder. I actually prefer to get it off the filter as opposed ot scraping it off the glass.
Interesting, I can see why you'd prefer that over scraping it.
Ulim said:
Just slowly pour off the naptha. Dmt will not always sink to the bottom that is no problem.
Just pour the naptha with dmt right back into the extraction jar and then you wont lose anything if some floats away.

I forgot to ask, do I just extract it normally again after pouring it back into the mixture? How long should I freeze it when I'm ready to extract it again?
A Lucid Dream said:
Ulim said:
Just slowly pour off the naptha. Dmt will not always sink to the bottom that is no problem.
Just pour the naptha with dmt right back into the extraction jar and then you wont lose anything if some floats away.

I forgot to ask, do I just extract it normally again after pouring it back into the mixture? How long should I freeze it when I'm ready to extract it again?

Yes, and AFTER extraction you need to freeze till the dmt becomes unsoluble in the naptha. Depends on the temp of ones freezer I would imagine. Just figure on overnight. 12 hrs might be enough but I would not plan/count on it.
abrahamx said:
A Lucid Dream said:
Ulim said:
Just slowly pour off the naptha. Dmt will not always sink to the bottom that is no problem.
Just pour the naptha with dmt right back into the extraction jar and then you wont lose anything if some floats away.

I forgot to ask, do I just extract it normally again after pouring it back into the mixture? How long should I freeze it when I'm ready to extract it again?

Yes, and AFTER extraction you need to freeze till the dmt becomes unsoluble in the naptha. Depends on the temp of ones freezer I would imagine. Just figure on overnight. 12 hrs might be enough but I would not plan/count on it.

I see, I'll probably do another 18hrs or so then. One more question, I promise. AFTER I pour it back into the mixture, should I let the DMT melt back into the mixture/naphtha before extracting? Or should I extract it right after the naphtha becomes a separate layer from the mixture? Thanks for being so patient with me, btw.
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